e-News is our electronic publication emailed as needed to keep physicians' practices up to date with time sensitive information.

May 28, 2020
Assemblymember Adam Gray Stands Up For Healthcare
On Tuesday, the California Assembly met as a "Committee of The Whole," a rarely used procedure that lets all lawmakers meet at the same time and hear testimon y from people not elected to the Legislature. During that meeting Assemblymember Adam Gray ( Merced) stood up for healthcare saying that he considers the Governor's May Revise a "worst-case scenario."

The LA Times pictured Gray in their article on the meeting. And the CMA tweeted thanks to Gray for prioritizing access to care by using the Prop. 56 funds as voters intended.

MMCMS had sent a letter to Gray the week before, asking him to advocate for taking budget actions to maintain access to care. His office got back to MMCMS right away saying that Assemblymember Gray shared our concerns and that he would be fighting to reverse the Governor's cuts.

Thank you Assemblymember Gray for hearing us and fighting for healthcare!
e-News is Back with COVID-19 Updates!
MMCMS had suspended the publishing of e-News and our quarterly magazine Merced Mariposa Physician in March, in lieu of the COVID-19 updates that we were publishing 2-3 times per week.

However, e-News is back and will be published at least once a week and will provide you with the COVID-19 updates as well as other news.

Merced Mariposa Physician will be back in the next month or so.
HHS awards nearly $500 million to expand testing capacity in California
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently awarded to California  $499,203,180 in new funding  to support testing for COVID-19. This funding will provide critical support to develop, purchase, administer, process and analyze COVID-19 tests, as well as to conduct surveillance, trace contacts and related activities. More...
Deadline to apply for 2nd round of HHS provider relief funds is June 3
Physicians who believe they are eligible to receive payments from the second $20 billion distribution from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)  Provider Relief Fund  must apply for the funding before June 3, 2020.  More...
CMA backs new PBGH initiative to support primary care in California
The California Medical Association (CMA) has joined a coalition of physician, health care and business leaders who are calling on state lawmakers to ensure health insurance companies pay their fair share to maintain our health care infrastructure, and to ensure we emerge from the COVID-19 crisis with a health care system that can meet patients’ needs.  More...
Senators introduce medical student loan relief parity for California and Texas physicians
A bipartisan bill has been introduced in the U.S. Senate that would clarify the federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program that inadvertently excluded many California and Texas physicians from education loan forgiveness because of state laws.  More...
Confirmed Cases - 280
Active - 92
Recovered - 181
Deaths - 7

Mariposa County  ( Mariposa County Public Health )
Confirmed Cases -16
Hospitalized - 0
Recovered - 14
Deaths - 1

Confirmed Cases - 101,697
Deaths - 3,973

Confirmed Cases - 1,698,523
Deaths - 100,446

Confirmed Cases - 5,596,550
Deaths - 353,373

All of these numbers were pulled from the respective websites 5/28/20, 3:30PM.
Learn more about MMCMS at our website!