Special Edition V.16 (March 2020)
Maine BMV Offers Further Guidance on Registrations for Private Sales
March 27, 2020

Maine BMV has produced a letter to all law enforcement personnel outlining their guidance on registrations for vehicles and trailers purchased in a private sale that is unable to be registered due to COVID-19 emergency closures.

We recommend carrying a copy of this letter, as well as a copy of the vehicle/trailer bill of sale, to produce to law enforcement should the need arise.

Published below is an article from our March 24th V.10 edition of the E-Newsletter so readers can have all of their registrations questions answered in one place. As always, if you have additional questions, please let MMTA know.
Registration Questions Answered
March 24, 2020
  • New Purchase – Dealer Sale
  • Temporary registrations are extended 30 days following the termination of the state of emergency.
  • Temporary registrations can carry a load – see attached Notice.
  • New Purchase – Private Sale
  • We have asked the Governor to allow email temporary registrations for this type of transaction so the equipment can be put in use. We will keep everyone posted. This issue has been addressed in the March 27th BMV guidance mentioned above.
There is no current ability to obtain Maine Fuel Decal or IFTA. Enforcement of those requirements is not expected.
TMC Offers Cab Cleaning Protocols
March 27, 2020

ATA's Technology Maintenance Council (TMC) has released the work products for cab cleaning protocols. Generally Recommended Practices are an item TMC sells but in this current environment, they felt it was important to disseminate this as broadly as possible.

For those not familiar with TMC, we would highly encourage MMTA members to check them out and consider supporting this important organization.

Recommended Practices 443
This is the cab cleaning protocol TMC produced in 2014, i.e. it is the current version RP 443, which is adopted offiically.  
This currently-unfinished work product is receiving priority attention by TMC in response to coronavirus for disinfecting the cab.
The draft is not been fully vetted or approved, but is provided as info.
CLO2 Remedies TechBulletin Sep2019
This is a chemical producer's tech bulletin on the product that can kill many "bugs" in the cab, including specified bacteria and viruses, and it specifies coronavirus.

US Chamber of Commerce Small Business Guide
March 27, 2020

Click here to access USCOC's Coronavirus Small Business Guide - complete coronavirus coverage, updated daily with new resources to assist you and your business.
We will keep MMTA members posted as new information comes in. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to email Tim, Randy or Brian if you have questions.