Minnesota Montessori Network | December 2018
In addition to the annual State Fair extravaganza, 2018 was a year of taking stock and exploring MNMN’s next steps to actualize our mission and realize our vision. Through this reflection we were grateful for the opportunity to engage some new leadership team members with passions for connecting with parents, legislators, and practitioners. We are excited to share our 2019 Plan that includes new opportunities for connection with one another and to new Montessori friends and advocates. Look for this link in the January 2019 Newsletter.

While we are overjoyed to welcome new members with unique talents to the Leadership Team, it is with heavy heart and hopeful “farewell-for-now" we bid adieu to one of our founders, Syneva Barrett. With the graceful whimsy to which we have become accustomed, Syeva shares her goodbye:
In my retirement from my leadership team role on the Minnesota Montessori Network, I am incredibly proud of all the Minnesota Montessori Network has accomplished in the last 5 years connecting Montessorians in Minnesota and Minnesotans to Montessori. The State Fair Booth is my favorite MNMN event of the year. It is so incredible to see so many Montessorians doing such important big work together. I plan to continue volunteering for that event for years to come. The best part of my MNMN experience has been meeting so many Montessorians from all over Minnesota and getting to know them.  

I will truly miss working with all of our leadership team members and most of all our co-founder Shawna Maryanovich. From our first meeting, we immediately connected with a unified vision for MNMN. We have had far too much fun together to really call it work! 

This wasn't an easy decision. My current job as a Montessori school consultant requires a lot of travel and has an unpredictable schedule which has made it difficult for me to maintain my position on the leadership team. Additionally, new members of the leadership team have brought energy, enthusiasm and talent that made it possible for me to reduce my engagement at this time. 

Don't worry, I won't be a stranger. I will continue to support MNMN and look forward to seeing all of you at their events. To all Montessorians in Minnesota, I truly appreciate the work you do and the ways you engage with MNMN from volunteering time and donating money to hosting and attending MNMN events and following us on Facebook and through our newsletter. You are the reason we do this work.  

All the best,
Syneva Barrett
We wish to also extend heartfelt gratitude to the following people for their service in the leadership of MNMN since its inception through its first five years: Anne McLaughlin, Teresa Ripple, Peggy McKenna, Mandy Perna, Liza Davis, Kent Miller. Syneva’s departure highlighted to us the opportunity to share more about each Leadership Team member. Many of us you know from years of service, and some new talented service-leaders enthusiastically introduce themselves through these biographies.
State Fair
The MN State Fair booth allows us to share with unsuspecting passersby to whom “Montessori” is a foreign term that…. "The satisfaction which they find in their work has given them a grace and ease like that which comes from music." (Dr. Maria Montessori, 'The Discovery of the Child', Clio Press Ltd, 87)
Montessori Education Week
What is Montessori Education Week and where is it celebrated?

Montessori Education Week is held annually the last week of February and is celebrated both in the United States and around the world. It is a week to reflect on the extraordinary life of Dr. Maria Montessori and to celebrate and share the benefits of Montessori education with our local communities.

This year Montessori Education week is February 24 - March 2, 2019

Share with us on social media your ideas and past experiences and stay tuned in the New Year for our Montessori Ed Week social media campaign and resources!
Prenatal to Three Policy Forum at University of St. Thomas
January 14, 2019| 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM CST

Anderson Student Center/North Woulfe Hall 2115 Summit Avenue, Saint Paul, MN 55105
Please attend to advance state policies — sharing plans, establishing a common base of knowledge, and building relationships — in support of early childhood, from prenatal care through age 3.

The next session in this quarterly series for advocates, policymakers, and community members will focus on the range of proposals for the 2019 legislative session, with presentations expected by the Walz administration, the four legislative caucuses, and a variety of advocacy organizations and coalitions.

The meeting is free and open to the public. A live webcast will be available; instructions and a link will be sent to registrants.

Registration and networking begin at 8:30am.
Free Advocacy Training
February 13 | Register Here

Are you an early childhood professional? Are you interested in learning how to be an advocate for children and families? Attend a free training to build your skills and earn two in-service training hours. The next offering of this course is February 13 in Minneapolis.
Ann Kaner-Roth Policy Hour
January 8 | Noon-1:00 p.m. at Think Small (2021 East Hennepin Avenue | Suite LL20, Minneapolis, MN 55413).

Celebrate the first day of the legislative session by coming to Ann Kaner Roth Policy Hour! Join us on January 8 to hear from early childhood and school-age care lobbyists about what they think the 2019 session has in store for our youngest citizens, their families and the field. It's a budget year, and Minnesotans elected a new Governor and many new state House of Representatives members in November, so there's a lot to talk about. You will leave knowing what to expect and how you can impact policy conversations.

Ann Kaner-Roth Policy Hour is a monthly opportunity for early childhood and afterschool professionals to connect with each other and learn about current policy issues in an informal setting.

Bring your lunch. Invite your friends. No RSVP necessary.
Attend in person or stream it right from the Minnesota's Future Facebook page .
Budget Surplus

The budget forecast released last week estimates a $1.5 billion surplus for the state over the next biennium. This is positive news for the financial standing of the state, and there is already discussion about what to do with the funds. Many competing interests will continue to make their voices heard as the decisions are made. Make sure legislators hear from you, too! Another forecast will be released in February. Stay tuned as the process unfolds, and read the analysis from the Minnesota Budget Project .
House Committees and Chairs

Because the DFL won a majority of seats in the state House of Representatives in the November election, they decide committee structure and membership. The new committees and chairs were released last week. Early Childhood will be spotlighted this biennium with the creation of the Subcommittee on Early Childhood Finance & Policy, chaired by Representative Dave Pinto.

Other committees and chairpersons that are central to early childhood policy include:
Education Policy: Youakim
​Education Finance: Davnie
Health and Human Services Finance: Liebling
Health and Human Services Policy: Moran
Jobs and Economic Development Finance: Mahoney

Click here for the full list of committees and chairs . Stay tuned for more information about committee membership.
Governor Dayton's Early Education Legacy

As the state prepares for a new Governor in January, the Star Tribune highlighted Governor Mark Dayton's work on early childhood policy over his last two terms in office. Read the story here.
NWLC Report

The National Women's Law Center recently released their annual report on child care assistance policies in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. This year's report, Overdue for Investment: State Child Care Assistance Policies 2018, shows that states made some progress in their key child care assistance policies between February 2017 and February 2018, but significant gaps remain.

Community Events
Finding Balance: A mindful approach to mental health, secondary trauma and self care

Dates: Sat, January 12, 2019, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM CST
Locations: Montessori Center of Minnesota, 1611 Ames Avenue East, Saint Paul, MN 55106

Cost: $30.00

Annual AMI Refresher Course

The 2019 Refresher Course & Workshops will take place at the Sheraton New Orleans in New Orleans, LA.

Dates: February 15-18, 2019

Conference Information here .
Montessori Observation and Record Keeping

Dates: Saturday, January 19th, 2019 & Saturday, February 9, 2019

Times on both dates: 9 a.m. -3:00 p.m. Social at 8:30 a.m.

Locations: Montessori Center of Minnesota, 1611 Ames Avenue East, Saint Paul, MN 55106

Cost: $150 (Manual and lunch included)

St. Catherine University 5th Annual Community Celebration

Kick-off event for Montessori Education Week

Date: Sunday, February 24, 2019
Times: 1:00 - 4:00PM
UW-La Crosse’s 5th Annual Celebrating Our Montessori Children Conference

University of Wisconsin-La Crosse's fifth annual Celebrating Our Montessori Children Conference This year's theme is, Montessori Education: The Fuel to Sustain the Spark.

Dates: Saturday, January 12- Sunday, January 13, 2019

Conference Information here
Career Opportunities
Mandala Montessori
Lead Guide Primary 

Minneapolis, MN

Mandala Montessori is currently looking for a Lead Montessori Guide to join our team. AMI /AMS training is required.

Contact Kaisie Melom Aarsvold at mandalamontessori@gmail.com for more information on the position and details on how to apply.
Kinderhaus Montessori School Children’s House Assistant 

Roseville, MN

This position will support the Lead Teacher in daily classroom maintenance, classroom management, and preparation. Montessori experience highly preferred. Candidates who are interested in pursuing Montessori training are strongly encouraged to apply. Candidates must be willing to at least complete Montessori Assistant training.

Contact Taylor Amigon at taylor@kinderhaus-montessori.org / 612-719-2739
Apply online or visit www.kinderhaus-montessori.org
Cherokee Heights Montessori Children's House Assistant

St. Paul, MN

We are seeking a full-time assistant for a Children's House classroom. The assistant will be working with 4 and 5 year olds under the supervision of an experienced guide. Contact Melisa Rivera at melisa.rivera@spps.org
Cherokee Heights Montessori
Reading Intervention Teacher

St. Paul, MN

We are seeking a reading intervention teacher to work with children in a small group setting in grades 3-5 and possibly grade 2. This position is 14 hours per week. Contact Melisa Rivera at melisa.rivera@spps.org
Cherokee Heights Montessori
E1 and Children’s House Substitute Teachers

St. Paul, MN

Substitute teachers are needed throughout the school year with a possibility of becoming a long-term sub. Contact Melisa Rivera at melisa.rivera@spps.org