“You and I can forget so often that those who are with us are more than those who are with them. That it isn’t a fair fight. Not even close. Our God is so patient with me and so patient with you. Rejoice. Your names are written in heaven.”
During Homecoming worship on Sunday, October 1, President Rich Gurgel delivered a sermon on 2 Kings 6:8-17 under the theme “It’s not a fair fight.” He reminded the visitors and campus family gathered in Chapel of the Christ of God’s protection for Elisha and for us.
Campus Pastor Jacob Behnken led the service, which included readings delivered by preseminary students and music by the handbells and all four choirs. After a week of celebrating MLC’s students, alumni, and mission, the service offered fellowship and a reminder of our true home: heaven.
Pictured: Visitors join the campus family for worship in Chapel of the Christ on the Sunday of Homecoming.
Alumni and the MLC campus family started Homecoming weekend with smiles that matched the bright, warm weather.
The 13th Annual Sprinter Fun Run took participants on a beautiful tour of campus while MLC’s fall athletic teams cheered them on—sharing high fives, donuts, and bubbles.
This year’s event had over 150 runners, both in person and virtual! After the run, many participants stayed for raffle prizes and the Family Fun Zone.
Pictured: Greta Dolan and Nadia Zarnstorff give high fives to the MLC football team during the run.
James M. Unke Court Dedication
On Tuesday, September 19, the MLC volleyball team earned a hard-fought win over Bethany, defeating the Vikings in four sets.
While defeating a rival is exciting, the night held an even more special event: the dedication of the James M. Unke Court.
Between sets, the Knights honored Jim Unke, our former athletic director, who entered glory in July 2022. The court in the LSC gymnasium will now be named the James M. Unke court.
MLC’s current athletic director, Dave Biedenbender, presented Jim's wife, Lori Unke, with a plaque during the dedication (pictured).
“It was a special night to have the Jim Unke Court dedication,” said Dave. “Not only did we get to honor Jim tonight, but we also earned a big win over Bethany. The atmosphere and crowd were electric, and I know that Jim would’ve loved to have seen it.”
New Face on Campus: Duane Vance
Professor Duane Vance (education) grew up in Orange Park, Florida, and attended the University of North Florida in Jacksonville, where he earned a BS in secondary education in 2001. While Professor Vance’s career as an educator started then, his service in the public ministry began a few years later.
When he and his family moved to Illinois, Professor Vance received an emergency call to teach grades 3-8 at Jerusalem-Morton Grove. Accepting the call led him to enroll in ministry certification courses and to earn an MS in education with a leadership emphasis from MLC.
Prior to accepting the call to MLC, Professor Vance served as executive director at Illinois Lutheran Schools. His current role as a captain for the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod School Accreditation body (WELSSA) and past experience as the district schools’ coordinator for the Southeastern Wisconsin District are a testament to his experience in education and administration.
Now he’s sharing his expertise with MLC students, teaching Adolescent Psychology and guiding the next generation of called workers as the secondary student teaching supervisor.
“The best part of preparing called workers is watching their love for their Savior and their love of sharing him come alive in their work,” he says. “It’s a true blessing to walk alongside these future called workers, witnessing their growth in faith and professional expertise.”
September was a busy month for reunions, including a special reunion of the DMLC Football Team of 1973!
At the Homecoming football game on September 30, MLC celebrated a special win from 50 years ago when the Lancers defeated Dana College on September 29, 1973. The win came after a decades-long hiatus in the DMLC football program and marked a special moment for the Lancers.
During halftime, MLC honored the twelve members of that team who returned to campus for this year’s Homecoming football game (pictured). Professor Emeritus Tom Hunter, #18, was the quarterback for the Lancers.
September also brought three more class reunions to campus:
- 60th reunion of DMLHS ’63
- 50th reunion of DMLC ’73
- 50th reunion of MLA ’73
The groups participated in a number of fellowship activities, including attending chapel, taking campus tours, attending sporting events, eating in the cafeteria, and enjoying events in New Ulm!
Special Hotel Deal for MLC Visitors!
If you choose to stay at Best Western Plus here in New Ulm, you can get 15% off your room!
The management of Best Western shared this: We want to extend our partnership to the families and visitors of MLC. We are offering a 15% discount at the Best Western to all MLC visitors and family. Visitors and families can call the hotel directly (507.359.2941) or use this link.
Find information on all New Ulm accommodations here.
Calls Received by MLC Faculty:
Professor Nicolas Schmoller received a call to serve as an associate pastor at Salem-Stillwater MN.
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