MLEP 2021 Year End Training Report
Linked below you will find lists of companies in good standing with MLEP.

The report is available in two formats, Excel and Adobe PDF.
*Note the password is: Trainingrpt21

You may also find this list of recently dismissed companies, who did not meet the necessary training requirement. They are being invited to reapply to MLEP and encouraged to bring their training status up to date.

If you would like to be removed from our distribution list please utilize the unsubscribe or update profile link below, as appropriate. Do you know of someone who should be added? please invite them to subscribe here.

If you have any questions about specific members, training requirements, or difficulty accessing the files, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or (218) 879-5633.

  • The list is sorted alphabetically by firm name, then by primary contact, then alphabetical by logger
  • Primary contacts and Qualified Logging Professionals (QLPs) who were NOT current as of 12/31/2021 have been filtered from this presentation
  •  All Primary contacts are by default assumed to be QLPs
  • Click on the triangle to the right of a particular column to adjust filtering, currently filtered columns:
  • Company Type = Logger
  •  Completed = True
  • We have deleted or hidden columns that should not impact your ability to use this data. If you have used a RAW export of MLEP training data and have fields mapped based upon prior year reports please let us know and we will send a separate file.
  • Primary Contacts are assumed to be QLPs
  • QLPs may be designated as such by the primary, but if they did not complete the required training in 2021 they are not considered “Complete” and the course(s) they missed are noted in red.
  • All designated employees, including those who are not primary contacts and who are not QLPs are listed in this presentation.
  • Associate members who completed trainings during the year are included in this listing
Minnesota Logger Education Program |