God gave mankind the ability to think and along with that to have creative imaginations. He has gifted many to create with their imaginations such things as even this computer that I am writing this on. Others have been given the creative gift of inventions such as electricity, and the ability to cure diseases.
The imagination is a wonderful thing to have if it is brought under the influence of the Holy Spirit. If it isn’t, then the things that we create can bring into being harmful things. I believe that many video games that children play have introduced violence and demonic spirits into their imaginations. Some become so engrossed in these games that eventually they act these things out in “real life.” There is nothing wrong with being a soldier, but when your whole thought life is controlled by these violent games, it becomes an obsession to be violent.
We are to bring our imaginations under the influence of God. In II Corinthians 10:5 it says, “Casting down imaginations, and every high (prideful) thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”
We must be careful what we let into our “eye gate” or imagination. If we are looking at pornography or television programs that are full of lust and sin, we will be snared with our imaginations. The scripture tells us that to look on a woman with lust is the same thing as committing adultery. (Matthew 5:28.) Have you imagined things by looking at these things that are ungodly? I Corinthians 6:9 tells us that adulterers shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
If a thought comes into your imagination that doesn’t glorify God, then throw it away. Refuse to think upon it, or it will take root, and eventually must be pulled out. Satan works in our thought lives. He did it with Adam and Eve. They looked at the fruit and imagined how it would taste and imagined how it would be to be like “God”. Little did they realize that these thoughts brought them death. They were already like God, created in His image. Satan cannot give us anything that isn’t a counterfeit.
Then there is the fear that comes from imagining the worst in a situation. Satan peppers your mind with what ifs, and if you succumb to these imaginations, you will live a tormented life. II Timothy 1:7 says, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.” See the word sound mind? That means your mind is not to be controlled by the fear that Satan sends. God’s love and power gives us a sound mind. It conquers fear, but we must renew our minds to the Word of God, not the thoughts Satan places in our minds.
Finally, we are to think upon thoughts that are pure, lovely, and of a good report. Philippians 4:8 tells us this. It is a choice to think or imagine the right kind of things. If you have a problem with your imaginations and your thoughts, take it to Jesus. Confess it as sin and choose to turn away from the imaginations that bring you into bondage. He will help you if you ask him. If you still have a struggle, then you should ask your Pastor to help you. He should have the wisdom to help you rectify this.