Check out the August edition of our monthly outreach to Michigan Legislators where we continue to educate them on the value of our libraries and the critical role of library staff. Our monthly letters include information on programs and services that libraries provide, education on library funding, the return on investment for our communities, stats and fun facts about library usage and more.
Libraries are more than just books!

Emerging in Michigan and around the world is the “Library of Things.” The Michigan Library Association is excited to share with you how this movement has become a natural evolution of the library’s lending model and an extension of the various makerspaces available to residents inside our libraries.

This emerging trend gives people access to a huge spectrum of items, from board games, party supplies and tennis rackets to saws, guitars, kitchen appliances, turntables, clothing and tents. Residents can check out cake pans, museum passes, tablets, snowshoes, kayaks, telescopes and microscopes, art supplies, bikes, leaf blowers, American Girl dolls, fishing rods, projectors, frisbees and wiffle balls, knitting needles, mobile hot spot devices, electric pianos, sewing machines, e-readers, ukuleles, GoPro cameras, and so much more.

What is so wonderful about the Library of Things is how it reduces barriers for entrepreneurs, creatives, and lifelong learners by providing access to a wide variety of “things.” It also supports the "sharing economy" and local community sustainability efforts, since having libraries loan needed items means less waste all around. These fun and creative collections offer an opportunity to "try before you buy," saving money in the long run.

We hope that you recognize the myriad of opportunities that our libraries play in the heart of every community – as community centers, places to read, plays to gather and socialize, places to study, and places to learn. Michigan residents love their libraries and all the “things” they have available to loan.

Check it out….literally!
Deborah E. Mikula
Executive Director
Michigan Library Association