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February 2024 Newsletter

A note from Steve

We are excited to announce that Universal Plant Services (UPS) is now our Exclusive Distributor in the Downstream Market.  Having both UPS and our long time Midstream Distributor Exline, working together with MMS, allows us to reach a much larger population of the rotating and reciprocating machinery world.  Both companies offer a wide variety of industrial products and services with exceptional customer service.  You can find contact information for both companies at our website under the Strategic Partners tab at


Equipment Update

Sentinel® - CPM

The new User Interface and capabilities of the Sentinel® - CPM System is now complete!

We are currently working on the release and implementation of the new software and firmware. As part of this update, we have built a new web-based system similar in appearance to the ProBalance 2.0 System. It is designed to capture - and make available to you, in real time - all the data that Sentinel was designed to provide, but in a much more accessible, yet secure format

This includes

  • Real-time Compressor Cylinder Data based on ACI’s eRCM kernel calcs
  • Warren’s Laible’s Multi-Factor Compressor Diagnostics
  • P-V and P-T Curves
  • Alarms
  • Running Status
  • PLC/DCS communication via Modbus
  • TSA compliant multi-factor authentication 

direct and compelling headline

Tech Tip

by Kent Petersen

Setting Up Sentinel-CPM and Sentinel-VM modules

When working on setup parameters for an MMS Sentinel-CPM or Sentinel-VM module, it is sometimes necessary to switch between the View Data or View Curves screen and the 

Change Setup screens while making changes in the setup and looking at the effect of the setup change.  An example of this would be setting the TDC offset parameter while looking at the View Curves screen to see the impact of the offset change. The challenge for this process is that each time you select the Change Setup screen, the module asks you to log in with a Username, Password and Module Serial Number.

There is an easy way to avoid having to log in multiple times.  You can open 2 tabs in the web browser that you are using: one for the Change Setup screen and another whatever other item you need to look at (e.g., View Curves or View Data).  Following is a step-by-step to accomplish this.

For this example, I am using a Sentinel-CPM module; but the process will work the same for a Sentinel-VM module.  First, open the interface to the module by typing in the IP address and Port number into the web browser.  Figure 1 shows the web browser open on the Sentinel-CPM module at 96:60:54:78:5002

Figure 1

At the top of the browser window is the current tab: “Sentinel System”. In the case of the Sentinel-CPM you can easily navigate to the menu options: View Setup, View Data, View Modbus, Plot Curves or Tech Page easily by simply clicking on the appropriate button. However, if you click on the Change Setup button, you will have to log in and if you come back to one of the other screens and then decide to go back to Change Setup again, you will have to log in again.

To get around the repeated log in request, open a second browser tab to use for the Change Setup screen and then return to the first tab when you want to look at the other screens. This will leave the second tab connected to Change Setup and you can click on it without having to log in again.

Here’s how to do it.

Double-click to select the IP address/Port and copy it. Note that your IP address/Port will be different. (Figure 2)

Figure 2

Click the “+” next to the current tab (“Sentinel System”) to open a new tab.  Paste the IP address copied above into the new tab’s address bar.

Figure 3

Press Enter.  This will open a second tab with the Sentinel System Interface showing.  Scroll down and click on Change Setup and log in when prompted.  This will open the Change Setup page and the tab will be titled “Sentinel Setup”:

Figure 4

Now you can make whatever changes to the Setup you want and click the “Submit” button to commit the change(s).  Now, to see the effect of the change on one of the other pages, instead of clicking the Menu button, click the other tab (“Sentinel System).

After looking at the effects of the setup change, if you want to return to the Change Setup, just click the other tab (Sentinel Setup) and you can make additional changes without having to log in again!

Bonus hint:

Before you go to the log in screen, open the View Setup screen and double-click the module Serial Number and copy it.  When you get to the log in and enter the Username and Password, you can paste the module Serial Number instead of typing the 12-character hex number.

Figure 5

New Location

We are happy to announce that we will begin the new year in a new location. Our new facility provides expanded manufacturing, research, testing, and office space. You can now reach us at: 

Machinery Monitoring Systems, LLC

10421 Lexington Drive, Suite D

Knoxville Tennessee, 37932

Building a Community

Gear Head Blog

Have you visited the blog yet? You will find some great images of what our friends in the industry are doing in their spare time with their own "Rides". 

We invite you to participate in the Gear Head Blog found at “Tell Us About Your Ride” Take a look at what great projects are posted there and provide comments to keep our conversation going. 

We look forward to hearing from you! 

Gear Head Blog
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Machinery Monitoring Systems, LLC

10421 Lexington Drive | Suite D

Knoxville, TN 37932

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