Speaking up for Missouri....The Great Rivers State

This Week's Highlights:  The Supreme Court secures Eleven Point State Park, low river and lake levels, efforts to keep barges rolling, charting a course to preserve water, a turtle study from an Ozark stream, public health advisories for Kansas lakes, and how a little mussel could help save a marsh

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Read Water News

Hello water educators! Check out this new and revised diagram of the water cycle, recently released by the USGS, showing the human influence in the water cycle.

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Credit: Hayley Corson-Dosch/USGS VizLab

Association Spotlight...The Clean Water Coalition and Southwest Missouri Stream Team #5925

If you missed our newsletter last week, we were busy planting trees in southwest Missouri with the Land Learning Foundation, Southwest Missouri Stream Team #5925, The Nature Conservancy, and Neosho high school students. Over 1,600 trees of 37 species were planted as part of an ecological restoration project at the confluence of Hickory and Shoal Creeks! Find out more about the project at, or follow the Shoal Creek Watershed Facebook page.

Local Stream Team, the Southwest Missouri Stream Team #5925 is part of The Clean Water Coalition Stream Team Association. They partner with area Stream Teams on cleanups of the Elk River, Shoal Creek, and its tributaries in our state's most southwest counties! The Clean Water Coalition is one of the newest Stream Team Associations in the state, joining Stream Teams United in 2020. If you are a Stream Team interested in partnering with more Stream Teams in your area, and may want to form an Association in your watershed, email

Upcoming events
Lifejackets save lives! Wear a lifejacket on the rivers and lakes!
Check out the Stream Team Calendar for Upcoming Events

Advocacy Updates and Opportunities 

CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operation) Missouri State Operating Permits - General Permit Comment Period. Public comments due by November 30th.

PFAs Update: Missouri DNR announced the availability of the PFAS website and the Missouri PFAS viewer tool, to view results of public drinking water samples in Missouri. What are PFAs? Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) are a group of manmade fluorinated chemicals that have been used in industry and consumer products since the 1940s because of their ability to repel both water and oil. These chemicals can be found in products such as non-stick cookware, carpet, clothing, furniture fabrics, waxes, cleaning products, some firefighting foams and in industrial applications.

November 21 - PFAs Workgroup meeting, 2-4 PM

Missouri Nutrient Trading Program Open Comment Period 

Missouri 2022 Section 303(d) Impaired Waters List Public Notice. Public comment period open until January 18, 2023.

Public Meetings - November 16 and December 13, 2022

Public Hearing - January 11, 2023

Make a Year End Donation to Stream Teams United