Keeping you informed about aircraft noise.

MKE Airfield Update Newsletter
August 2020

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Thank you for reading the MKE Airfield Update! This newsletter is intended to keep you up-­to-­date on airfield construction projects, regular maintenance, and special events that could impact the standard flow of arriving or departing air traffic.

MKE is open with facemasks required.
All individuals (including travelers, visitors, employees, and contractors) are required to wear a face covering upon entering the terminal.
Airports are essential for the movement of passengers and cargo, especially during times of emergency. The Air Cargo operation remains busy as more consumers shop online. Precious cargo on these flights includes critical medical and food supplies. Private aircraft continue to use both Mitchell and Timmerman, and the 128th Air Refueling Wing depends on our airfield. We salute the outstanding essential Milwaukee County airport employees who are taking all necessary precautions and continuing to work around the clock during these difficult times.  More information on the Airport's COVID-19 response is available here:  MKE Airport Service Alert (COVID-19)

Here is an update of some major airfield construction projects that are taking place this summer/fall, along with regular airfield maintenance:
  • The summer construction/rehabilitation projects on the airfield which began April 1st are now completed and operations have resumed to normal.
  • There will be intermittent closures during daytime hours for regular maintenance work.  Runways generally remain open during nights and weekends.
The Howell Avenue tunnel rehabilitation project has been completed.

Timmerman Airport will hold its 8th Annual Spot Landing Contest on Saturday,  September 12th at 10:00 A.M. (Rain date is September 19th).

MKE is in the middle of a project to update the Airport Master Plan that will guide future development of the Airport.  This plan will define a roadmap for incremental development to meet future aviation demand and other airport needs.  Visit the MKE Master Plan website!
Thank you for reading about the latest airfield happenings at MKE. If you are not on our mailing list, click the "Subscribe" button at the end of this newsletter. Please share with your neighbors; perhaps they would like to receive this newsletter as well.

MKE Runway Layout

Runway 7R/25L

Runway 1L/19R

Runway 1R/19L

Runway 13/31

Runway 7L/25R
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©2020 Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport

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