MMI Monthly
Updates from the Munroe-Meyer Institute | Dec. 3, 2020
Director's message: A time to give back
As he prepares to retire, Wayne Stuberg, PhD, associate director of the Munroe-Meyer Institute, looks back -- and ahead.

MMI staffer finds volunteering
at polling place rewarding
Program associate Sherri Kallon is a longtime volunteer, but this was her first Election Day at a polling place.

Barb Glover to retire from MMI
Longtime staffer says the institute 'turned my future around.'

Dr. Gold spotlights MMI's Camp
Munroe in 'Under the Microscope'
UNMC chancellor spoke with recreational therapy director Nicole Giron on the success of the effort.

MMI receives Building Healthy
Futures grant for new building
The grant will support the vision clinic in MMI's new home.

MMI works with ASN to create
educational videos on COVID-19
Volunteers from the LEND program acted in and helped script the videos, aimed at people on the autism spectrum.

Disability leadership training
series set for December
The four-session event will focus on leadership and advocacy training regarding systems of services and supports to individuals with disabilities and their families.

Links of the month
Send your news to MMI Monthly
 Is there something exciting going on in your department? Send your news to MMI Monthly to share with your colleagues at the Munroe-Meyer Institute. MMI Monthly will be published during the first week of each month.

Munroe-Meyer Institute
985450 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE 68198-5450
Phone: 402-559-6418