Summer 2022

MMTA District/State Auditions Handbook 2002

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District Auditions Registration will open up the week of August 15th online at:


Districts Auditions Registration Deadline is Aug. 31st for St. Louis District

All other Districts--Deadline is Sept. 7th

Call for Submissions

Michelle C. Rautmann, MMTA Publications VP 

Teaching is a very giving act, no matter what field. Anyone who teaches an applied 

instrument (private or group) knows that validation of their teaching can fluctuate rapidly and dramatically from year to year, week to week, even day to day. It’s a fight that we find within ourselves to make sure that what we do will be a recognized success, by either student, parent, or community. 

It’s nice to think that we have a much higher, more altruistic calling to wield our craft and extend music’s magic to others. We live to give enjoyment and a deeper sense of meaning to our audiences and students . . . derived from a strong dose of egotism and a will to win. I don’t know many applied instrument teachers at any level, who don’t have a strong need to overcome the mental, emotional, and physical obstacles that come along with playing and teaching an instrument. In fact, we thrive on that need.

Every teacher has a varying degree of modesty, but when we take a step back to see that our studio has a waiting list, our students win competitions, continue on into music careers, or are simply ecstatic with the music we chose for them, our inner motivation jumps for joy. We are validated. So, we continue our selfless acts of teaching through patience, love and wisdom. 

As private and institutional studios embark on a new school year, we begin the process of validation through our traditional methods and perhaps some new ventures. New jobs, new students, and new challenges will require us to rise to each occasion with professionalism and grace. MTNA members share a common aspiration to take part in engaging opportunities, both inside the studio and out. Our students benefit from MTNA adjudicated performances and educational opportunities. 

We will find more ways to feel the success of our teaching, more ways to validate, all 

while keeping an eye on the beast. I would love to hear from our MMTA members: what makes you move forward? what are some set backs (mundane or not) that you’ve overcome? what has been a validating moment or moments in your teaching career? Feel free to share your experience as we reflect on welcoming the start a new year.



I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! 


I would like to share information and news from the June Executive Board Meeting. As some of you may already know, Nathanael May recently stepped down as MMTA President-Elect because of his relocation to Kansas. I would like to thank him for all his service as President-Elect this past year and half. We wish him the very best! The Board unanimously elected Jason Hausback as new President-Elect. Please welcome him!


The 2022 MMTA State Conference will be held on November 3-6 at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau. We are pleased to welcome renowned pianist and pedagogue, Enrico Elisi as this year’s conference artist. Many exciting events are planned such as a Poster Session, chamber music concerts, the Collegiate Chapter Luncheon and winner’s recitals. It will be a wonderful and valuable opportunity to interact and connect with musicians and colleagues from across the state.


A warm welcome to Luke Carlson who will be the new MTNA Compositions Competition Chair. The Executive Board also voted for the following new MMTA audition application fees starting this fall: $35 for district and $40 for state. Please be on the lookout for emails from your district chairs about MMTA district audition dates. 


Enjoy the rest of the summer, and I look forward to seeing you all at the state conference this fall! 


Warm regards, 



Missouri Music Teachers Association, President

Associate Professor of Music - Piano

Judith Enyeart Reynolds College of Arts and Letters

Missouri State University

