July 8, 2024

Editor: Haley Wels

A Swinging Success

The 32nd annual MLC Golf Classic brought together 114 golfers for a day of fun and fellowship. This year’s event raised over $30,000!

Of this amount, $20,000 will go towards student scholarships, enabling more students to pursue ministry education. Additionally, over $10,000 will go toward the enhancement of library study rooms.

We thank God for the generous support of our sponsors, participants, and volunteers, and we look forward to the 33rd annual Golf Classic next June!

Check out pictures from the 2024 Classic.

Pictured: The 2024 Golf Classic winning teamDale Polzin, Brian Messer, Paul Polzin, and Nate Struffert.

Now Enrolling!

MLC is excited to offer the first component of our nontraditional education program: a Competency-Based Theology Education (CBTE) minor.

Completion of this CBTE minor is the first step for returning adult learners who want to serve as teachers within our Lutheran elementary schools.

Interested in applying for the theology education minor? We’re enrolling learners for this fall and plan to have additional cohorts in Spring 2025 and Summer 2025. Please contact Dr. Nichole LaGrow (lagrowna@mlc-wels.edu/507.354.8221). Get weekly updates from our Nontraditional Education Program.

New Face on Campus: Janet Justice

Admissions Counselor Janet Justice (MLC ’19) is just beginning her service on our campus, and soon she might be visiting a school near you! As an admissions counselor for MLC, Professor Justice will advise and encourage prospective candidates as they consider becoming ministers of the gospel, just like others did for her—especially her parents.

With her parents’ encouragement, Professor Justice–and seven of her siblings–attended MLC. After graduating with a major in elementary education and a minor in physical education, Professor Justice was assigned to Christ LES-Eagle River WI to teach grades K-2.

Her first year of teaching included the COVID-19 pandemic and many unknowns, reminding Professor Justice to put her trust in God’s guiding hand. The encouragement of her parents and her trust in God provided the foundation for her years at Christ LES. “During my time in the classroom,” she said, “I strove to empower students with the knowledge and love of our Savior.”

Now Professor Justice will work alongside a team that nurtures the next generation of WELS leaders and, through Christ, empowers them to serve. “I am excited to meet students who love Jesus,” she said, “and who desire to grow in their faith and share the Word of God with Jesus’ little lambs.”

Immersed in Language and Culture

Buenos Aires is the destination of our five-week annual Spanish language immersion class. Students sign a Spanish-only pledge and divide their time between intensive study and cultural excursions—including professional Tango lessons, of course.

Pictured with Tango instructor: Parker Winghart (Our Savior-Brookings SD)

Daylight: Serving and Learning

School is out for the summer, but our students continue to serve and learn!

This summer 52 students are participating in Daylight trips, assisting 16 ministries around the United States and in other countries. By the end of the summer, 100 students will have assisted at 30 locations during the 2023-2024 school year.

In early June, a Daylight trip took Rachel McCaughna (St. John-Hemlock MI, pictured) with a group of other MLC students to Sola Fide-Lawrenceville GA for a soccer camp.

Rachel used her experience helping with soccer camps at her home congregation as the head coach for Sola Fide’s second and third grade campers. She taught them a daily Bible verse, coached them through drills, and watched them work together to accomplish their goals.

While the trip allowed Rachel to serve, it also taught her something—how to connect with kids. “I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to make a connection with the kids because I was an unfamiliar face,” she said, “but I found that it was easy to do.”

Summer MLC InFocus

Read the Summer 2024 MLC InFocus magazine!

You can learn about an important change in our preseminary curriculum, read some Old Main stories that span the decades, and enjoy the big year-in-review photo collage.

Auxiliary Day 2024

Mark your calendars!

The next annual MLC Ladies’ Auxiliary Day will be held on the morning of Saturday, September 28, 2024.

Join Us for Homecoming!

Commencement Article Correction

The June MLC Update included a photo of four graduates with an article on commencement. In that photo, Charis Glende was incorrectly identified as Makayla Kaiser. We apologize for the mistake.

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