Happy Monday! Last week, the Broward MPO and Broward County government joined forces to focus on safety as we announced the award of a $5 million federal Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant. We could not have done this if we did not work together. Through unity, we can accomplish great things. We stood with our county, our cities, and federal reps; all to make Broward better. This award was made possible by leveraging a local match of $1.25 million from Broward County, a key partner in the successful application. Together with the county we will conduct planning studies that are complementary to the SS4A goals and that will become elements of the overall project approach. The Broward MPO looks forward to working with our partners on various elements of the Action Plan. We anticipate your participation in data gathering, the development of alternatives and recommendations, and the prioritization of strategies to address safety throughout all areas of Broward County.