All Brokers were sent an email last week from SEBAR’s CEO, Shannon Harner in response to the Sitzer/Burnett class action lawsuit verdict. As a reminder, SEBAR and SEM MLS members should understand that this case still has a long way to go before it is resolved.
As a result, it remains extremely important to stress the use of buyer brokerage agreements. Michigan Realtors® will be pushing out some form revisions over the next few months. The first revision impacts the Buyer Agency Agreements within the MR Library. MR is retiring forms U and UU (short form Buyer Agency Agreements). They have also replaced forms J and JJ (Buyer Agency Agreement for Traditional and Designated Agency Firms) with revised forms that can be found in ‘MLS DOCS’. We have forwarded these updated forms on to get them updated in Transaction Desk. Please discontinue using the old forms and use the newly updated ones as replacements.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to give either Lisa or Shannon a call at the SEBAR office.
Download The New PDF Documents Below