In Mark 11 we see the story of the fig tree. Jesus saw it from afar off and wanted to have some figs since he saw there were leaves on the tree. When he got to it, there were no figs, just leaves. In verse 14 Jesus said, “And Jesus answered and said unto it [the fig tree] ‘No man eat fruit of thee hereafter forever.’ And his disciples heard it.”
This was indicative of what was to follow. He entered into Jerusalem and the temple and cast out those that sold and bought merchandise in the temple and threw them out. He would not allow any man to carry any vessel through the temple. The temple, which was to be a house of prayer, was desecrated by those that “merchandised” it.
This upset the religious scribes and priests, and they sought how they might destroy him.
The next day he and the disciples passed by the fig tree and Peter saw it dried up from the roots and mentioned it to Jesus [vs. 21]. Jesus gave an interesting response. He said in verse 22, “Have faith in God, for verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain [fig tree, or anything that is “not bearing fruit”] be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and SHALL NOT DOUBT in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith [our words] shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.”
When a person has the God kind of faith, or faith in God, it will not doubt when it speaks. It believes God’s word and God’s promises that when they speak to mountains, [regardless of what that mountain may be] they will be removed and will no longer hinder God’s work in their lives.
Doubt is a serious sin, my friend. It stops God from moving. It hinders your walk. It paralyzes one’s witness.
When we have the “God kind of faith” that believes God, and his promises, then we shall see things change. There is absolutely no room for doubt in the God kind of faith. Jesus did not speak to that fig tree and hope that it would wither. His words were spoken with authority, and we have that same authority through the name of Jesus when we speak. When we walk in that authority, we have faith that moves mountains and things will happen for us like it did for him.