January 11, 2023

Sunday Worship at 9am

January 14th Focus Scripture - John 1:43-51           

Worship in-person or streaming at - www.facebook.com/immanueluccpa or www.youtube.com/immanuelucc

Beginning Jan. 14, Pre-K-6th gr. faith formation students will be starting a project-based learning series called "Choose Your Own Mission". Students will learn what mission work looks like at Immanuel, from Opportunity House meals to community partnerships to week-long mission trips. Then, they will choose areas of need in our community and make plans to engage in their own mission work! Stay tuned - once their projects are in progress, you'll be hearing from us with requests to participate in the mission work that we are setting in motion!

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Do you have knowledge of a community need, charity, or opportunity to serve? Do you know how to crochet scarves, make easy-for-kid-chef recipes, or write "thinking of you" cards? Do you have a special skill, interest, or passion that you would like to share with a child in our church community? We could use your help! Our students are going to need mentors to support them in their projects. We'd love it if you would share your expertise with us! This project-based series will run on Sundays in January starting on January 14th. Contact Kelly Barnett (barnettkellym@gmail.com) or the church office if you would like more information or to offer your help.

MLK Youth Day of Service | 10am | IUCC Fellowship Hall

Youth ages 5+ and adult volunteers are invited from 10am-12pm for a day of service – food packing, sandwich making, and no sew blankets. 

RSVP required to info@jfreading.org or 610-924-0624. 

Partnership of Reform Congregation Oheb Sholom, Wyomissing Public Library, Jewish Federation of Reading/Berks, PJ Library, Islamic Center of Reading, Immanuel UCC.

Immanuel will host The Heartland Marimba Quartet performing Kevin Romanski's Concerto for Marimba Quartet and Orchestra, piano reduction Korey Barrett, plus other various works for marimba quartet on Saturday, January 20, 2024 at 4pm.  Tickets: $18 advance/ $20 door/$10 students; https://heartland-marimbas.eventbrite.com

Beginning January 23rd, Kids Choir resume weekly meetings on Tuesdays from 4:45PM-5:30PM - *NOTE the LATER start time


Worship Participation

2/25 – Worship Participation

3/31 – Worship Participation (Easter Sunday)

5/12 – Worship Participation (Mother’s Day)


Please e-mail Mr. Stephen, music@immanuel-ucc.org, if your child will participate in any or all of the above or if you have any questions.


Not sure? Here are a few thoughts on why you might encourage your child to continue or start with Choir:


  • First, participation in choir gives children an opportunity to serve our church. Faith Formation, VBS, and other activities minister to the children; but participating in choir gives the children a chance to minister to others through their music.


  • Second, participation in choir gives children an opportunity to take a leadership role in worship. It gives them a sense of responsibility for the ministry of the church and helps them identify with and understand the various elements of worship as they grow to adulthood.


  • Third, children's choirs provide opportunities to build character. A choir is a team with a common goal; the qualities of promptness, self-control, cooperation, and commitment must be developed in choir members if the group is to accomplish its purpose. In a church choir, we can further align these qualities of good character to the Christian call of praising God and serving others in all we do.


  • Fourth, children's choirs are part of the education process. When we sing, we internalize and embody the lyrics and messages in the music. Children often remember the scripture and messages taught in song for a lifetime. Reflecting on the message of the song as we sing instills understanding of spiritual truths and knowledge of God that will feed and nourish their faith for a lifetime.

HEY IUCC Friends!  WE (yes, we) are performing

“The National Anthem” before the start of the Reading Royals Hockey Game on Wednesday, January 24th . 


Our admission to the game is FREE! as registered singers of the National Anthem.  


🏒Doors open at 6pm. We will gather on the concourse by our seats around 6:30pm

🏒6:40pm escorted to the ice to sing !!!!

🏒 Wear your IUCC attire or something colorful! 




An email will also be sent with info closer to the date when we’ll run it at IUCC. 

TICKETS https://royals.isportstix.com/order/group/IUCCPN23/

🏒Families will buy their own tickets on the link. If someone is singing they should not include their ticket in the paid amount. Instead in the comment section when checking out note that they need a free ticket for performing. 

🏒If a singer is coming by themself OR your whole family is singing, 

email iucc19607@gmail.com and your ticket will be secured for you.  


  • Santander Arena is a cashless venue.
  • $5.00 from every ticket will benefit IUCC 
  • Fans are permitted to carry one clear plastic or vinyl bag that does not exceed 12”X6”X12”, or one clear drawstring bag not to exceed 12”X12”, or one, one-gallon clear plastic or zip-lock, resealable bag.  A small clutch no larger than 4.5”X6.5” may also be carried in addition to one clear bag.  All other bags (backpacks, large purses,drawstring bags, camera bag/binocular case, etc) are strictly prohibited.  An exception will be made to allow medical items that cannot be transported in a clear bag into the venue.  Guests carrying medically necessary items or equipment will be required to have their bags or equipment inspected.

Congregational Meeting, 10:15am in sanctuary

All are invited to attend. During the meeting we will celebrate 2023 and learn of the many initiatives of 2024. The following individuals are the candidates for the 2024-2027 Consistory Term: Cheryl Frederick, Lois Savage, and Carl Williamson.   The meeting will be live streamed – the link will be shared in the weekly email on Jan. 25th.

Order Stick Buns HERE

Should you or someone you care for be in need of pastoral support

at any time please contact the church office at 610-777-7107 or secretary@immanuel-ucc.org 

Prayers are powerful! If you or someone you know is in need of prayers, please let us know. It is always confidential. There are prayer cards in the sanctuary or you can contact the church office.