Special Edition V.23 (April 2020)
FMCSA Extends and Expands Emergency Declaration
April 8, 2020

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration hereby declares that a nationwide emergency continues to exist that warrants extension and expansion of Emergency Declaration No. 2020-002 issued on March 13, 2020, and expanded on March 26, 2020, and continuing the exemption granted from Parts 390 through 399 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) for the fifty States and the District of Columbia. This Declaration extends the exemption through May 15, 2020, and further expands the relief expressly to cover liquefied gases to be used in refrigeration or cooling systems.

MMTA PPE Order Update
April 9, 2020

After collecting responses from MMTA members as to their personal protective equipment needs, we submitted the following order to the Kennebec County Emergency Management Agency on April 2nd:

  • N95 Masks: 15,000
  • Nitrile Gloves: 19,000
  • Disposable Shoe Covers: 4,000
  • Sanitation Wipes (container): 5,500

We received a phone call shortly after submitting the order from KCEMA asking if we had “respirator plans” to receive masks and there was a general sense of negativity from the phone call. MMTA made it clear that it was our position that bureaucratic red tape should not impede our members receiving PPE when it is MMTA members who are keeping the supply chain going.

While the order was changed to delete the N95 masks due to the lack of respirator plans, these were replaced with an order for surgical masks that we were told would be much more likely to be available. As of today, however, we have not received any indication that we will receive any PPE from this order.

We will continue to work on this issue and keep members informed.
Carriers Report Sinking Load Volumes as Panic-Buying Subsides

The number of coronavirus cases in the United States has more than doubled over the past seven days, according to data compiled by the CDC, and as those numbers continue to rise, freight demand seen by carriers surveyed weekly by CCJ has gone in the opposite direction.

Goaded by stockpiling buying sprees, household and consumer goods carriers have fared better than other segments during the early onset of the pandemic early last month. However, those applications are starting to feel the squeeze as the waves of concerned shoppers begin to ebb.

Paycheck Protection Program Loans - Frequently Asked Questions
SBA – April 7, 2020

The Small Business Administration (SBA), in consultation with the Department of the Treasury, intends to provide timely additional guidance to address borrower and lender questions concerning the implementation of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), established by section 1102 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act or the Act). This document will be updated on a regular basis.

Borrowers and lenders may rely on the guidance provided in this document as SBA’s interpretation of the CARES Act and of the Paycheck Protection Program Interim Final Rule (“PPP Interim Final Rule”). The U.S. government will not challenge lender PPP actions that conform to this guidance, and to the PPP Interim Final Rule and any subsequent rulemaking in effect at the time

Trump Touts Infrastructure Plan as Congress Eyes Expanded Aid
Transport Topics

Proposals that would help the transportation sector work through the coronavirus pandemic are coming from the highest levels of government. President Donald Trump is pressing support for large investments in infrastructure funded through no-interest loans, and congressional leaders are calling for major pay increases for workers — including truck drivers — who are on the front lines of the nation’s battle against the virus.

We will keep MMTA members posted as new information comes in. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to email Tim, Randy or Brian if you have questions.