When Jesus began his ministry, he went into Galilee to the seaport of the city of Capernaum which became the home base for his ministry. It was there that he put together his band of twelve close disciples.
As he walked along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he encountered Peter and Andrew. They were casting their fishing nets into the sea. He called out to them [Matthew 4:19], “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” They immediately left their nets and followed Jesus.
Walking a little farther, he saw James and John fishing from a ship that belonged to their father’s fleet. As he called them, they also immediately with no hesitation left Zebedee’s [their father] fleet and followed Jesus. Their reputation as fishermen remained with them throughout their three years with Jesus. However, the time spent with Jesus taught them how to become fishers of men instead of fishers of fish. But fishing remained as part of their identity so much so that after Jesus’ resurrection, not knowing what else to do, they returned to the sea to fish for fish. Jesus actually had to go to the seashore to call them back to himself.
After the outpouring on Pentecost, they lost all interest in going back to fishing in the waters of the sea. They truly became fishers of the souls of men. Eight thousand souls were saved in the two days following Pentecost.
When heavy persecution came to the new church of believers, they went into hiding. Their house churches were kept hidden. But how were they secretly revealed to those seeking fellowship with other believers? How better than to identify as fishermen.
At the entrance door of the house of a believer was displayed a simple symbol of a fish. The believers understood it, but it meant nothing to their Roman persecutors or to the armed temple guards of the Sanhedrin.
Today we still see that fish symbol on the bumpers or back windshields of cars. It is a testimony to their faith on Jesus.
We have no greater commission from Jesus than to be fishers of men today. Jesus once said, “the field is white [ripe] unto harvest, [John 4:35] but the laborers [harvesters] are few [Matthew 9:38].” We are to testify of Jesus and harvest the ready souls of men to the kingdom.
You and I are his fishers of men!