November MLT Monthly
The busy holiday season is headed our way. We hope you find plenty of time amid all the festivities to connect with the beautiful places in Mendocino County. Also, if you can come to Fort Bragg on December 3, we'd love to show you our new office and share a cup of cider while we chat about conservation and community.

P.S. Our staff has been spending a lot of time in the redwoods this month, almost like elves working on a big secret trail project. Make sure to watch your mailbox and email the week after Thanksgiving to find out what that's all about!
Come Visit Us!
"MLT on Main" Open House December 3
We are so excited to show off our new office space. We are now located at 215 South Main Street, right next to the Mendocino Coast Chamber of Commerce. Stop by, see the new office and let’s chat about conservation priorities in Mendocino County. Drop in any time between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Make sure to bring and wear your mask. Special prizes for those who come with nature or conservation-themed masks. DIY-decorated KN-95 masks are encouraged - get creative with stickers or natural items like leaves or shells. After you see the office, stop by the covered picnic table outside for a cup of hot cider.
Hope to see you on Friday, December 3. Questions? Give our office a call at (707) 962-0470 or email
We're Hiring!
Acquisition Project Coordinator
The Mendocino Land Trust (MLT) is seeking an Acquisition Project Coordinator who is passionate about land conservation and is interested in growing with our organization. The position is a combination of fostering connections in the inland community and completing transactional work involved with completing conservation easements and other conservation projects. To begin, the Acquisition Project Coordinator will work with our team to complete important, in-process conservation and acquisition projects. This position is expected to grow and work with willing landowners of agricultural lands in Mendocino County with an emphasis on inland properties such as farms, ranches, vineyards, and working forests, to voluntarily conserve their lands with conservation easements. This position may also be involved in pursuing public access projects. 
This is a flexible half-time to full-time position - we are seeking the right candidate and will consider schedules with a minimum of 20 hours per week. While our main office is based in Fort Bragg, California, the ideal candidate will be focused on working remotely, ideally, from Inland Mendocino County, with occasional trips to the Fort Bragg office. The ideal candidate will have deep connections in Inland Mendocino County and within the working lands community. This position involves having the ability to visit property owners in the Inland area frequently.

Find the full job description and details of how to apply on our website
Show Your Support
with MLT gear!
Mendocino Land Trust branded gear makes great holiday gifts! We are especially excited about our brand new hats and vests. Use the code MLT4U by November 15 and save 15%. We can ship anywhere in the US or choose to pick up at our Fort Bragg office with no additional fees.

Shop MLT gear here
Stamps of Approval
MLT Volunteer Contributes in a Creative Way
If you’ve gotten mail from MLT in the past, you may have noticed letters are often sent using an eclectic assortment of postage stamps. This is thanks to the passion and generosity of Jim Havlena. Jim became a MLT supporter very soon after arriving in Fort Bragg in 2005. While he supports many nonprofits, Jim says he was particularly drawn to supporting MLT because “they do good work and they accomplish things. When I see what they get done I know they are functioning quite nicely.”

Jim has been interested in stamps since he was 14 years old. While many young philatelists (stamp collectors) lose interest in stamps when they go off to college, Jim’s interest has stayed with him throughout his life. Jim also loves geography and found collecting international stamps to be a way to learn about other countries. The artwork on stamps intrigues him: “I see stamps that are butt-ass ugly, some beautiful, some obscure but always interesting.” Recently a portrait on a stamp caught his attention because it made him think of Alfred E. Neuman. Looking closer, he ended up learning about Padre Félix Varela, a Catholic priest who was part of the fight for independence in Latin America in 1820s Cuba. Stamps always bring him something new to learn.

Jim points out he is more of a stamp accumulator than a stamp collector. You won’t find his stamps pristine and catalogued in binders. Rather he keeps them in folders by value - postage value - primarily to be used in assisting nonprofits with their mailings. Jim shared stories about people buying up stamps with the hope that they’d increase in value but states it is almost impossible to make money off currently-issued stamps these days. He adds that when countries issue stamps, they run their numbers based on the assumption that a certain percentage of stamps will be purchased but never used, either misplaced or kept by collectors. “I mess up their statistics,” he says with a chuckle, “but I don’t care.”

Havlena purchases current issues of stamps that interest him at the post office. Pre-COVID he frequently went to stamp shows where dealers have sheets of stamps available at face value from as far back as the late 1940s. And it is not unusual to score sheets of stamps discounted 80% of the face value because the dealers got a giant batch for next to nothing and the average person does not want to take the time to cobble together $0.58 worth of postage from a bunch of six-cent stamps! 

When asked what people should look for when receiving MLT mailings with interesting stamps, Jim says, “I know some people won’t even look at them. Some might glance and wonder why it was posted like that. My hope is that interesting stamps will make people more likely to open the letter and it won’t go straight into the recycling.” If you look closely at your MLT mail, you may notice some of the stamps still have margins attached or, if you get really lucky, a plate block with a number. While this means little to most people receiving mail, stamp collectors are excited to find these artifacts included.

Jim says he misses the times before the pandemic when MLT volunteers would gather for envelope-stuffing parties at the old office on Franklin Street. It was an opportunity for him to share his philatelic knowledge with the MLT cast of characters who Jim found almost as interesting as the stamps. We are sad that it is still not safe to gather and appreciate that Jim has already picked up envelopes to carefully apply postage to. Jim says, “My goal is to support the work the Land Trust does, and I certainly like doing it by donating stamps.” 

Please watch your mail the week after Thanksgiving for MLT’s annual mailing. It contains lots of great news about conservation in Mendocino County and hand-selected stamps for your enjoyment! Much thanks to Jim Havlena for his generous donation of his time and his stamps year after year.

If you haven’t been receiving mail from MLT and would like to (we limit mailings to no more than two a year), send your mailing address to or click here and scroll down below the article to drop your address in the form.
November Volunteer Schedule
Help needed to help maintain MLT gems=====
Here are planned volunteer work sessions for November. Hope you can come lend a hand to help the land!
Thursday, November 11 from 10 am - 12 pm
Dress to get dirty. Bring gloves and water. Tools will be provided. Activities will include hacking out invasive thistle and taking in the gorgeous views.

Hare Creek Beach, Fort Bragg
Saturday, November 13 from 10 am - 12 pm
Tools will be provided. Activities will include pruning along the trail and removal of invasive blackberry and ivy. Dress to get dirty. Bring gloves and water. We will meet at the south end of the Community College Coast Center parking lot at 9:30 am. If you come late wander across the field and down the trail along the creek and you'll find us!

Ten Mile Stewards at Old Smith Ranch
Saturday, November 20 from 0 am - 12 pm
Dress to get dirty. Bring gloves and water. Tools will be provided, but if you have a pair of hand clippers that you like using, feel free to bring them. Activities will include pruning along trail and removal of invasive pampas grass.

(What IS nasty weather? According to Lenny, the Hare Creek Steward, heavy mist and light rain are NOT nasty. Steady, soaking rain means best to stay home. High winds and other inclement weather may cancel. Send an email to if you are not sure if the work day is go / no-go.)
Nature Appreciation - OAKTOBER in Review
We declared last month to be OAKTOBER and celebrated oaks each Wednesday on our social media channels. Click on through to learn about these magnificent trees.
There are 12 oak species and one oak that's technically not an oak in Mendo County.
They are delicious and nutritious. So why isn't anyone growing orchards of oak trees?
Animal, vegetable or chewing gum? What are these strange things growing on an oak leaf?
Hint: It's in Mendocino County.

Join us on Facebook or Instagram as we celebrate Nocturnal November
each Wednesday in OAKTOBER or watch for the recap in the next MLT Monthly.