MLA’s “Primary Source” is an exclusive, first-hand account of the latest news and announcements from the staff of the Michigan Library Association.
Hard to believe, but here we are…almost 6 months into this global pandemic. There is so much to still take in on a daily basis but I think the waters have calmed enough for us to get another gulp of air. I am hopeful that a second wave is not in our immediate future.
MLA continues to monitor your progress and while some of your libraries have opened your physical doors to limited visitation by patrons, many of you are still in curbside and virtual mode…and that is okay…each community has different challenges and must act according to what is best for them. We commend you, wherever you are in the continuum of your services, on how well you have improvised, adapted and continue to overcome obstacles. Read more
Happy 129th Birthday MLA!
On September 1, MLA will celebrate 129 years of serving the Michigan library community!
MLA is Michigan’s oldest and largest library association spanning more than a century. It has influenced the course of Michigan’s libraries since its inception in 1891, when Mary A. Eddy, the librarian at Coldwater Free Public Library, wrote to Henry M. Utley of the Detroit Public Library about organizing a state library association. May MLA continue to serve Michigan Libraries for another 129 years and beyond!
Nominations for MLA Board Open September 25
The call for nominations for candidates for the 2021 Board of Directors Election will open Friday, September 25.
Do you know someone who would be a great addition to the MLA Board of Directors?
On September 25, MLA will open the call for nominations seeking candidates for the 2021 Board of Directors.
The Nominating and Leadership Development Committee (NLDC) will be seeking nominations/self-nominations for three member-at-large directors as well as the President-elect position, with terms beginning in July 2021 and ending in June 2024.
Service on the MLA Board is an outstanding way to contribute to the organization and to make a positive impact on our library community. The board is entrusted with setting the strategic direction and policies that govern the association’s activities. It is an active board and expects its members to take an engaged role in the association.
MLA Executive Director Debbie Mikula joined Scott Duimstra, Executive Director of the Capital Area District Libraries (and MLA's Secretary/Treasurer) for CADL's awesome podcast "CADL Cast" to talk about all the great resources they offer for students and job seekers. Check it out!
MLA Annual Membership Meeting Notice
Notice is hereby given to MLA members that the Annual Meeting will take place during MLA 2020 Virtual Conference on Thursday, October 29, 2020 from 2:45 to 3:45pm via Zoom. MLA 2020 Virtual Conference registration is not required to attend the annual meeting and all members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Members will receive an invitation with the Zoom link to attend the meeting in early October. Watch for more information in our September newsletter.
Share the Stories of Your Library Cards
Thank you all for sharing your library cards and artwork with MLA. Your response has been fantastic! I have had so much fun opening each of the email attachments and I get excited when the mail arrives with your unique library cards inside.
Along with some of the cards I have also received a few notes explaining how the cards were designed, or how new ideas came to life based on the design of your library cards.
Whatever your story may be, I am guessing there are a lot more of them out there and MLA would LOVE to hear about it. Please email me your library card stories in 100 words or less, highlighting something special or unique about your library card(s).
Please put: Library Card Story in the subject line
And if you haven't already, please share the artwork for your library cards! We are also asking that you send a blank library card or two.
You can send an image of the front of your library card as a jpg, png or pdf file to Mail actual cards to: MLA, 3410 Belle Chase Way, Suite 100, Lansing, MI 48911
Thanks for all you do!
Lisa Buttigieg
Administrative Assistant
MLA Educational Event Scholarships Available
The Michigan Library Association is committed to promoting and advancing the library profession. To demonstrate this commitment, MLA provides close to $10,000 annually for librarians and support staff at any Michigan library to attend MLA events. There are two specific funds that provide scholarships – the MLA Education Fund and the MLA/MALC Academic Library Fund.
MLA is dedicated to making our educational opportunities as accessible to library professionals as possible, especially those facing economic uncertainty. If you are an MLA member who has been laid-off or furloughed during 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and would like to attend an upcoming event, please submit a scholarship application to MLA as soon as possible. The application is quick and easy to submit!
MLA Education Fund
MLA has a scholarship fund to assist with defraying costs for attending MLA workshops, educational events and the annual conference.
MLA/MALC Academic Library Fund
When the Michigan Academic Library Council (MALC) ceased operation, their bylaws stipulated that any remaining assets must be transferred to another 501©3 organization. MALC graciously chose MLA to receive the funds. This academic scholarship fund will assist with defraying costs for attending MLA workshops, educational events and the annual conference.
Annual Conference 2020:
September 25, 2020
New Director’s Academy 2021:
January 22, 2021
Spring Institute for Youth Services 2021:
February 12, 2021
Workshops 2021:
March 12, 2021
Mentor Program Autumn Cohort Now Accepting Applications
Applications for mentees accepted through September 11, 2020. Interested in being a mentor? Apply at any time throughout the year to be placed in our mentor matching pool. Learn more about the program and apply at
The MLA Mentor Program is a trusted resource for emerging professionals and leaders to foster bidirectional professional development and growth. Our redesigned mentorship program for 2020 increases the impact and engagement of mentors and mentees throughout the state.
The Mentor program creates structured relationships that last for six months and provides mentors and mentees with a cohort of others at similar places within their careers. Participants set their own goals and objectives and MLA provides resources beneficial to both parties.
Mentee applications are accepted through September 11, 2020 for the Autumn cohort and the program will begin in October 2020. Mentor applications are accepted year-round to be placed in our mentor pool. We invite you to be a part of this free benefit to MLA membership. You never know where it might take you.
MLA Receives MCACA Emergency Relief Fund Grant
MLA recently received a Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs (MCACA) Emergency Relief Fund Grant. MLA was awarded $2,500 which will help us continue in our mission to lead the advancement of all Michigan libraries through advocacy, education and engagement.
MCACA awarded Emergency Relief Fund Grants to nonprofit arts and cultural organizations throughout Michigan to provide relief from the negative financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
We would like to take the opportunity to thank MCACA and our legislators for their continued support.
This grant provides much-needed resources at this unprecedented time in history. These dollars will support our efforts to help libraries throughout Michigan continue to provide free and open access to information, promote literacy and continue to serve as centers for learning and self-discovery.
Check out available resources on the MLA website or click the photos below to download reopening graphics to use at your library.
October is Michigan Library Appreciation Month
Get ready to celebrate Michigan Library Appreciation Month! This October we are celebrating Michigan libraries and library staff and highlighting all the many ways libraries facilitate exploration and discovery!
During these unprecedented times, Michigan libraries have expanded their access to digital content and found innovative ways to continue their programming virtually.
Help us highlight the amazing work our libraries continue to do to support our communities, and promote all of the amazing virtual, digital and distance programs, services and collections available and waiting for Michigan library patrons to discover.
Join us in participating in Michigan Library Appreciation Month and help us bring awareness to our libraries and the valuable role libraries, librarians, and library workers play in continuing to serve our communities.
We will offer several ways libraries, library staff and patrons can get involved. This month we ask that you submit the Michigan Library Appreciation Month proclamation to your local elected officials to give them time to proclaim their support! Issuing a proclamation can sometimes take a few months but it's simple to do:
- Identify a council member, mayor or supervisor to sponsor the proclamation. Contact information can be found on your local city, county or township website
Watch for our media kit, resources and easy ways to participate next month and plan to join the celebration to highlight Michigan libraries, librarians, and library workers all October long!
MLA 2020-2011 Advocacy Action Plan
The MLA Advocacy and Legislative Committee finalized the 2020-2021 Action Plan. The plan outlines the top legislative priorities on both a State and Federal level as well as an advocacy plan to promote the value of libraries and librarians to both legislators and the general public.
Executive Orders: The Latest Update
MLA continues to follow the Governor's Executive Orders to monitor their impact on libraries. Here is the status and a short recap of Executive Orders of note to libraries as of August 27, 2020:
EO 2020-172 - Protecting workers who stay home, stay safe when they or their close contacts are sick
This Executive Order prohibits employers from discharging, disciplining, or retaliating against employees who make the responsible choice to stay home when they or their close contacts are sick. Under this Executive Order, employers must treat employees who stay home when they are sick as if he or she were taking medical leave.
EO 2020-165 - Declaration of the State of Emergency and state of disaster-related to the COVID-19 pandemic effective immediately and continuing through September 4, 2020, at 11:59 pm.
State of Michigan Budget...Better "Bad" News
In May 2020, Michigan was staring at a $3.1 billion budget hole in the FY 2020 budget. After a third Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on Monday, August 24, the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 hole is now estimated at approximately a $936 million loss, based on updated state revenue numbers.
In better news comparatively, the FY 2021 revenue hole is approximately $384 million in the General Fund with a $12.4 million hole in the School Aid Fund. But economists are now projecting that the combined FY 2021 and FY 2022 revenue shortage will create a combined $4.2 billion hole that is unlikely to be fixed without federal support.
What has changed from May to August? Roughly $43.3 billion in federal COVID-19 assistance through the Paycheck Protection Program, the $600-a-week unemployment boost and other federal aid. All of these have contributed to the state income tax and sales tax dollars collections.
And at the same time….
- Income tax payments that had been delayed from April 15 to July 15 came back $200 million better than previously expected.
- Automotive production recovered faster than expected.
- The impact of the federal CARES Act on revenue was underestimated.
- Spending on taxable goods is higher than expected.
But concerns still exist - including a COVID-19 second wave, closed businesses, and hundreds of thousands of people out of work. What concerns State of Michigan Budget Director Chris Kolb most, however, is the budget hole in FY 2022 which is projected to be in the "billions of dollars" barring the addition of more federal revenue.
Overall, Kolb said that the combined economic impact is a $4.2 billion revenue loss for FY 2021 and FY 2022.
Michigan Cultural Institutions Unite to Promote Importance of Arts and Culture Funding
With the upcoming state budget discussions looming, the Cultural Advocacy Network of Michigan (CAN) has been actively advocating the past few weeks. You will be proud to note that libraries have been amplifying their voices, sharing the importance of state aid to libraries and their contribution to our communities.
CAN is a relatively new advocacy organization of statewide associations that represent the full breadth of cultural interests in each of our communities, including libraries, arts organizations, festivals, historical societies, museums and historic preservation.
A series of hour-long regional meetings (by Zoom) took place with legislators from the Southwest Region, Wayne County, Oakland County, Midland/Saginaw Counties, Kent County, Clinton/Eaton/Ingham/Jackson Counties, Genesee/Bay Counties, and Macomb County and many MLA members took part. The meetings gave our arts/cultural and library leaders in each of these regions an opportunity to meet their legislators and share how COVID-19 has impacted libraries, communities, and the services they provide. It also gave them a chance to share the importance of state funding from a number of sources including State Aid for Libraries from the Library of Michigan, grants through the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, and promotion of state historic preservation tax credits.
Special shout-out to our library members from those regions that took time to participate and share their thoughts:
- Miriam Andrus, Grace A. Dow Memorial Library, Midland
- Scott Duimstra, Capital Area District Libraries
- Julie Farkas, Novi Public Library
Randy Goble, Kent District Library
- Jenny Marr, Ferndale Area District Library
Larry Neal, Clinton-Macomb Public Library
- Cathy Russ, Troy Public Library
- Kay Schwartz, Flint Public Library
- Kristin Shelley, East Lansing Public Library
- Jason Shoup, Jackson District Library
- Ryan Wieber, Kalamazoo Public Library
- Representation from the Dearborn Public Library
REALM Test 3 Complete - Updated Recommendations
We continue to learn more every day about the novel coronavirus and what best practices we should adopt to best safeguard against the possible spread of COVID-19.
On August 18, the REopening Archives, Libraries and Museums (REALM) project published the results of the third round of Battelle’s laboratory testing for COVID-19 on five plastic-based materials: talking book USB cassettes, DVD, storage bags, storage containers, and plexiglass.
Compared to the results of Test 1 and 2, this data set suggests that a slightly longer quarantine time for some plastic-based materials may be required to render SARS-CoV-2 undetectable through natural attenuation alone. However, because the materials are nonporous, a liquid disinfectant could be used instead of a prolonged quarantine period.
Since early May, as part of the REALM project research, Battelle has conducted three phases (or tests) to provide information on how long some commonly handled library materials would generally need to be quarantined in order for the virus to be undetectable.
Based on the Test 3 results, MLA recommends that any plastic products (DVD’s, storage bags and containers, plexiglass, etc.) be quarantined for at least 5 days or cleaned thoroughly with liquid disinfectant prior to re-lending.
MLA continues to recommend that all Michigan libraries quarantine any paper products (hardcover and paperback books, magazines, archival folders, etc.) for 4 days (96 hours).
MLA Outreach to Superintendents
MLA has urged members of the Board of the Michigan Association of Superintendents & Administrators to support Michigan’s 1.5 million students by maintaining or increasing certified school librarians in all 894 Michigan school districts. We stand united with the Michigan Association for Media in Education (MAME) in our efforts to refocus attention on this critical and essential resource for our children.
During these unprecedented times of a global pandemic, superintendents in each of our school districts have the ability and the authority needed to make significant changes to stop the downsizing of school libraries and librarians. We asked the association to help bring focus and direction to this challenge as it related to their own advocacy priorities and asked them to maintain and increase their support of keeping libraries and librarians as a part of the school day.
We reiterated that librarians are a critical and essential resource for our children, and asked that the Michigan Association of Superintendents & Administrators advocate strongly to maintain and increase support for school libraries and certified school librarians.
Library Stabilization Fund Act Outreach Continues
MLA continued outreach to our federal legislators with a letter urging them to cosponsor the Library Stabilization Fund Act (S. 4181 / H.R. 7486).
This legislation, supported by ALA and introduced by U.S. Rep Andy Levin (D-MI-9) would provide $2 billion for libraries administered through the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The legislation would keep nearly 370,000 library workers on the job, defray costs related to safe reopening, and support a range of library services to millions of patrons, including:
High-speed internet access and digital literacy training
- Resources to facilitate remote learning for educators and students of all ages.
- Employment assistance, from resume writing to job search and career skills training
- Support in applying for government services such as veteran’s benefits, unemployment assistance, and medical coverage
- Programs that foster early literacy, entrepreneurship, and lifelong learning
Please continue to send letters to your federal legislators asking them to cosponsor this $2 billion fund that addresses financial losses to libraries throughout the country. Learn more at
Legislator Outreach - New Monthly Newsletter
Beginning in September, MLA will be sharing a monthly communication with our elected officials where we will continue to educate them on the value of our libraries and the critical role of library staff. These monthly updates will include information on programs and services that libraries provide, education on library funding and the return on investment for our communities, stats and fun facts about library usage, and more. Each month our outreach will include an ask to our legislators; to support libraries, connect with their local libraries for a coffee hour or storytime or share information in their constituent newsletters.
It is so important that we continue to stay in front of our elected officials with reminders of the amazing and valuable programs and services libraries provide that are beyond just books, and perhaps even more important right now, that they are beyond just buildings.
Watch for ways to get involved and please be ready to follow up with your elected officials so we can amplify our messaging and facilitate these important relationships.
Absentee Voting Information for Patrons
Please consider sharing the following article and graphics, provided by the State of Michigan, on absentee voting with your patrons via your website, newsletter and/or social media.
Absent Voter Ballot Application Period Begins
The application period to request an absent voter ballot for the Nov. 3 general election is now open and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson encourages voters to sign up to vote absentee and return their ballots as early as possible. Here is what you need to know:
All registered voters can apply for an absent voter ballot and may do so by filling out an online form at and providing information including their driver’s license or state ID card number and the last four digits of their Social Security number.
- Alternatively, voters may print out an application form from the site and send it, or a written, signed request for a ballot, to their clerk. They can mail their request, email a scan or photo of it or deliver it in person. Voters can find their clerk’s contact information at
Voters with print disabilities may apply online for an accessible electronic absent voter ballot at or The accessible ballot can be completed electronically, printed and returned to their clerk.
Clerks will begin mailing out regular absent voter ballots on Sept. 24. They will be available for early, in-person voting in clerks’ offices on that date as well. A ballot-tracking tool on the site allows voters to check when their clerk received their absentee ballot request, when they mailed out the ballot and when they received the ballot back from the voter.
Voters applying for absent voter ballots online or through the mail should do as soon as possible. After Oct. 19, voters are advised to go to their clerk’s office in person if possible, where they can receive their ballot and vote it while they are there.
Voters have until 8 p.m. on Election Day to complete their absentee ballot and return it to the clerk’s office. It is recommended that voters deliver their ballot as early as possible to a drop box if their clerk has one, to the clerk’s office in person or by mail at least two weeks ahead of the election.
For more information on absentee voting, or to register to vote, go to
Archived MLA Connect Coffee Hour: Library Culture
Jocelyn Giangrande, M.A., SPHR, CCDP, SHRM-SCP
Last week we welcomed Jocelyn Giangrande as a special guest on our MLA Connect Coffee Hour to discuss library culture and building awareness around equity, diversity and inclusion.
Register for MLA 2020 Virtual Conference
The Michigan Library Association 2020 conference theme is "Charting a New Course, Together" and this October 28 and 29, we are doing just that at our first ever all virtual conference! You're invited to join the adventure and help us chart a new course!
MLA 2020 Virtual Registration Options
MLA's annual conference is an opportunity for library staff to gain new skills, explore emerging trends, and make important connections with colleagues and vendors.
The online format of MLA 2020 Virtual Conference offers a unique opportunity to make conference attendance accessible to library professionals who may have never had the option to attend an MLA event before.
All levels of staff need and deserve professional development, and each year libraries have to make difficult decisions about how many people they can afford to send to conference--especially when facing budget cuts and travel restrictions.
This year, we're pleased to offer a group pass option for our organizational members at a deep discount in addition to individual registration passes. Our virtual conference group pass packages will allow staff from all levels, roles, and career stages to attend for a flat fee, regardless of their MLA membership status.
The cost for group passes is less than the travel, lodging, and registration expenses to send just a handful of employees to an in-person conference, and your staff at all levels could each have access to dozens of hours of quality professional development.
Organizational group passes are only available to MLA organizational members. Individual registration rates are dependent on MLA membership status.
View detailed information along with guidance to help you select the registration option that works best for you at
This year we are offering four tracks to help you organize your educational experience. Attend sessions in one track, or choose your own adventure by mixing and matching educational programs. Check out the lineup of education sessions.
Sessions focus on concepts, programs, or services new to libraries and/or what’s trending for the new decade.
Sessions focus on services and programs that engage staff, patrons, and/or the community with the goal of improving library services.
Sessions focus on how libraries re-think and adapt services and programs to the changing needs of staff, patrons, and/or the community.
Sessions focus on how library staff, patrons, and/or community can lead others towards inspiring solutions and healthy choices.
Opening Keynote
With Beth Ziesenis
Afternoon Keynote
With State Superintendent Dr. Michael Rice
All-Conference Session
With Author Alicia D. Williams
Morning Keynote
With Dr. Ernest Morrell
Closing Keynote
With Author and Musician Wesley Stace
MLA 2020 Virtual Conference provides the ideal environment for connecting with vendors. Browse for products and services in the virtual expo hall and connect with vendors in virtual booths featuring both live stream and chat options as well as prerecorded videos, special offers and more.
MLA 2020 Virtual and Fall Institute for Youth Services Preconference will be hosted using Hopin.
Add an MLA 2020 Virtual Facebook Profile Frame
Add an MLA 2020 Virtual Conference frame to your Facebook profile picture and help spread the word, get excited and show your support.
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Annual Conference is supported in part by the Library of Michigan with federal funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Service
Fall Institute for Youth Services Virtual Preconference
Fall Institute for Youth Services Virtual Preconference will be held on October 27, 2020 leading into the MLA 2020 Virtual Conference on October 28 and 29.
The MLA Fall Institute 2020 theme is People First. By focusing on the needs of our patrons and staff as a top priority and placing a high value on respect, we can empower growth within our communities regardless of our role within the library. Fall Institute 2020 will aim to educate and honor library staff and patrons through people-first practices in hiring, advocacy, displays, programs and collections.
Please note group pricing is not currently available for the Fall Institute preconference.
Vendor and Sponsor Opportunities
Do you offer products and services for libraries? Don't miss the opportunity to connect with hundreds of library staff at the MLA 2020 Virtual Conference and the Fall Institute for Youth Service Preconference. Exhibit in the virtual expo hall, become an event sponsor with one of our new and improved virtual sponsorship opportunities, and advertise with an all-new digital advertising package. Support our libraries by sharing the invitation to partner with us with your vendors!
MLA 2020 Virtual Conference
Fall Institute Preconference
Support the premier conference for youth library services in Michigan through an exclusive Preconference sponsorship, or exhibit in our Virtual Expo hall!
Michigan Library Awards Virtual Gala
The Michigan Library Awards is the Michigan library community's very own version of the Academy Awards, the Emmys, the Grammys, and the Tonys!
This October 29, you're invited to join us for the Michigan Library Awards Virtual Gala. Co-hosted by the Michigan Library Association, Michigan Association for Media in Education (MAME) and the Michigan Academic Library Association (MiALA), this event is free to attend and will take place during MLA 2020 Virtual Conference on Thursday, October 29 from 6:30 - 8:00pm.
The celebration begins with a virtual Red Carpet Cocktail Party! Join the virtual festivities from 6:00 - 6:30pm then tune into the award ceremony from 6:30 - 8:00pm. Hosted by author and musician Wesley Stace, this fun event will feature entertainment and special guest appearances as we unveil the winners of the Rising Star, Frances H. Pletz Award for Excellence in Service to Youth, Heart of a Champion, Support Staff of the Year, Legislator of the Year, Public Librarian of the Year, Academic Librarian of the Year, School Librarian of the Year and Lifetime Achievement Award.
Please mark your calendar now and plan to join us as we celebrate the accomplishments, dedication and service of outstanding library staff, trustees and supporters at the can't-miss virtual event for celebrating excellence in the Michigan library community.
MLA Connect provides virtual education and engagement opportunities you can access from anywhere to keep you connected to the library community in Michigan! Missed an MLA Connect event? Check out archived webinars and coffee hours on the MLA website. Please note recordings are provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice.
Save the Date for MLA Advocacy Day 2021: April 20, 2021
Join MLA and hundreds of library advocates from around Michigan next year on April 20! MLA represents the needs of all libraries throughout the state by advocating on their behalf in the Michigan legislature. By participating in MLA’s Advocacy Day you will help establish a stronger voice for the library community in Lansing, develop important relationships with your local legislative leaders, and garner a greater understanding of the processes related to policy-making from individuals involved in the work on a day-to-day basis. Advocacy Day will also give you the chance to network with other MLA members and create opportunities for future collaborations.
Mark your calendars – APRIL 20, 2021 – and join MLA and hundreds of library advocates from around Michigan in Lansing. Start planning now! Arrange a carpool with your library colleagues, talk with your coop about sharing a bus with other libraries in your region. We are excited to meet together in person next year!
Save the Date for 2021 Spring Workshops
Community Collaborations: Healthy Community Initiatives
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Library Human Resources: Drafting Policies That Work
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
The Business of Libraries: Small Business Development
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Cultural Intelligence: Unconscious Bias Affects Everyone
Wednesday, May 05, 2021
Technology: Safety and Security Made Simple
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Executive Summit: Economic Forecasting with Census Data
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Do you have news you want to share? Contact Lisa Buttigieg at to share news of promotions, new hires, appointments, awards or a tribute in memoriam.
Julie Smith joined Branch District Library in 2019 as a public services clerk and is now moving to the interlibrary loan department.
Leo Gillis has been appointed Interim Director of Libraries to the Interlochen Center for the Arts, all the best to you Leo!
Amy Churchill has been selected as the next director of the Lapeer District library, Congratulations Amy!
Superior District Library announced three new managers: Pam Flood, Lori Brownson, and Emily Hyde. SDL is looking forward to all the great energy and ideas each of you will bring to the District.
Marissa Boisclair is excited to join the Genesee District Library system as their Children's Librarian mid-September! She will miss her friends, coworkers, and library families at the Delta Township District and Capital Area District Libraries.
Congratulations to Beth Gourley on her retirement from the Interlochen Center for the Arts.
Wishing all the best to Melissa Malcolm on her retirement from the Lapeer District Library.
Loretta Sherfield is retiring from Branch District Library after 35 years. In addition to her job in the interlibrary loan department, Loretta has run many crafts programs and the library's seed exchange. Her colleagues will miss her creativity, her hard work, and especially her baked goods.
Longtime colleague and Director of Ecorse Public Library and member of The Library Network Board of Trustees Reginald (Reggie) Williams passed away August 14, 2020. He will be sadly missed.
Have a job to post? Members receive deep discounts on job postings through the MLA Career Center job board. Learn more here.
Baldwin Public Library – Birmingham, MI
Saline District Library – Saline, MI
Millington Arbela District Library – Millington, MI
Don't keep this great resource to yourself!
Please share this newsletter with your colleagues and networks.
Connect with MLA on social media! Like and Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest real-time updates from MLA staff, library news, inspirational and educational posts and more! We also ask that you share this invitation with friends and help us extend our reach so important advocacy updates and calls to action are heard by library supporters throughout the state.
Uniting the Michigan Library Community
MLA is proud to partner with organizations serving the library community.