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As a child under the high priest Eli, young Samuel ministered unto the LORD in a linen ephod (1 Samuel 2:18). The ephod was a linen garment that was full length, head to foot worn by a priest. This shows that God had placed young Samuel, while still a child, into a priestly role.
Every year as Samuel grew, his mother, Hannah, brought him a new coat. For her sacrifice of giving Samuel to the Lord, God blessed the previously barren Hannah with five more children.
The household of Eli and his two sons was corrupt. The Lord called three times to Samuel by name. Then, the LORD spoke to Samuel and told him that Eli’s house would die. Eli and his sons, Phinehas and Hophni, died tragically. Phinehas’s wife heard of her husband’s death and went into labor giving birth to a son and then she died. Before dying she named him Ichabod, which means the glory is departed from Israel (1 Samuel 4:21.)
The Philistines attacked Israel and took the Ark of the Covenant from Shiloh into their pagan house, placing it beside their idol Dagon.
In the meantime, the word of the Lord was spoken through Samuel (1 Samuel 3:19-20.) His words were so powerful that all Israel recognized him to be a prophet of the LORD. The Lord once again appeared at the house of the LORD in Shiloh through Samuel.
After the deaths of Eli, Hophni, and Phinehas, God established Samuel as the judge over Israel. (1 Samuel 7:6.) Samuel was the last of a long line of judges, as God gave them the king which they demanded.
Although there would come many prophets, none of them had the rulership authority that Samuel had. He was unique among the prophets.
God still uses prophets today to speak His word, but they lack the rulership authority of governance that Samuel had.
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Many prophetic voices are hearing that war is coming to our land. Most of us that are living have never experienced what that would be like. I wasn’t alive during World War 2, but my mother showed me some ration slips she had from that time. You were only able to buy certain things and if you didn’t have the ration slips you could not buy them. Food was rationed, and many necessities were scarce.
I have lived through many hurricanes here in Florida, and the only comparison I can give to war is when the shelves will be empty in the grocery stores, and people are frantic to get what they need. During hurricanes, if you did not prepare ahead of time, then you went without.
Other prophetic voices are seeing violent weather patterns leaving many without power even during the winter. We have seen this with flooding and uncontrolled fires throughout our land. If the prophetic voices are accurate there are going to be some extremely hard times in the very near future.
Our ministry has been warning people to prepare for a long time. Some have listened and others have not. It reminds me of the story of the little red hen and the grain of wheat. The red hen asked her friends, the dog, the cat, the cow, the duck, and others to help her plant her grain of wheat. None of them offered help. Her answer was always, “I will then,” and did the work herself. Then when it grew and the garden needed weeding, she asked for help, and none of her friends offered to help. Then, when it was ready to be harvested, she asked for help with the harvesting. None of those friends helped then either. Again, she said, “I will then.” She then ground the grain and baked it into delicious bread, and it was ready to be eaten. She asked who would like to eat it with her and all of her friends said they would, but the little red hen said no, “I will then.” She provided that bread for herself and her children, while the others that did not help her earlier went without.
I truly believe that the true prophetic voices have warned that things were coming, and that many have labored and worked the fields and have brought in what will be needed for hard times. Most got very little help in what they have done for the Lord. They often have done it alone, while others did nothing. The parable Jesus gave about the talents, and the minas shows that those that work will reap reward, while those that do not work lose what the Lord gave them.
Are you prepared? Are you one that has worked in God’s kingdom, preparing for hard times? If so, I believe that God will reward you, but those that have done nothing will receive nothing. Harsh word? Yes, but a necessary word to wake up those that have been idle in God’s field, preparing for hard days ahead.
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Do not be surprised as things change rapidly. For what you thought was secure will not be secure any longer. I am bringing such a shaking that even the roots of many things shall be pulled out. For I am a Holy God, and I desire holiness within my children. Many have been riding the fence with one foot on the world’s side and the other on the kingdom of God’s side. You must make a choice my children to not dangle with the world. Yes, you go into the world to bring them out of darkness, but you do not stay in the world. You must shake those things loose that are displeasing to me and allow me to bring you into total submission of my will. For the days ahead will be so filled with darkness that you must not allow any of that darkness to be in you. Your enemy will certainly use any tactic against you, and has been coming before my throne already, desiring to sift you as he desired to sift Peter. Oh, my child, let go of those things of hidden darkness and turn to me with your whole heart. As I said, the shaking will be more intense than ever. Those that submit to this shaking will come forth in such a way that they will reflect my light and glory. Those that do not will be severely tested, and some may lose their life because they could not let go of the things of the world. For in this hour, I am bringing about a great separation. You cannot say that it is the enemy doing this, for it is your God that is doing the shaking. Spend time in the secret place and know that in that place lies the answer to every question that you have. Let go of all bitterness and anger my child, for it does not reflect the light. It reflects darkness. Be the one that lives a lifestyle of repentance for those truly are my children. Let things go and do not harbor any resentment or unforgiveness. I long for you to be free of these things my child, but you must be willing to go through the fiery trials that will bring your freedom to pass. Now, do not think that the shaking is because of any hatred toward you, for I love you with an everlasting love that will never fail. Be prepared and know that I will be with you as you go through this shaking saith the Lord.
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Just remember that the life of a Christian is NOT a PLAYGROUND; But rather it IS a real BATTLEFIELD. Now as you keep this fact in the forefront of your heart and your mind; You can know that you WILL continually be PROTECTED and PREPARED to live and to walk in a LIFE of sweet VICTORY. Yes, it’s so very true that we must all FIGHT the GOOD fight of FAITH, keep the ARMOR of GOD securely on; And stay READY to do BATTLE. We know The Bible tells us in I Peter 5: 8 how the dirty devil walks around looking for God’s children who has given him permission to devour them so that he can put them down…And take them on out. Therefore I encourage you STAY on GUARD and be a good soldier of our Lord Jesus Christ; For He will always be by your side. So determine that you’ll have absolutely NO fear; As you daily live the victorious life our loving and faithful God wants you to have; And that my friend would be that you LIVE in PEACE with GOD, with yourself…And with your fellow man as you DAILY walk in God’s love, God’s protection and in God’s total VICTORY.
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Monday Thought For The Day
You will never walk alone through your struggles or hard times of life when you have Jesus as your Savior. His promise is, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Sometimes it is hard to believe that statement, but we have to trust and believe His Word. The Bible is full of examples for us to use in this life. So make sure you read and reread those stories in the New and Old Testament. There are amazing stories of deliverance from enemies, provisions and healings in the Old Testament. The gospels tell of Jesus miracles and the miraculous things that happened with the disciples. God loved us enough to show us how to navigate the trials of life. It is up to us to follow what was written in our Bible. Amen? Amen!
“Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will help you.”
Psalms 37:5 NLT
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The Engine!! HCC
The Engine that drives the Church is prayer.
As you bow your head to speak to your
Heavenly Father, to lift your concerns, your
Prayers and your love to him, just know he is
Your best friend. He keeps the Engine of the
World moving. He hears all prayers to him,
And if you repent, and come to hi, he forgives
All your sins. This Engine, this God on high,
Gave his Son to die for you, for your forgiveness.
Bring your prayers and come to him today.
This Engine of your life, will keep you running,
To Eternity
To see more of HCC's beautiful poems on YouTube click here
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