A bi-weekly update from the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network.                                        


OrlandoStanding Strong with Orlando: How to Help
This week an act of terrorism in Orlando took the lives of 49 victims and injured scores more. We at MNN send our thoughts, prayers, and deepest sympathies to those impacted by the violence, from Florida to Massachusetts, and beyond.

It is not often easy to find the best way to react or respond to horrifying situations like the violence in Orlando.  Luckily we have smart, thoughtful peers who are leading efforts to support victims of the tragedy. Associated Grant Makers and the Florida Philanthropic Network have compiled a list of ways to support philanthropic efforts to provide support in this time of need. We encourage you to view the list and share it with your friends, family and colleagues.

NPADOnly a Few Seats Left for Nonprofit Awareness Day
Nonprofit Awareness Day is almost here! We hope that you will join us on Monday, June 27, at the State House, along with House Speaker Robert DeLeo and Senate President Stan Rosenberg, to celebrate the incredible impact of nonprofits. We will also be presenting the  Nonprofit Excellence Awards to  seven of our 30 finalists  that demonstrate the most essential and creative work of nonprofits throughout the Commonwealth. 

MNN Affiliate members: make sure to take advantage of your member benefits- as a member of MNN, you are the only for-profits invited to the celebration!  This annual event is presented by  Citizens Bank. 

And you can continue the celebration by joining MNN as we partner with the Young Nonprofit Professionals Network for "A Toast to Nonprofit Excellence" the evening of  June 27 , from  6-8pm . Learn more and register.

With less than two weeks left, seats are limited. Register now for Nonprofit Awareness Day.  

SOcialIt's Time to Tell Everyone Why #nonprofitsmakesense! 
With Nonprofit Awareness Day just around the corner, make sure to join our annual social media campaign and use #nonprofitsmakesense to share stories, videos, images, and stats that tell our partners and the community why we matter. This is a great way to increase your organization's visibility and to raise awareness for the efforts of nonprofits all across the Commonwealth.

Each year, the #nonprofitsmakesense campaign engages hundreds of social media partners, generates 1,000+ tweets, 100+ Facebook posts and 55+ Instagram posts, and results in 3 million+ impressions. 

Join the #nonprofitsmakesense movement and be heard!  As a #nonprofitsmakesense partner, you'll receive social media tips, tricks and sample language to help you engage in the campaign.

FinalistsMeet the Finalists for Leadership Excellence Awards
Every year, MNN honors the dedication, passion, and impact of nonprofit organizations and leaders through the Nonprofit Excellence Awards. You can help celebrate these amazing nonprofits and be there when the winners are announced at Nonprofit Awareness Day! In the meantime, get to know some of the finalists...

Marisol Amaya-Aluigi is the Executive Director of La Alianza Hispana and is a finalist for the Leadership Excellence Award.
The Leadership Excellence Award  recognizes a nonprofit chief or senior executive whose strategic vision, passion, ethical integrity, innovation, perseverance, and collaborative style has led to extraordinary results in their organization. This individual will not only have identified the current needs for their organization and implemented effective approaches to reach those goals, but will have also worked to further the greater mission of their organization.  The finalists for the Leadership Excellence Award are: Marisol Amaya-Aluigi, La Alianza Hispana ; Deborah Kincade Rambo, LICSW-Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Boston ; David Kuehn, Cotuit Center for the Arts ; Katrina Shaw, Freedom House ; and Lauren Solotar, May Institute .

Click here  to learn how these leaders are strengthening their nonprofits and improving their communities.

DOLDepartment of Labor Answers Questions on How New Federal Overtime Rules will Affect Nonprofits 
With so many concerns regarding how the new federal overtime rules will affect nonprofits, the Department of Labor recently hosted a webinar to explain the new regulations and answer questions.

The new overtime laws, which take effect December 1, 2016 will significantly increase the number of managerial employees receiving overtime pay. Under the new laws, overtime pay will be extended to full time, salaried employees who make up to $47,746/year, more than double the current threshold. A second threshold for managerial staff who are "highly compensated" and therefore exempt from the overtime requirement will also be raised from $100,000 to $134,004/year. 

Most of nonprofit leaders' questions from the Q/A session focused specifically on fundraising and how to handle bonuses. An  article from the  Chronicle of Philanthropy provides highlights from the webinar, including a period of non-enforcement for some nonprofits, how to handle part-time employees who work with both charitable and business enterprise, and employees who pay for all premiums. Click here to view the webinar. For more tips and practical advice on how nonprofits can deal with these new regulations, see the latest  Nonprofit 411 article below. 

GivingUSANew Giving USA Report Says Donations Are Up
According to estimates from Giving USA, as highlighted in the Chronicle of Philanthropy, charitable giving reached $373.3 billion in 2015. That's an increase of 4% from 2014. This growth is in line with what  Giving USA, a collaboration between the Giving USA Foundation and Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, projected last year. However, it is a drop from the 6.1% growth seen in 2014.

You can read an overview of the findings by the  Chronicle of Philanthropy.

webinar11Next Week: Join us for FREE Wednesday Webinar

nonprofit411Nonprofit 411: Strategies to Prepare for New Overtime Rules
By Saleha Walsh, Insource Services

You have most likely gotten notice(s) of the changes in the overtime eligibility rules. These changes have employers of all sizes concerned about the financial impact this may have on their organizations. We recommend that you start planning now for these changes, which will be adopted as of December 1, 2016.
The new overtime eligibility rules, taking effect December 1, are expected to impact millions of salaried workers. The rules focus primarily on updating the salary and compensation levels needed for Executive, Administrative and Professional workers to be exempt from overtime. Currently employees earning $23,660 or less annually are automatically eligible for overtime pay; the new regulations will increase that threshold to $47,476 annually regardless of the employee's job function. For a number of our clients and other organizations, this will mean that administrative staff who have been considered exempt based on their duties would now be nonexempt if they make under $47,476 annually .

QuickLinksJob Opportunities
Director of Membership and Programs, Massachusetts Nonprofit Network
Bookkepper, Insource Services 
Community Relations Manager, Highland Street Foundation
Executive Director, Greater Boston PFLAG
Chief Executive Officer, Housing Assistance Corporation
Chief Operation Manager, Quincy Community Action Programs
Executive Director, Team IMPACT
Executive Director, Groundwork Southcoast
Executive Director, Cancer Connection
Child & Family Counselor, Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers 
Executive Director, The CASA Project
Founding Executive Director, Martin Richard Institute for Social Justice
VP for Development, Essex County Community Foundation
Executive VP of Operations, Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston
Managing Director, The Theater Offensive
VP of Human Resources, Combined Jewish Philanthropies
Development Manager, Two Ten Foundation
Development and Communications Manager, Brockton Neighborhood Health Center

Grant & Award Opportunities
New Earth Foundation, Due July 1

Trainings & Events 
*Discounts for MNN members
* Collaborative & Classy Awards, Boston, June 14-16 ( MNN Members use discount code CLASSYNPO when registering)


Boston Public Schools is excited to announce the launch of PartnerBPS.org, BPS's web-based partnership platform. As part of this launch, we are requesting that all current Boston Public School school-based partners register on the PartnerBPS platform by June 15th, 2016. This is a critical step in creating more coherence, alignment and understanding of the dynamic BPS partnership landscape. If you have any questions, or would like technical support, please contact Sue Li in the BPS Office of School-Community Partnerships at 617-635-6772, or email at sli@bostonpublicschools.org.


New & Returning Affiliate Members
*Special discount for MNN members

From boardroom presentations to large sales training to grand celebrations and ballroom weddings, this Boston event venue offers a scenic backdrop for all of your most important social and professional occasions. The Colonnade Hotel offers an idyllic space for both intimate affairs and larger celebrations, with special pricing for nonprofits.

Customized finance management services for small businesses and nonprofits throughout the Greater Boston Area. For a fraction of the cost and with numerous benefits, an experienced staff will analyze the numbers and provide any necessary information needed to make a sound business decisions. Services include: accounts payable support, budgeting, contract negotiations, federal indirect rate negotiations, and support with decision making.

Helps small-to-mid-sized nonprofits raise more money. They will take a look at where you are and put a plan in place to get you to the next level (Fundraising Roadmap); create a major gift program from scratch or enhance the one you have (call to learn about our performance-based pricing); get you ready for a Capital Campaign and guide you through it; and help you build the board you need now. *10% discount included for MNN members with $250 maximum.  *10% discount included for MNN members with $250 maximum. 

With nearly 30 years of experience, the New Kensington Group is prepared to help you increase funding for your organization and achieve a new level of impact and sustainability. Services focus on strategic planning, fund raising, executive search and board /governance assistance. They help nonprofit leaders assess fund raising programs; plan and manage annual, capital, and comprehensive campaigns; conduct feasibility studies; train and coach volunteers and staff members; plan and manage events; and more. 

Shareity is a digital company that offers fun, easy-to-use, gamified fundraising solutions for nonprofit organizations and social causes. Above all, Shareity's mission is to make sharing and donating in any amount easier than ever before and, we hope, making it contagious by leveraging the social influence of donors on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and every other form of social media. *Free app services to all MNN members.