December MLT Monthly
There is so much happening in all our lives right now so we will keep our December newsletter short and sweet. Please do watch your mailbox and email over the next week for detailed info about what the Mendocino Land Trust has been working on in the past year -- and good things to come.
Will you join us on Friday?
"MLT on Main" Open House December 3
Put on some holiday flair (optional!) and stop by and see our new office space at 215 South Main Street in Fort Bragg, right next to the Mendocino Coast Chamber of Commerce. Sip hot cider at the picnic table outside and let’s chat about conservation priorities in Mendocino County. Drop in any time between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Make sure to bring and wear your mask. Special prizes for those who come with nature or conservation-themed masks. DIY-decorated KN-95 masks are encouraged - get creative with stickers or natural items like leaves or shells.

Hope to see you on Friday, December 3. Questions? Give our office a call at (707) 962-0470 or email
Going the Extra Mile
Thanks to Our Trail Keepers!
Did you know that MLT has built and maintains over 20 miles of trails? Find them all -- and info about additional trails -- in our online trail guide!

We'd like to give a special holiday thank you to the businesses that have gone the extra mile to support MLT trails by becoming "Trail Keepers". Big thanks to Visit Mendocino, Sonoma Clean Power, Rossi Building Materials, Terry N. Gross, Attorney at Law, Noyo Harbor Inn / Harbor View Bistro and Bar, The Andiron Seaside Inn & Cabins, The Beachcomber Motel, Waste Management's Fort Bragg Office, and the Westport Hotel / Old Abalone Pub for supporting MLT trails!
You’ll find their names proudly displayed at the trailheads for trails at Pelican Bluffs, Navarro Point, Belinda Point, and Old Smith Ranch.

Find out more about the Trail Keepers program on our website
Show Your Support
with MLT gear!
Mendocino Land Trust-branded gear makes great holiday gifts! We are especially excited about our brand new hats and vests. We can ship anywhere in the US or choose to pick up at our Fort Bragg office with no additional fees.

Shop MLT gear here
Volunteer in December!
Help Improve Habitat at MLT Preserves
Thursday, December 9 from 10 am - 12 pm
Dress to get dirty. Bring gloves, water and a mask in case you need to work closely with others. Tools will be provided. Activities will include hacking out invasive thistle and taking in the gorgeous views.

Hare Creek Beach, Fort Bragg
Saturday, December 11 from 9:30 am - 12 pm
Tools will be provided. Activities will include pruning along the trail and removal of invasive blackberry and ivy. Dress to get dirty. Bring gloves, water and a mask in case you need to work closely with others. We will meet at the south end of the Community College Coast Center parking lot at 9:30 am. If you come late wander across the field and down the trail along the creek and you'll find us!

Ten Mile Stewards at Old Smith Ranch will not meet this month but please plan to join us there on the third Saturday in January!
Nature Appreciation - Review of Nocturnal November
Click on through to learn about three nocturnal critters we featured on our social media last month... and the nocturnal habits of one diurnal creature that all social media accounts are required to feature in November.
Join us on Facebook or Instagram to catch our holiday-themed Nature Fact Wednesdays during the month of December... or watch for the recap in the next MLT Monthly =)