TMC Offers Cab Cleaning Protocols
March 27, 2020
ATA's Technology Maintenance Council (TMC) has released the work products for cab cleaning protocols. Generally Recommended Practices are an item TMC sells but in this current environment, they felt it was important to disseminate this as broadly as possible.
For those not familiar with TMC, we would highly encourage MMTA members to
check them out and consider supporting this important organization.
Recommended Practices 443
This is the cab cleaning protocol TMC produced in 2014, i.e. it is the current version RP 443, which is adopted offiically.
This currently-unfinished work product is receiving priority attention by TMC in response to coronavirus for disinfecting the cab.
The draft is not been fully vetted or approved, but is provided as info.
CLO2 Remedies TechBulletin Sep2019
This is a chemical producer's tech bulletin on the product that can kill many "bugs" in the cab, including specified bacteria and viruses, and it specifies coronavirus.