Marriage Moments & Parenting Pointers


Family heart

Dear Susan,

Below are your Marriage Moments and Parenting Pointers for February, 2024

BONUS: As Lent begins on Feb. 14, Christians seek ways to unite with the suffering of Jesus and be in solidarity with the poor. Consider taking the SNAP (Food Stamp) challenge - Can you eat on $4.15-$6.25/day as a Lenten sacrifice? (rev. 2024-$)


I offer you these tidbits of wisdom as prayer prompts to remind you (and your constituents) of the sacredness of marriage vows and the value of every child. The commitment to love a spouse forever, and the generous gift of life parents offer a child are indeed spiritual under-takings and cannot be done alone. May the God of Love be with you and your work.

You are welcome to reprint these MM's and PP's in bulletins, newsletters, and on your website with the credit - 

"By Susan Vogt,"

When used on a website, please also link to my website: 

*FOR MORE extended marriage and parenting articles, plus archived Marriage Moments and Parenting Pointers, go to:


1080. Feb. 5: February is Black History Month, but not all injustices are black or white. In marriage there’s often a lot of gray when trying to figure out who is right in an argument. Before insisting on having your way, try to get in your spouse’s skin. Look at the problem through his/her eyes. This works between races too.

1081. Feb. 12: How Do I Love Thee? - As we count the days to Valentine Day, let us also count the ways we love our spouse. This is not a math contest. Pick out 1, 2, or 3 ways that your beloved brings you joy.

1082. Feb. 19: Feb. 19 is Presidents Day in the USA, but presidential debates and accusations flow wildly throughout this election year. Practice listening well to your beloved and seeking common ground on all vital issues, even politics. May our country be so wise too.


1083. Feb. 26: How do I pray? Let me count the ways. For one spouse it might be memorized or repetitive prayers; for another contemplative, spontaneous, or crisis praying. For some nature or silence may prompt our spirituality. Whether alone or together; often, rarely, or never – talk. Maybe try out your beloved’s way.

*Marriage Moments go out to individuals on Mondays. For Sunday bulletins use the Sunday immediately before the above date. 


1080. Feb. 2: Feb. 2 is Groundhog Day. As a family, look for your shadows today. Shadows don’t have to always be physical. Sometimes it’s an undeveloped talent or the opposite of a strength you have. Perhaps you’re an extrovert. Try being quieter – or vice-versa.

1081. Feb. 9: Your family may not come from royalty but have fun playing King or Queen for a Day. Assign each person 1 day this week to choose their favorite food, activity, and be free of most chores. Others have to take up the slack. (More than 7 people in your family? Extend the week.)


1082. Feb. 16: Following your King/Queen for a Day week, try Servant for a Day week. Again, assign each person 1 day to do a service for each other member of the family. Be creative. Be generous. Be willing. (Babies are exempt.😊)


1083. Feb. 23: A week of prayer: No, you don’t have to be in a church or on your knees 24/7, but experiment with different ways to pray. Let everyone, no matter how young or old, share their favorite prayer or style of praying – no matter how short or long.

*Parenting Pointers go out to individuals on Fridays. For Sunday bulletins, use the closest Friday.

© 2024 Susan Vogt

Additional Resources:

*Check out my Living Lightly BLOG:, Living Laudato Si' ECO-TIPS,

or Family Matters WEBSITE:


*CONTACT me by PHONE: (859) 291-6197 or E-MAIL: [email protected]

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