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Samuel was a man who had the same kind of feelings, emotions, and passions like we have. He clearly loved King Saul, who was a very stately looking king. When God told Samuel that he had rejected Saul as King of Israel because of his disobedience, Samuel was very grieved and went into mourning over it. [1 Samuel 15:35 and 16:1.] God then told him to go to the house of Jesse in Bethlehem to anoint a new king. Samuel objected, but he obeyed anyhow.
Upon arriving, Jesse presented all seven of his sons which were at hand. God rejected all of them, because their hearts were not right. [1 Samuel 16:7]
When Samuel learned that David, the youngest son, was not at hand, Samuel sent for him. God chose David, so Samuel anointed him with oil in the presence of all his brothers. The Spirit of the LORD came immediately upon David from that day forward. The Holy Spirit departed from Saul.
It appears that Samuel’s work was done after he anointed David, and David’s rise. We hear nothing more of Samuel until the recording of his death in 1 Samuel 25:11. He was Israel’s last judge because the kings took over the seat of power.
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We all have had days when we just did not get anything to work right. It seems like it starts when we get out of bed and continues on until the day is over. These days are test days my friends. Anytime we ask God to change us or to make us more like him, the tests will come. This is how we grow.
When these things happen how we react determines whether we pass the test or not. You might say “they made me so angry,” but in essence, you chose to get angry. You might say “everything I do is wrong,” but in reality, you do a lot of things that are right. It isn’t the big things that prove where we are on our walk with God. It is the little things we react to. It is so easy to fall into Satan’s traps that he sets.
We often find that we have a lot more flesh that needs to die than any of us thought we had. Crucifying our flesh daily does not mean that we actually kill ourselves, it means that we choose to put the flesh under the control of our spirit. It takes practice, but it can be accomplished.
James 1:19 says, “Wherefore, my brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.” As we practice these three things, we quickly learn what needs to change.
Every person that wants a more intimate walk with God will go through the pruning process. We need to prune what we speak, what we hear, and our reaction in anger. If we don’t prune these areas, you can be sure God will!
When something no longer bothers you, then you know that you have passed the test. Does it happen overnight? I wish! No, it does not. Just like growing from an infant to an adult takes a long time, so does our maturing with God take time. If you fail, you get to take the test again until you have learned it.
It is an awesome thing to know that God never gives up on us. He is very patient. Our goal is to be fruitful in our walk. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Gentleness, Kindness, Faith, Meekness, and Temperance are the results of putting the flesh under the control of our spirit. When you struggle, you are not alone, but God will help you if you are truly willing to want to change.
Remember, it does not happen overnight for us, so we must be willing to give others some slack (grace- undeserved favor) also on their walk with God. If you have failed the test and fallen and skinned your spiritual knees, God will clean you up if you let him. He gives us new mercies every morning. (Lamentations 3:22-23.) He is faithful to help us!
To read more of Helen's Daily messages click here
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Please note: This prophetic word was given before COVID became a world-wide plague, but there are things in this word that are happening now. Prophecy has no time frame unless it is specifically given in the prophetic word. Read this word, and know that we have entered a season that we must listen to the voice of the Spirit more than ever!
Helen Sanders
Prophetic Word
January 12, 2020
For now is the hour saith the Lord. Now is the hour to listen more than you have ever listened. For there are many voices speaking and many are leaning unto their own understanding. Yes, there is much confusion in the air, and only those that hear and listen to my voice will be led in the path that is a sure path. For there are many voices speaking this day that would be contrary one to the other. Have I not said to trust in me from your inner being and lean not unto the voice of the mind saith the Lord. For the mind is easily swayed by the voices that are speaking peace and safety, while the voice of the spirit would say come to me and find rest. For yes there is a wind blowing that will usher in many things saith the Lord. There is destruction and judgment in the wind, but I would say that it has to come to satisfy the payment for sin. My judgment will bring about a turning, yes, a turning back to me. There is an hour very soon that this will happen, for I would say don’t look with your natural eye, for there are forces that are beyond your comprehension at work even in this hour. I am adjusting the wind to bring exactly what is necessary to bring your nation to its knees. Yes, that is where it must come. That is where it will cry out to me and receive forgivenesss. Do not pray against this wind saith the Lord, for you would be fighting me. I am in this wind and it shall surely blow. Many things will topple through the blowing of this wind, for only those that are anchored in the solid rock can withstand this wind. It is blowing hard, and it will produce what I will it to produce. So my child hide yourself in the cleft of the rock, knowing that there is safety there. Hide yourself in me and know that peace is there. Hide yourself in the arms of the ancient of days. Embrace me for I will carry you through this time, but I would say do not fear, for this is all part of my plan. There will be great cities fall in one hour. The sin of those cities has come into my nostrils and has caused me to say, you think you can stand in this sin? I would say, I will bring you to your knees. I will have the final word, and justice shall be served. I would say there are mountains that will fall down and many lives will be destroyed, and you would say surely we are safe in the mountains, but they shall melt in one hour and the safety will be gone. There is only safety in me saith the Lord. Many would rise himself up and say nothing can touch me, but I will bring him down in one hour saith the Lord, for I have the last word. Yes, my children, the time of justice is at hand, so spend time with me to hear what I would say and know that of a certainty that in me you will find your safety. There will be great loss soon, but those that spend time with me will be spared saith the Lord.
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My Lord is saying…”The next 3 months will bring unexpected change all around you; And many will see unusual movement in the world that you My children call your temporary home. Just look around and you will soon see My Fire start to fall. You must know this Fire I speak of is NOT one that consumes houses and land; Oh, but it IS The Fire of My Spirit that will PURIFY some and to others it will indeed bring sudden JUDGMENT. I must tell you My child to not fear but let the lines be drawn in the sand of time; And watch as you My End Time Army starts to work assembling yourselves for battle. Yes, this is the time when the dark becomes darker and The Light becomes even brighter. So today choose your side and choose who will serve; For this is your year of supernatural PROVISION…And this is your year of supernatural PROMOTION. Now furthermore, I tell you this is The Year when The Great I AM is calling out for you to Arise, Shine and enter BOLDLY into My Throne Room. You must know My children it is only there in My Presence that chains will be broken; And greater POWER will be given to those of you who are READY, WILLING and ABLE to help in destroying the works of the enemies around you…And soon Satan…The Enemy will be DEFEATED as you My children become battlefield WARRIORS. Yes, as you FIGHT the GOOD FIGHT of FAITH with My Living WORD hidden deep in your heart…On your KNEES in your PRAYER CLOSET. It is there as you listen to My Voice that all assignments will be BROKEN…And yes, all VICTORIES WILL BE WON. So get ready My Children and soon you’ll see the impossible become POSSIBLE as all PRAYERS will be HEARD and ALL needs WILL be met in Jesus Name”
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Monday Scripture For Today
Psalms 119:30-32 NIV 1995
"I have chosen the way of truth. I have set my heart on Your laws. I hold fast to Your statutes O Lord; do not let me be put to shame. I run in the path of your commands , for You have set my heart free."
It is important to have various translations of the Bible but it also more important that those translations keep the meaning of what has been written." Here is the same verse from the Bible app.
Psalms 119:30-32 NKJV
“I have chosen the way of truth; Your judgments I have laid before me. I cling to Your testimonies; O Lord, do not put me to shame! I will run the course of Your commandments, For You shall enlarge my heart.”
Do you see the differences. Make sure you are paying attention to the changes the Bible app is making in the scriptures.
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He Fights for me!! HCC
Our Lord of the Heavens, he fights for me.
He speaks words of love to me. He sees me
Through life trials. He has my good as he
Directs my life. I pray others see and feel
His light, that they’ll come to him; see their
Faults and repent, and take up the fight to be
A Christian. To take up the fight to help others
And speak the truth of the Bible. Let the gifts
They carry help the World somehow, someway.
Big or small, to help and love, and give your all.
All to help one another. Someone lonely, the,
Sick, someone who has lost their way, to a,
New way to live, to live in Christ Jesus.
To see more of HCC's beautiful poems on YouTube click here
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