August MLT Monthly
After much deliberation we have decided to postpone our annual Through the Trees event until spring. Sadly, the likelihood of cancellation due to fire / air quality concerns looks to be the "new normal" for fall outdoor events in California. Going forward, we plan to have Through the Trees as a yearly SPRING event. If you've already got your 2022 calendar going (good for you!) draw some smiles, flowers, AND trains on Saturday, April 30. We will keep you updated as the date draws close - there is so much fun in the works it just might end up being a two-day event!
Partners in Conservation
RCLC and MLT work together to achieve conservation goals
There is good news for the future of conservation along the Mendocino Coast. Thanks to a grant from the Community Foundation of Mendocino County, the Mendocino Land Trust and the Redwood Coast Land Conservancy will be teaming up to maximize use of their staffing to achieve conservation goals. The two organizations have received a nonprofit operations relief grant to help make up for time and staffing lost during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Partnering with other conservation organizations has been a win-win for MLT in the past. “RCLC is working on the most exciting conservation and public access project on the coast,” says MLT executive director Conrad Kramer, referring to RCLC’s acquisition of the Mill Bend property and its plans to restore and improve it for public access. “It will be a win for the environment, a win for outdoor recreation, and a win for the local economy. We are happy to help them with it. Triple wins are what land trusts do.”

Keep reading on MLT's website
MLT Honors Barbara Weiss
Past President / Treasurer / Board Member Retires
"I work for MLT because I believe that our mission of wildlife habitat preservation, protection of open space, and public access is essential to human health and well-being. The outdoors is our common heritage; we cannot live successfully without it." - Barbara Weiss, Retiring Board Member

If you are a regular follower of the Mendocino Land Trust, you have no doubt met or heard wonderful things about our dear friend Dr. Barbara Weiss, who retired from the MLT board of trustees in July. Barbara’s outstanding efforts on behalf of the Land Trust began about 20 years ago. Her involvement as a passionate supporter of MLT’s effort to conserve more than 7,000 acres of Big River watershed soon led her to becoming a Big River Steward and then to joining the MLT board of trustees in 2006. But just being “on the board” was never Barbara’s style. Shortly after joining, she began her ascent through all of the officer positions...

Keep reading on MLT's website
Remembering Phyllis Curtis
by MLT Board Member Chet Anderson
The Mendocino Land Trust and all of Mendocino County have lost a strong, passionate advocate with the recent passing of Phyllis Curtis. Phyllis was a founder of the Inland Mendocino County Land Trust and led our fellow land trust to many successes over the years.  
Phyllis was inspired to create the IMCLT in 1997 after witnessing the enormous loss of agricultural lands and open space occurring in California. Her work focused on permanently conserving agricultural lands and natural environments in Mendocino County through easements.

Read more about Phyllis on MLT's website
August Volunteer Days
Get Outside, Get Involved, Have Fun!
Mark your calendars and come lend a hand! You bring enthusiasm, a water bottle and gardening/work gloves. We provide direction and tools.

10 a.m. Thursday, August 12 
Join Tom and the gang to seek and destroy invasive thistles at Navarro Point. There may be an opportunity to learn about native thistles as well!

Hare Creek Beach, Fort Bragg
9:30 a.m. Saturday, August 14 
Join Lenny and crew at Hare Creek for a great variety of invasive plant control projects. Meet at the end of the Mendocino College parking lot (look for Lenny's blue Forester). If you arrive after our start time, wander across the field - you’ll find us on the trail.

Old Smith Ranch / Ten Mile Estuary, north of Fort Bragg
10 a.m. Saturday, August 21
Come work alongside Ed Welter, MLT’s brand new Conservation Coordinator, to give this preserve some TLC. There’s lots to be done, come and find out how you can help.

If you have questions please send an email to

More information about volunteering can be found on MLT's website

COASTAL CLEANUP DAY is coming to a Beach or River near YOU!
Get ready to help on Saturday, September 18
Over the last 17 years, Mendocino County has had 5,000 volunteers to remove almost 60,000 pounds of trash and 9,000 pounds of recyclables! The Mendocino Land Trust is proud to coordinate sites for Mendocino County and grateful to our 16 partnering organizations that have committed to hosting cleanup sites on September 18, 2021. Please mark the day on your calendar and come out and lend a hand to “protect your happy place.”

There are 15 Coastal Cleanup events happening in Mendocino County on September 18 -- most are seeking volunteers like YOU! Find all the details on our website. Won't be in Mendocino County on Sept. 18? There are cleanup events all over California! View an interactive map provided by the California Coastal Commission to find a site near you.

The Mendocino Land Trust would like to extend big thanks to MendoRecycle for providing a grant to help cover staff time spent coordinating this event and Waste Management's Fort Bragg office for facilitating dumpster donation!
Find out more at and watch for all the details in our September newsletter!

Click here to read about Mendocino County Cleanup sites on MLT's website
This Month's Featured Adventure!
Dark Gulch Trail and Beach
Each month we share an adventure recommendation from MLT staff. Our former Conservation Coordinator, Monika Richardson, wrote this recommendation before she departed for all sorts of adventures at the end of July. Next month we will introduce you to our newly hired Conservation Coordinator, Ed Welter. In the meantime, we leave you with a recommendation from a woman who knew the trails better than anyone:

Monika wrote:
“I have the best job in the office because once a month I get to hike and maintain all of our trails here on the coast. Each trail is beautiful, but the one I most look forward to visiting is our Dark Gulch trail, which leads to a quiet, rocky beach. The north end of the cove is full of tidepools, and the south end is sandier and has a view of the jutting, rugged coastline. I rarely see anyone else here, and sometimes the waves are small enough for a quick, cold dip. I recommend this spot for anyone looking for a nice place to picnic and explore the intertidal zone and its creatures. Parking is very limited as the trail is only accessible via a small turnout right before a neighboring driveway. The remnants of an old abandoned house on the southern bluffs add to the mystique of this hidden gem. Check out Dark Gulch on your next drive up or down the coast!” 
Nature Appreciation - Reptile Month
If you don’t follow us on Facebook or Instagram, you might not know that we featured Mendocino County reptiles on Wednesdays in July. How many of these are you familiar with?

Even if you already know their names we hope you will click on through,
there is always more to learn!
Please cover the eyes of any immature reptiles in the room before viewing this video.
To get to the Shell Station... What's the real answer to the age-old question?
Keep your distance from any wild snake. Especially if it looks like this!
Why oh why does this precious little guy show his underside when disturbed? Photo by John Klein.
August Nature Watch Wednesday is all about BUGS!
Join us on Facebook or Instagram or watch for the recap in the September MLT Monthly.