General Orders Newsletter  #3

November 2023



Thursday, November 16, 2023




Meeting Code - 2020

Call in via telephone: 1-929-436-2866

Enter this Meeting ID: 4981 732 263

National President

Barbara Hale Ray

Thank You for Your Service

As we celebrated Veterans Day, let us continue to take a moment to honor the men and women who made sacrifices to maintain the freedoms that we continue to enjoy today. Let us be forever mindful of the cost of these freedoms.

I would like to take a moment to share with you the life and legacy of 1st Sgt. Harold Nelson from Chapter 375, our oldest Patriot of the Military Order of the Purple Heart. Patriot Nelson at 108 years old showed us how to be proud and he did it with style. He was always surrounded by people who really loved and cared for him. Upon meeting Patriot Nelson for the first time, I will never forget how he made me feel. He never forgot me. He was a true Patriot. We can go back in years and look at the young men and women, leaving home for the first time, to put on a uniform that represent their country. My mind goes to Patriot Nelson. I see him as that farm boy boarding a bus and later a train to give all that he had for the love of his country. Wounded five times, losing his hearing, and receiving two Purple Hearts, Patriot Nelson never stopped fighting. He was the first person from the state of Nebraska to be drafted. For those of you too young to remember the draft, we had a draft back then. The Federal government used the draft to find eligible men to serve in the United States

Armed Forces. The draft usually happened when the Armed Forces were not equipped with enough men that were needed to fight in a war. During the draft period, men were the only ones eligible to be drafted. The draft ended in 1973 but it can be resumed in a national emergency. Resuming the draft is not as easy as one would think because it would have to first be authorized by Congress and the President of the United States.

But to give that Veteran a chance to wear his or her uniform, shows pride and glows from within. They are proud to have served their country. To all who wore or now wears the uniform, I would like to say, Sir or Madam, Thank You for Your Service and our freedoms!



Auxiliary members, As we return home from Arlington, I want to express my gratitude and thanks to all of you for this great experience.

Being in the company of so many service organizations gave me the greatest joy of knowing that i represented the greatest of all services, the Military Order of the Purple Heart Auxiliary. 

Walking the hollowed grounds and seeing grave markers of individuals from so many conflicts our Veterans fought, made me appreciate them. In knowing that many families lost loved ones, and many of them will never know that we thank them for our Freedom! 

To our Veterans and their families, on this Veteran Day, we also Thanks you for their Service.


National Senior Vice President

Fran Holtgreven

Can you believe Thanksgiving is just around the corner? Thanksgiving has always been a special day for me and our family. It would start out a few days before by getting the turkey from the local turkey farm. I never liked going along for the pick-up, I didn’t want to see all the live turkeys still strutting around, so I would always volunteer to do another chore at home. Then all the food preparations would start. The night before the big day, Dad would lift the turkey into the big roaster and start the basting all night. [Things sure have changed since I was a child, no basting, just put the bird in a bag or on the smoker and it is finished in no time or just pick the finished bird up at the local restaurant or grocery store!]  The turkey is a very interesting bird that has been a part of our country for a long time. Thanks to The Old Farmer’s Almanac here is a few turkey tidbits:                

  • Ben Franklin wanted the turkey to be our national symbol, instead of the bald eagle. He wrote a letter to his daughter detailing how the turkey is a more respectable bird and is a true original native of our country.         
  • A male turkey is called a tom, a female a hen, and a young turkey a poult.     
  • The average lifespan of a domestic turkey is about 26 weeks and a wild turkey is about 3 to 4 years.    
  • A wild turkey can fly, but it prefers to walk or run. Turkeys are not agile flyers, but they will perch in trees to stay safe from predators.                                                      
  • The loose, red skin attached to the underside of a turkey’s beak is called a wattle. The flap of skin that hangs over the gobbler’s beak is called a snood and it turns bright red when the bird is excited.                                                                                
  • Only toms gobble. It is a mating call to attract nearby hens, and males only this sound in the spring and fall.                                             
  • This year, the average person in the United States will eat around 15 pounds of turkey.   


As we sit down to enjoy dinner this year, let’s remember all that each of us are thankful for. Go around the table and have everyone say one thing that they are especially thankful for.  Remember to be thankful for all our Patriots, Veterans and Active Duty who have made it possible to enjoy family and friends on this special day. I would like to thank everyone for their cards, phone calls, text messages and encouraging words during the loss of my Dad and Mom. I am thankful to have each of you in my life. 

Happy Thanksgiving    Gobble Gobble


National Junior Vice President

Teviah Gilliard

Jr. Vice President Gilliard will be announcing her first FUNdraising project of the year in order to defray annual convention costs.

Orders for these shirts, cards, and other products will be begin next month.


National Secretary

Judy Fiddler

Happy Fall Everyone. As Veteran's Day has come and gone, we look forward to the holidays. We can give thanks to our Veterans who have given so much of their lives in protecting us and our freedoms. Please consider applying for a grant from either the HOV or CDCE programs through National for our Veterans. Mike and I would like to wish each and every one a very happy, healthy and hearty Thanksgiving. We will be hosting most of my family this year so the preparations have begun. Yours in Patriotism...Judy


Some veterans bear visible signs of their service: a missing limb, a jagged scar, a certain look in the eye. Others may carry the evidence inside them: a pin holding a bone together, a piece of shrapnel in the leg. or perhaps another sort of inner steel: the soul's ally forged in the refinery of adversity. Except in parades, however, the men and women who have kept America safe wear no badge or emblem. You can't tell a Vet just by looking.

Who is a vet? 

-He is the cop on the beat who spent six months in Saudi Arabia sweating two gallons a day making sure the armored personnel carriers didn't run out of fuel. 

-He is the barroom loudmouth, dumber than 5 wooden planks, whose overgrown frat-boy behavior is outweighed a hundred times in the cosmic scales by four hours of exquisite bravery near the 38 parallel. 

-She is the nurse who fought against futility and went to sleep sobbing every night for two solid years in DaNang. 

-He is the POW who went away one man and came back another - or didn't come back AT ALL. 

-He "is the Quantico drill instructor who has never seen combat, but has saved countless lives by turning slouchy, no-account rednecks and gang members into Marines, and teaching them to watch each other's backs. 

-He is the Legionnaire riding in the parade who pins on his ribbons and medals with a prosthetic hand. 

-He is the career quartermaster who watches the ribbons and medals pass him by. 

-He is the three anonymous heroes in The Tomb of the Unknowns, whose presence at the Arlington National Cemetery must forever preserve the memory of all the anonymous heroes whose valor dies unrecognized with them on the battlefield or in the ocean's sunless deep. 

-He is the old guy bagging groceries at the supermarket palsied now and aggravatingly slow, who helped liberate a Nazi death camp and who wishes all day long that his wife was still alive to hold him when the nightmares come. 

-He is an ordinary and yet an extraordinary human being, a person who offered some of his life's most vital years in the service of his country, and who- sacrificed his ambitions so others would not have to sacrifice theirs. 

-He is a soldier and a savior and a sword against the darkness, and he is nothing more than the finest, greatest testimony on behalf of the finest, greatest nation ever known. 

So remember, each time you see someone who has served our country, just lean over and say "Thank You." That's all most people need, and in most cases it will mean more than any medals they could have been awarded or were awarded.

Two little words that mean a lot, "THANK YOU". 


National Sgt at Arms, VAVS Rep, CoAmericanism Officer

Linda Varejcka

"A VETERAN" has served their country with the belief that democracy and freedom are ideals to be upheld around the world."

by: John Doolittle


National Chaplain

Gwendolyn Gilliard, PNP

From the Desk of the MOPHA National Chaplain

Greetings in the Name of our Lord,


We as citizens of the United States of America join together to pay tribute and celebrate our esteemed Veterans of our great nation humbly pray: Lord God to thank you for the opportunity to come before You to lift up those who selflessly gave, and continue to, so freely their service and in so many cases their lives for the freedom we live and enjoy today. We pray that we come to realize that we should engage in recognizing Veteran’s Day (also known as Armistice’s Day) as an everyday event because none of us would be able to live the lives we lead now without the sacrifice, duty, dedication, courage, perseverance and commitment that our Veterans have given, not only for the Veterans here with us today but also our fallen heroes and our Active Duty personnel. Almighty God, we say “thank you” to them as well as their families before the “In God We Trust” - YOU. We ask that we prove ourselves worthy of the sacrifices made on our behalf and to set an example for those that will come behind us as a legacy. May this prayer reach not only our strong, brave, reliant defense Armed Forces team but to all who are exposed to being in harms’ way (law enforcement, first line responders, defenders/rescuers of all people) to stay covered in Your armor. May You, Lord God continue to protect and bless America and may America bless You God! Father, sincerely we pray with eternal gratitude to You and because of Your love and sacrifice. We are so thankful to YOU Lord and give You all of the Honor, Glory and Praise, in Your Holy Name, AMEN.



Another Day to Celebrate EVERYDAY- THANKSGIVING

According to Wikipedia:

“Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated on various dates in the United States, Canada, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Liberia, and unofficially in countries like Brazil and the Philippines. It is also observed in the Dutch town of Leiden and the Australian territory of Norfolk Island. It began as a day of giving thanks for the blessings of the harvest and of the preceding year. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and around the same part of the year in other places. Although Thanksgiving has historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, it has long been celebrated as a secular holiday as well.”

When looking at what’s happening within our world today some have shared that it’s hard to think of celebrating the Thanksgiving Holiday-would you say that’s understandable? I have found that despite the violence and atrocities against humanity, I trust in GOD and still declare that our Creator does not sleep or slumber and HE works in ways that we cannot see. And, HE is why we can still appreciate our blessings regardless of our broken world. So let us continue in (each your own) faith and in prayer for those who are in harm’s way and those less fortunate without the comforts we have as we each count our many blessings, one by one, with a heart of thanksgiving and gratitude to our God, every day! 

With deep sadness…

In Sympathy and Memoriam for Bereaved Families 

(Always sad to share but never too late to Pray, express Condolences, or send cards 

for God’s Comforting Love)

“… mourn with those who mourn.” Romans 12:15

Auxiliary Members: For those unknown. None reported at the time of this writing-Praise the Lord!

Prayers Request:  

*Maggie Bondurant (Unit 268 Minnesota) and Family: Loss of sister (Aug 23 and daughter Sep 23):  

 8333 Goodrich Road; Bloomington, MN 55437

* For those unknown

Homebound/Hospital Shut In: Unspoken requests. 

Please join in prayer and according to your faith:

Dear Heavenly Father and Mighty God,

Thank you for Your amazing and eternal love. We humbly bow our heads and hearts before You on this Thanksgiving Day 2023 celebration and every day acknowledging the blessings You have bestowed upon us and within us. You are present with us daily-never leaving us alone, in every situation-every breath we breathe, every step taken-thank You Lord, thank You that in Your kindness-Your love, You continue to give us Hope. May we never take for granted but be forever grateful for Your every good and perfect gift. We ask Lord that You bless those who have not and humbly ask for Your provision, infinite wisdom and generous Mercy and Comfort, thank You. Bless You Lord!

We ask that this prayer covers all throughout the world as well as this journey is travelled. Gracious Lord, for all You are and do, thank YOU! Thank You for hearing our prayers. May Your strength, please, we ask keep us strong; as we purposefully shall remain grateful being blessed, in faith, hope, love, peace and forgiveness of others as we want to be forgiven, seeking in Your righteousness-renewing our spirits; and continuing in trusting, believing, declaring victory in Your blessings, in Your Holy Name, Amen.

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving in his courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name.” Psalm 100:4

 “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for His steadfast love endures forever!”

Psalm 107:1

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”

Philippians 4:6

"Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.”                                Colossians 4:2

Please pass-it-on to others, thank you. Have safe, blessed, awe-inspiring and grateful celebrations!

Humbly In Patriotism, Peace, Prayer, Love, Service and Gratefulness, 



Do you want to showcase your activities and events? Reach out to your Region President and they will be happy to share.

For social media photos to share, contact Amanda Flener, PNP at

The deadline to send in photos or articles for the Purple Heart Magazine is December 15th. Send in your submissions to

Region 1, 3, 6 Liaison

Terri Shattuck, PNP

From Patriot Jo Keller, Commander Dept of California:

Good morning all,

Happy Veterans Day! First, I would Ike to thank you for your service and sacrifices. It is my honor to walk amongst heroes that paved the way and made it possible for me to walk in freedom. Thank you! I also want to thank all who support and continue to take care for us. Our homes, children and communities are better because of you.

Enjoy this very special occasion and please send lots of pictures.

With great respect,

Jo Keller


Military Order of the Purple Heart 

Department of California 

"Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die." "This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave." "Valor is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul."


Region 2 President

Karen Larabel

As we thank our veterans during this time of year, ask them have they signed up for their VA Benefits. It is never too late. I have been aiding and assisting my 90 year old Uncle in Florida who had never signed up for his VA Benefits. I flew down to Florida and took him to the VA Healthcare Center and registered him and was approved. Then arranged and went to an appointment with a Service Officer to begin that process. The Service Officers need a lot of paperwork, so come alongside a veteran and help them in gathering their information for the Service Officer to submit. Many veterans are not aware of the benefits that might be available to them. We can be that voice that says, "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE & HAVE YOU EVER SIGNED UP FOR YOUR VA BENEFITS?"  


Region 5 President

Joyce Dalton

November 6th to 10th was Veterans Appreciation Week with various events during the week to show appreciation to our Veterans and Patriots. It was a privilege to attend two events. On Monday visited one of the new VA Clinics in San Antonio with Alamo Chapter and Unit 1836. Coffee mugs, T-shirts, 

socks, snacks and bottle water were given to Veterans as they arrived for their appointments. All the freebies were donated by CDCE / VAVS Representatives Pete and Trish Rosie.  I also visited the Traveling Wall Tribute at the Frank M. Tejeda State Veterans Home in Floresville, Texas. Hope everyone has the opportunity to honor our Patriots and Veterans on Veterans Day and everyday. Remember National President Barbara project to educate the children about our Veterans if given the chance to visit the schools. 

Thanksgiving is November 23rd, be Thankful everyday for our military past and present who have fought 

for and continue to fight for our freedom. Happy Thanksgiving to all MOPH/MOPHA members . 

Call or Text: 210-844-7579, e-mail:

Regular mail: Joyce Dalton 1415 4th Street Pleasanton, TX 78064 


Medal of Honor Recipients were welcomed to the New Orleans VA medical center!

Many schools were visited in region 5

Patriots Max and Felicia Perry of Baton Rouge Louisiana Chapter 177 received the designation of Purple Heart Entity for their fitness training studio.

Tulane University Center for Brain Health is on the Purple Heart Trail

Dept of Louisiana hosted a Veterans Day Concert for 2,000 guests

The dad in this picture wad so excited to see his girls he couldn't wait for his time he just ran out and they were all crying. Chapter 375 helped bring him home from California.

Alamo Unit 1836 San Antonio Rosa Rodriguez, Joyce Dalton -Region 5 President, Trish Rosie - CDCE/VAVS Representative at new VA Clinic in San Antonio on November 6th.


Colleen Orfanello


DID YOU KNOW that you can send in photos, articles, events and information about your Unit directly to the magazine? You can also send in submissions for your artwork to be on the cover! The deadline for the January/February issue is December 15th.


2022-2023 Officers


To all Patriots, and Auxiliary Members: As your National Commander, I am proud of every member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart and I salute you for your loyal and valiant service to this great Nation. My fellow Patriots, today is a day set aside for our Nation to honor you. Unlike Memorial Day, when we honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice, this day honors the many other Veterans who served with honor but were able to return to their homes and their families.  

On November 11 each year, we gather to honor and express our deepest gratitude to the men and women who have selflessly served in our Armed Forces. Veterans Day is a special occasion to pay tribute to those who have made incredible sacrifices to protect our Nation and preserve the freedoms we hold dear.

On this day, we remember the courage and dedication of the brave individuals who have worn the uniform and stood up for the principles of freedom, democracy, and justice. It's a day to recognize that our Veterans are not just faceless heroes but real people, with families, dreams, and aspirations, who put their lives on the line to ensure that we can live ours in peace and security. We also pay tribute to the Veterans who served during times of peace, as they, too, played a critical role in maintaining our national security.

We should never forget that we all have an embodiment of dedication, patriotism, and sacrifice. We all have left our families, faced unimaginable challenges, and demonstrated unwavering loyalty to our country. We have shown what it means to put the greater good above personal interests.

While we set aside this day to remember and thank all Veterans, let's not limit our appreciation to just one day a year. Let us make it a daily commitment to support all Veterans in meaningful ways. This can be through our Order programs with job opportunities, education, mental health support, and more. Let us ensure that they receive the respect, care, and assistance they deserve.

President Reagan once said, “The blessings of liberty which our ancestors secured for us, and which we still enjoy, are ours only because, in each generation, there have been men and women willing to bear the hardships and sacrifices of serving in the military forces we need to preserve our freedom.  These fine men and women have not sought glory for themselves, but peace and freedom for all. They exemplify the spirit that has preserved us as a great Nation, and they deserve our recognition for everything they have done. With a spirit of pride and gratitude, we honor and remember our Veterans today.”

In closing, on this Veterans Day, let us remember that freedom is not free. It comes at a great cost, paid by the men and women who have served and continue to serve in our military. Thank you, for you all are heroes on this special day. God bless the Order, and God bless the United States of America.

To my fellow Brothers and Sisters in Purple – Thank you for your service and sacrifice!

Yours in Patriotism,


Ralph "Carder" Ferguson

National Commander

Military Order of the Purple Heart


REMINDER: FUNdraising resources are available to the MOPHA:

The American Dream Ambassador Program gives registered homeowners access to deep discounts to products and services needed to renovate or touchup their home --and it can even you help purchase a home.

Once registered, you are an American Dream Ambassador for as long as you own your home. 

Click here to watch the video to learn more.

To learn more how the program benefits our Purple Heart families, click here:


Our friends at Keystone Uniform Caps embroider each cap with dedication and love. Caps take a few weeks to be shipped. If you wish to modify your current cap, or perhaps order a new one, then visit their website at

CLICK HERE to shop online and support our Auxiliary.

Rada has amazing cutlery and items that would be perfect in your kitchen or to give as a gift.

CLICK HERE to view the November/December issue of the

Purple Heart Magazine.

The deadline for submission for the January/February is December 15th.

Send articles, photos, and other submissions to:

Article Heading

2024 Convention Update


FLORIDA will be the host Department for the 2024 National Convention. The theme is "THE YEAR OF THE FAMILY". It takes a lot of hard work and resources to host a convention. The Auxiliary will be collecting raffle items to defray the costs of the convention. The Department of Florida is working hard to make the 91st Convention a huge success. Let's help them as well. During mid-winter meetings, discuss donating monetary or other gifts, as well as discuss purchasing ad space in the convention booklet or hosting a hospitality night.


The hotel for this year's convention is the ROSEN PLAZA HOTEL. Dates for the meeting is tentatively July 15-17, 2024.

More details will be shared during the Zoom meeting.



Examples may be a passed down family recipe for home-made pie, or as simple as the Hero's signature sandwich.

Every Gold Star Family has a story to tell. We want to share their story through recipes! Gold Star Families can may send in the recipe for their Hero's favorite dish. It is requested that a photo of your Hero, as well as a story why they enjoyed that particular recipe so much, accompany the recipe. We wish to honor our fallen Heroes by remembering their life, not the loss.

Categories will be appetizers, entrees, soups & salads, desserts, and more.

CLICK HERE to submit a recipe. Please share with family and friends.

or visit

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