August 24, 2023

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Region 4

Multilingual Learner Leadership Network (MLLN) Newsletter

Important Updates

ELPAC Updates

Certification in Moodle

LEA ELPAC Coordinators must complete certification training in Moodle for the Initial ELPAC and the Initial Alternate ELPAC so they can begin conducting trainings for test examiners in their LEAs prior to administration. New this year: Superintendents will be contacted for LEAs that have not completed the LEA certification course requirements.

For the Initial ELPAC, new and experienced test examiners must calibrate annually for the grade levels and grade spans for Speaking and Writing tests they are administering and scoring. For the Alternate ELPAC, there is a single Alternate ELPAC Test Examiner Certification course that covers both the Initial Alternate ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC. The Alternate ELPAC—Test Examiner Certification course allows test examiners to administer both assessments until the new certification course's annual launch in early November. When the course is released on November 1, all test examiners must recertify prior to any administration of either the Initial Alternate ELPAC or the Summative Alternate ELPAC. This one-pager is a helpful summary of the training requirement information. It is highly recommended that current LEA staff members watch the new Introduction to the Initial Alternate ELPAC video available in Moodle.

Initial Alternate ELPAC and Alternate Assessment Decision Making Tool

In order to determine a student's eligibility for the Initial Alternate ELPAC, the IEP team must determine that alternate assessments as the most appropriate. This often times occurs in a transition IEP when a student transitions from a state preschool program to a public school transitional kindergarten or kindergarten program. If no IEP is in place, LEAs must administer the Initial ELPAC to students with the appropriate designated supports and universal tools. Once an IEP is in place and if the IEP team determines that alternate assessments are most appropriate, the student can then take the Summative Alternate ELPAC during the spring administration window.

The new Alternate Assessment Decision Making Tool for California assists IEP teams in determining the right assessments for each student. The Alternate Assessment Decision-Making worksheet is designed to guide and support IEP teams with a step-by-step process to determine whether the alternate assessments are the most appropriate for an individual student with the most significant cognitive disabilities.

As a reminder, LEAs must provide parents with notification that outlines their child’s identification as an EL and placement in a language instruction program. The 30-calendar day window for notification is a federal requirement and must be provided no later than 30 calendar days after the beginning of the school year or within the first two weeks of placement for ELs identified during the school year.

ELPAC Interim Assessments

Beginning 9/19/23, the ELPAC Interim Assessments will be available in the Interim Assessment Viewing System and at that same time, answer keys and hand scoring materials will become available in TOMS. Even though the Viewing System does not log responses or generate results, it provides preview access to full forms, appearing just as they will in the Test Delivery System. The answer keys will include static images of each item, the correct answer for each item, and metadata such as the associated standard or performance expectation for each item. The hand scoring materials will consist of scoring rubrics, anchor sets, and check sets for teachers to get familiar with the criteria for each available score point. There will be 1 month of preview access to the new interim assessments and supporting materials.

Beginning 10/19/23, the new interim assessments will be fully available to administer via the Test Delivery System. At that same time, individual and aggregate scores will be available in the California Educator Reporting System (CERS), as well as performance levels, custom aggregate reports, and key and distractor analyses. In late January 2024, all items and student responses will be viewable in CERS, just as they are currently for the Smarter Balanced Interim Assessment items. July 2024 is when the Individual Student Reports should be available in CERS.

It is important to note that California Education Code Section 60642.7(b) prohibited results from the interim assessments to be used for high-stakes purposes, including, but not limited to teacher or other school staff evaluation, accountability, pupil grade promotion or retention, graduation, course or class placement, identification for gifted or talented education, reclassification of English learners, or identification as an individual with exceptional needs.

CALPADS Submission Deadline - Friday 8/25/23

The CALPADS End-of-Year (EOY) submission deadline is Friday, 8/25/23 at 5:00pm, including End-of-Year 3: English Language Acquisition Status. LEAs not in a Certified Status should review their submission status in CALPADS and approve their submission if they have no fatal errors and they have reviewed their reports.The Governor’s proposed budget sets forth in Education Code new deadlines to produce the Dashboard. For the current year, the proposal currently states that the CDE has until December 15, 2023 to process and publicly post these data. There will be no extensions to the August 25, 2023 EOY deadline. EOY data are primarily used to produce the state indicators on the California School Dashboard (Dashboard). Failure to certify EOY data will result in either no state indicators on the Dashboard, or a significant impact to the ability to calculate one or more Dashboard indicators and will impact various state and federal reporting.


The May 2023 convening of the Observation Protocol for Teachers of English Learners (OPTEL) Advisory Committee yielded recommendations for the development of and guidance for using the OPTEL tool. The updated OPTEL Timeline is posted on the CDE OPTEL webpage, with rollout to the field planned for December 2023. Once approved by the State Board of Education, the materials and user guide will be shared to provide clear guidance for implementation. The OPTEL will help move California closer to the statewide standardization of the reclassification criteria for Teacher Evaluation and Parent Opinion and Consultation.

CA Dashboard Communication Toolkit

The updated 2023 Dashboard Toolkit is now available. To ensure that parents, community members, and educators are well-informed of the information on the 2023 Dashboard, the CDE will be updating and posting many resources, including flyers that address:

- English Learner Students in Academic Indicators, illustrating which students are incorporated in the 'EL student group' for each state measure

- English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI), including how the Alternate ELPAC results are included

- ELPAC Participation Rate

and other videos, talking points, and resources.

Title III Updates

2019−20 and 2020−21

These subgrant periods ended 9/30/22 and the filing of end-of-year expenditure reports closed on 6/30/23. Unexpended funds are currently being invoiced.


The subgrant period ends on 9/30/23. LEAs are expected to expend and/or obligate the funds by 9/30/23 and obligated funds must be liquidated by 12/30/2023.


Final per-pupil allocations are posted on the Title III EL and Immigrant webpage: EL: $133.60 and Immigrant: $150.85. Instructions and login information for the Title III EL Program and Immigrant Student Program Annual Online Reports will be disseminated to 2022–23 Title III subgrantees on 8/24/23. The online reporting system used to complete the Title III Annual Online Reports will be available through 10/9/23.


Funding application is open through 8/31/23 for the CARS Spring Release or through 9/31/23 for the Consortium Online Application (COA). The preliminary allocations per-pupil allocations are posted on the CDE Title III EL and Immigrant webpage: EL: $123.85 and Immigrant: $120.05.

Professional Learning

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Additional Professional Learning Opportunities

Protecting Equitable Access to Dual Language Immersion Programs

Aug 29

More Info

New Coordinator Training: Accessibility

Sept 21

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Introducing the ELPAC Interim Assessments

Sept 26

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Gauging Student Progress with the ELPAC Interim Assessments

Sept 27 or Oct 4

More Info

ELPAC Training Opportunities

Various Dates

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ELPAC Interim Assessment Hand Scoring

Nov 6 or Nov 7

More Info

NAELPA Q3 Webinar: Leading your District EL Program to a Strong Start

Recorded Webinar (click on 'Livestream')

More Info

CCLA Language Development: Academic Vocabulary and Oral & Written Language Instruction

Online Courses

More Info


Administrator Resources

  • All EL RISE! microsites for all sessions created by the grant in the last three years including session recordings and materials

Newcomer Student and Family Support

Dual Language Program Support

  • Expanding and Implementing Dual Language Programs Resources

Parent and Family Engagement

Contact Us

Region 4 Multilingual Learner Leadership Network

Contra Costa County Office of Education

77 Santa Barbara Road

Pleasant Hill, California 94523

MLLN Shared Resources Folder
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