New Workers in God's Harvest Field
On Saturday, May 18, 153 students earned undergraduate degrees, marking the completion of their ministerial training at MLC: 108 earned Bachelor of Science in Education or Bachelor of Science degrees, and 45 earned Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Languages degrees.
The Commencement Service also included the 22 students who graduated with master’s degrees—and two of those were firsts for MLC! Kortney Behnke (MLC ’22) was the first to earn a Master of Science in Special Education, and Donovan Waege (MLC ’21) was the first to earn a Master of Science in Educational Administration-Technology Director.
Following the commencement service, graduates receiving assignments gathered with the campus family and community for the Call Service. Complete lists of May and summer assignments are available to view on the MLC website.
Pictured: Hannah Foley (St. John-Westland MI), Brian Friesenegger (Christ Our Redeemer-Aurora CO), Lydia Krenke (Mt. Olive-Las Vegas), and Makayla Kaiser (Christ the Lord-Cottage Grove MN) show love for MLC!
Thanks to your prayers and generous support, we received $187,503 on MLC Day, and every dollar is going to student tuition assistance through our Congregational Partner Grant Program.
You can still give and support more students as they prepare to enter public ministry!
Northwestern College Alumni Society President Fund Grant Recipients
Join the MLC campus family in congratulating the 12 preseminary students who received Northwestern College Alumni Society Presidents Fund Grants for excellence in academics and student life.
Corey Tipton (St. Lucas-Milwaukee) – Pres. Robert J. Voss Grant for Student Life
Ryan Boggs (St. Luke-Watertown WI) – Pres. August F. Ernst Grant for Confessional Languages (Latin)
Luke Rogotzke (Zion-Sanborn MN) – Pres. E. E. Kowalke Grant for Biblical languages (Hebrew)
Justus Borgwardt (St. John-New Ulm MN) – Pres. August F. Ernst Grant for Confessional Languages (German & Latin)
Matthew Hillmer (St. Matthew-Oconomowoc WI) – Pres. Robert J. Voss Grant for Student Government
Caleb Carlovsky (St. Paul-New Ulm MN) – Pres. Adam Martin Grant for Living Languages (Spanish)
Jonathan Harbach (St. John-Dakota MN) – Pres. Carleton Toppe Grant for GPA & Religion
Jedidiah Mittelstadt (St. Mark-Watertown WI) – Pres. John A. Braun Grant for Leadership
Micah Boehm (Crown of Life-West St. Paul MN) – Pres. E. E. Kowalke Grant for Biblical Languages (Greek)
Joshua Fisch (St. John-Mukwonago WI) – Pres. August F. Ernst Grant for Confessional Languages (German)
Jonathan Holtz (St. Paul-Appleton WI) – Pres. John A. Braun Grant for English
Luke Staude (Christ Alone-Thiensville WI) – Pres. Carleton Toppe Grant for Worship and Music
Senior Achievement Awards
At the Faculty-Graduate Banquet on May 15, MLC presented Senior Achievement Awards to 10 members of the 2024 graduating class. These awards honor graduates for outstanding achievement and service in academics, athletics, fine arts, and student government.
Camden Sulzle (St. John-Redwood Falls MN) – Service Award & UMAC Scholar-Athlete Leadership Award
Joel Sauer (St. Peter-Sturgeon Bay WI) – Leading Scholar-Studies in Pastoral Ministry
Mason Cox (St. Paul-New Ulm MN) – Jerome Kruse Knight Award for Athletic Achievement
Josiah Koelpin (Calvary-Dallas) – Via Veritas Vita Award
Owen Eubank (Salem-Ann Arbor MI) – Brooks Scholarship & Leading Scholar-Studies in Pastoral Ministry
Aric Reim (St. John-New Ulm MN) – Leading Scholar-Studies in Pastoral Ministry
Jordyn Heckendorf (Shepherd of the Hills-West Bend WI) – Jerome Kruse Knight Award for Athletic Achievement & UMAC Scholar-Athlete Leadership Award
Noah Ungemach (First German-Manitowoc WI) – Fine Arts Award
Not pictured:
Stephanie Hintz (Christ Our Savior-Columbia TN) – Leading Scholar-Studies in Educational Ministry
Kyle Doering (St. Paul-Lake Mills WI, MLC ’25) – Student Body President Recognition
On May 17, MLC held an honors recital celebrating our students’ exceptional musical gifts. The honors recital featured 12 student musicians performing vocal and instrumental pieces.
See the program for a list of pieces performed, and view the streamed recording to hear how richly God has blessed these skilled musicians!
Joseph Panning (St. Paul-Litchfield MN) – saxophone
Emma Berg (Eastside-Madison WI) – soprano
Emma Mindock (Mount Olive-Appleton WI) – soprano
Maya Habben (Mt. Calvary-Flagstaff AZ) – piano
Bethany Valleau (New Life-Shoreview MN) – soprano
Benjamin Foster (Emanuel First-Lansing MI) – organ
Emma Pufahl (Emmanuel-Tempe AZ) – flute
Rebecca Bieberitz (St. Mark-Eau Claire WI) – piano
Hope Sulzle (St. John-Redwood Falls MN) – piano & organ
Carolyn Bauer (St. Paul/First-North Hollywood CA) – piano
Ella Bergemann (Good Shepherd-Downers Grove IL) – piano
Owen Eubank (Salem-Ann Arbor MI) – organ
Still Pulling Out All the Stops
Alana Sulzle (St. John-Redwood Falls MN, pictured) is a sophomore, an elementary ed major, a coaching and PE minor—and an organ student! So when the family of Professor Emeritus Ronald Shilling donated all his organ books to MLC, she was first in line to purchase lots of excellent music for 25 cents apiece.
In addition to buying some of the music outright at “bargain basement prices,” students can also access some that was entered into the MLC library collection and some that was distributed to the organ instructors on campus.
Wind Symphony Spring Tour
Featuring both classic and contemporary compositions, the MLC Wind Symphony’s spring tour, “Something Old, Something New,” included something for every audience.
And the symphony made it their goal to reach every audience! They performed full concerts, hosted demo concerts, and visited WELS classrooms as they traveled from Minnesota to Texas.
At Divine Savior Academy in Missouri City TX, symphony members not only shared their musical expertise with students, but also read books to them and encouraged them to consider attending MLC.
Pictured: Joseph Panning (St. Paul-Litchfield MN) teaches students at Divine Savior Academy about the saxophone.
Watch for the MLC InFocus magazine later this month!
You can learn about an important change in our preseminary curriculum, read some Old Main stories that span the decades, and enjoy the big year-in-review photo collage.
- What makes our schools Lutheran?
- How can we meet the needs of the changing faculty?
- How might we best integrate new and changing school families?
- How can we meet the changing needs of today’s students?
At the 2024 OpenLearning Conference, we’ll be immersed in these and many other timely questions. We’ll explore tools and understandings that will help us reach all our students—to fulfill both the educational mission of our schools and the Great Commission!
Mark your calendars!
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