Spring 2022
Alumni Messenger
2022 Commencement Details
We are eager to welcome the MLC Class of 2022 to the ranks of alumni and hope that you will join us in person or online. Commencement and call services are scheduled to occur as "normal" in the LSC Gymnasium at 10 am and 2:30 pm. The assignment list will be available to view on the MLC website shortly after the service concludes.

We also welcome the return of the Alumni Dinner (4:00-6:30 on Friday, May 13 - still just $5) and invite all graduates of MLC, DMLC, NWC, and MLA and their families to come and enjoy the food, fellowship, and presentations. DMLC graduates may be interested in visiting with Prof. Em. John Isch, who recently completed a book about DMLC's last decade (1984-1995). Learn more and register online, or call the Alumni Office at 507.233.9135.

A single sacred concert (performance of Mendelssohn's Elijah) will take place at 7:00 in the Chapel of the Christ. Reservations will be required, with the students and campus family having the first opportunity to reserve. The remaining spots will open to all on April 26 (more details). Both services and the concert will be streamed live and archived. Please check the Commencement webpage regularly for up-to-date details.
Introducing Project Elijah
We are excited to share a free new tool to further equip you as encouragers for the public ministry. The name "Project Elijah" reminds us of how God used Elijah to encourage, train, and mentor his replacement, Elisha.

The downloadable devotions and activities are intended for use with K-8 students. Our recommendation is that each year, you designate the week that includes MLC Day as a ministry recruitment week.

This year's MLC Day is scheduled for Wednesday, May 4. Alumni are again encouraged to celebrate their alma mater by praying for the students, sharing the mission on social media, and giving in support of financial assistance.
Betty Kohn Fieldhouse Fulfilling Its Purpose
One of the key components of the Equipping Christian Witnesses campaign was the construction of an indoor turf facility where students can exercise and practice when the weather limits or prohibits outdoor options.

The recently opened Betty Kohn Fieldhouse stands as a very satisfying fulfillment of that goal. Athletes and coaches have found it particularly helpful during this high-demand spring season. Pictured is the 2022 MLC Softball team.

We thank the Lord and the generous contributors who made it possible. We're also eager to welcome the MLC family to this new facility. Check out the construction timelapse and watch for further details about a dedication being planned for orientation weekend (August 19-21).
Reunions and Alumni Tours Update
Reunion classes are once again converging on campus to reminisce and enjoy treasured time together at their alma mater. Several groups have August and autumn plans. Now is the time for milestone classes to plan their events.

Contact the alumni office (alumni@mlc-wels.edu or 507.233.9135) for assistance. Pictured are DMLC '70 members enjoying a city tour stop at Schell's Brewery.

Sadly, the O Canada and O Canyonlands tours were both O Canceled. Lord willing, we do plan to operate future trips as interest and opportunities intersect. An eight-night Majestic Minnesota tour is being considered for July 16-24. In addition to daily devotion and WELS worship, plans include visits to St. Paul, Lake Itasca, Voyageurs National Park, Soudan Mine, Duluth, the North Shore, Split Rock Lighthouse, and much more. Intrigued? Learn more at this link and join the interest list by April 24.
Alumni Scholarship - Making an Impact
Andrew Grady of Hamilton, Ohio (left), and Nathanael Hintze of New Berlin, Wisconsin (right), are the second set of students to benefit from the MLCAA Endowed Scholarship. Learn more about each of these aspiring ministers of the gospel and how the $1,000 award has encouraged them and lightened their load.

The MLC Alumni Association is currently designating 70% of all gifts to the scholarship and 30% for non-budgeted campus projects. Last year's project is fulfilled, and the new Christian Worship hymnals are in Chapel of the Christ, serving the campus family. We are so grateful for helping make that a reality. An appeal with a new project will be sent this fall. Please consider making a gift and supporting the next generation to follow in your footsteps.
Design the Next Sprinter Shirt
Calling EVERYONE with creative juices! Every year for Homecoming, the MLC Alumni Association hosts the Sprinter Fun Run, and every year there is an epic T-shirt. We are looking for another amazing design for 2022.

In the past, the contest was limited to MLC students, but this year we are opening it up to all ages and are excited to see some cool submissions. Don't delay. Designs are due April 30.

Check out some former designs and then head to this link for full details. If the winner is a student, they will receive a $250 tuition credit. If the winner is not a student, they can select an MLC student who will then receive the $250 credit.
Join the Homecoming Fun Zone Team
The Family Fun Zone (video/pics) and Alumni Registration have become popular traditions that take place on Homecoming Saturday (October 8) after the Sprinter Fun Run.

Do you enjoy planning events? Love helping children and students make memories at your alma mater? We are looking for alumni volunteers who are young at heart and willing to help plan and staff the events.

The group will meet virtually 2-4 times (Google Meet or Zoom) to plan the event and then assist in its operation on Homecoming. Volunteers will receive complimentary MLC swag to represent their school. Ready to join the team? If so, please complete this brief survey.
More Items of Interest to Alumni
Elves and the Shoemaker - Coming soon to the MLC Auditorium stage on Sat, April 30
Holy Week Devotions - Read, listen, or download current or past seasonal devotions
Chapel Worship - Feed your faith with the MLC family (live and archived)
Athletics - Stay up to date on Knights' sports with schedules, results, and rosters
Wind Symphony Tour - Learn more about the May 15-19 trip to WI, MI, and OH
Streams - Watch or listen to live or archived recordings of all 2021-22 concerts
MLC-OPOLY - Learn more and purchase your copy while they last!
Bookstore - Music, merchandise, and more, oh my!
History - Digitized yearbooks, catalogs, and grad photos from MLC, DMLC, NWC, MLA
Gallery - Check out photos from nearly every MLC event since 2004
Facebook - Join 15K MLC family followers for daily news and notes to like and share