August 14, 2023
Editor: Haley Wels
In Memory of Professor Czer
On Monday, July 17, family, friends, and colleagues gathered to celebrate the life and ministry of Professor Lawrence Czer (DMLC 79). The Lord called Professor Czer to his heavenly home on Monday, June 26, following a medical emergency. He died surrounded by his family.

Pastor Nathanael Scharf (MLC 03), a former student of Professor Czer, officiated at the memorial service. He based his sermon on John 3:16-18 and spoke of the former professor’s faithful leadership in his family, his ministry, and his community.

Professor Czer accepted a call to DMLC in 1992 and served the WELS College of Ministry for 31 years, teaching English and coaching women’s golf and basketball. God richly blessed DMLC and MLC through Professor Czer’s ministry.

A recording of the memorial service is available on MLC’s YouTube Channel.
Summer Athletic Camps
The MLC Knights were excited to host golf and football camps in July!

This year marked the first MLC Knights Golf Camp directed by Professor Matthew Pearson. Athletes from Luther Preparatory School, Fox Valley LHS, Kettle Moraine LHS, Northland LHS, West LHS, and Great Plains LHS practiced their skills both on and off campus, including in the Betty Kohn Fieldhouse golf simulator. (Golf Camp participants pictured)

Later in the month, the Knights hosted nearly 150 high school football players from three different WELS high schools. Athletes from Kingdom Prep LHS, St. Croix Lutheran Academy, and Fox Valley LHS traveled to the MLC campus to develop their skills and learn more about ministry.
New Face on Campus: Aaron Dolan
Professor Aaron Dolan (MLC '03, WLS '07, theology) accepted a call to MLC to serve as a professor and coach. Professor Dolan grew up in Appleton WI, and for the last six years, he served at his alma mater, Fox Valley LHS, teaching the Bible and coaching baseball.

Before becoming a teacher and coach at FVL, Professor Dolan served as a parish pastor for eight years at First Evangelical-Racine WI, and he served as a tutor at LPS for two years after graduating from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. With ministry background in both school and parish settings, he is well prepared to train future pastors, teachers, and staff ministers.

One of the ways Professor Dolan will support future pastors is by supervising the new Early Ministry Experience (EME) program for first-year preseminary students. “EME will allow these young men who are just beginning their pastoral training to spend time with a parish pastor in order to see firsthand what ministry can look like,” he says. Professor Dolan will also teach Biblical History and Literature I, II, and III and serve as an assistant coach for men's basketball.

As he looks ahead to preparing future called workers, Professor Dolan doesn’t know yet what the best part will be, but he does know the importance of MLC’s mission. “Pastors and teachers can have a profound and lasting impact on at least one person, because they have had that impact on me,” he says. “I think it's safe to say I'm not the only one who was influenced by pastors and teachers. And so I think it's an important task to teach and train the people who will be in positions to impact so many more.”
Summer Daylight Trip: Science Camp
MLC’s Daylight program provides opportunities for students to participate in a variety of ministries. This summer, three MLC students worked with Saving Grace-Mobile AL to run a two-week science camp.

Kincaid Diersen (St. John-New Ulm MN, pictured), Katie Gilkey (The Springs-Sparks NV), and Anastasia Alexandrowicz (Grace-Crivitz WI) assisted with several fun activities, including dinosaur digs! They also facilitated lessons on spectrometers, magnetic cars, bones, fossils, physics, chemistry, astronomy, and more.

Katie Gilkey worked with children in grades K-2 and encouraged her students to express their excitement for science in different ways, including through art. “I differentiated learning for my students,” she says, “and I learned how pertinent communication is to both ministry and life!”

But the relationships the MLC students formed were the best part of the experience. “I adored being able to get to know my students,” says Katie. “I also loved building relationships with Saving Grace. The congregation was amazing at welcoming us and providing us with anything we could possibly need!”

Message from the President
Can you see someone in your extended family or your congregational family whom you could encourage to join that next generation of pastors, teachers, or staff ministers?

President Richard Gurgel's presentation to the WELS Convention on August 2 focused on the need to pray for future ministers of the gospel.

Take a moment to watch President Gurgel's message on the MLC YouTube Channel.
LSC Renovations Complete
With new carpet, paint, seating, and movable partitions, the Luther Student Center (LSC) is renovated and ready for students who are arriving in a few short days!

The LSC renovations are part of MLC's strategic plan, Pursuing Excellence Under the Cross, which includes goals for improving the campus and facilities. Refreshing this space to be more usable for the campus family is one of several exciting projects that meets the goal of improving our family's home.
Summer MLC InFocus
Eager to see the 2022-2023 year in photos? Can’t wait to learn more about the new special ed master’s program, new Early Ministry Experience program for preseminary students, or the latest on Competency-Based Education?

Check out the Summer 2023 MLC InFocus magazine!

Read online (Link works best on a larger device.)
Homecoming 2023
Save the Date!
MLC Ladies' Auxiliary Day 
Saturday, October 7 
9:00 am - 12:30 pm
Watch for more details here and on MLC social media!
Call Updates
Calls Received by MLC Faculty:
  • Admissions Counselor Joel Thomford received a call to serve as pastor at Zion-Valentine NE.
Contact us today:
