2023 MNA
October 24 - 28, 2023
Participate in the Poster Session at the
2023 MNA Convention
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Don’t miss this opportunity to continue your scholarly efforts during the Poster Session at the 2023 MNA Convention!
This is an opportunity for seasoned researchers, professional nurses, and graduate students at all levels who are engaged in research and evidence-based practice to share their work with their colleagues. Proposed and ongoing projects, as well as completed projects and research are welcome! We encourage registered nurses and advanced practice registered nurses across all nursing roles, including educators, practicing nurses, and graduate students to continue their scholarly efforts by participating in the Poster Session!
The call for posters is open!
Professional nurses in practice, graduate students, and nursing faculty are strongly encouraged to participate in the poster session. This is an excellent opportunity for dissemination of completed or in-progress Masters' scholarship, DNP projects, and PhD dissertations. Professional nurses involved in clinical projects in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, assisted living communities and other non-academic settings are encouraged to submit proposals. Quality improvement projects, nursing education initiatives, and works regarding the improvement of clinical efficiency are encouraged. Has your facility or clinic implemented an innovative policy/process? Has your school of nursing implemented an innovative process or program to assist nursing students or faculty? The MNA poster session is an excellent opportunity to share the great strides your organization is making while connecting with nurses from across Mississippi. This is also a great way to disseminate completed or in-progress DNP projects and PhD dissertations. Current topics such as nursing leadership, healthcare policy, informatics/technology, patient safety, avoiding bias in healthcare, workplace safety and culture, and interprofessional collaboration are also encouraged. Submissions on the following are appropriate: research, practice, clinical, literature/systematic reviews, performance improvement, etc.
Your submission must include a completed application form, including an abstract that describes recent or ongoing scholarly work in nursing. Authors are allowed to submit more than one poster for the session. Selection of poster presenters will be peer-reviewed and based on scholarship, creativity, clarity, and relevance to the mission of MNA. Posters must be 350 words or less and should include the following at minimum: title, purpose, brief background description, methods, outcomes (if completed) and implications for nursing. Scholarly work submitted must have been initiated or completed within the past 5 years, and studies involving human subjects or animals must indicate IRB approval.
Once accepted, presenters will be provided with suggested poster presentation guidelines. A photo of the poster must be provided to Dana Walker at by October 13, 2023.
At least one author must be registered for the convention. If a collaborative effort, at least one author must be present to discuss their project or poster with attendees. The primary author (or designee) will receive a discount of $70.00 off the in-person Convention registration.
Additional Poster Application Requirements
Complete the application form (link above) and submit it along with abstract by Friday, September 15, 2023.
- Include the first author's name and affiliation, as well as additional co-authors and affiliations. Students must include their school affiliation if the project is related to school work.
- Funding sources should be noted on the abstract and poster.
Presenters will be required to submit at least one behavioral objective for each poster.
- When appropriate, IRB approval must be included on the abstract and poster.
Submit your completed form, including abstract, to Dana Walker at
- The first author of accepted projects and posters will be notified by October 6, 2023 via email.
Please contact Dana Walker with any questions at
Mississippi Nurses' Association
31 Woodgreen Place | Madison, MS 39110
Office: (601) 898-0670 | Fax: (601) 898-0190