General Orders Newsletter  #4

December 2023

Together, We Can Do It!

We will not have a Zoom meeting this month.

National President

Barbara Hale Ray

Sr. Vice President

Fran Holtgreven

Jr. Vice President

Teviah Gillard

On behalf of your leadership team, "Happy Holidays"!

National President

Barbara Hale Ray

Christmas Greetings


As we gather together with family and friends this holiday season, I wish you and your family a heartwarming Merry Christmas filled with love, joy, and the spirit of happiness. May your home be filled with the smell of gingerbread baking in the oven and laughter of the family coming together with a glow of love that only family and friends can give.

Whether you are gathered around the flickering light from your fireplace or exchanging gifts beneath the glowing Christmas lights, or listening to music that softens your heart, may the warmth of your family’s gathering wrap around you like a warm cozy blanket on this blessed day.

In the midst of this holiday season, may you find time to reflect on the love of God our Savior. May the Christmas spirit fill us with love, peace, kindness and goodness that will lead to a better life. Remember, “He's the reason for the season.”  A child was born in Bethlehem.

This Christmas, let gratitude be the melody that resonates in the hearts of all.

Let us embrace the simple joys of excitement in our children's eyes from the wisdom shared to them by older family members. For these are true moments that are captured and talked about for generations to come.

As you unwrap the presents under the Christmas tree, remember that the greatest gift of all is love that can be shared with friends and family. May this festive holiday season mark the beginning of another chapter filled with shared stories and laughter of family.

Merry Christmas to you and your family. May this coming year be a beautiful wall hanging displaying the seasons of family love.    


“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”    


 Isaiah 9:6 


National Senior Vice President

Fran Holtgreven

December 7, 2023, I am awake early, excited to attend the 82nd National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Ceremony, A Legacy of Hope. As excited as I am, I am also wondering, what was on the minds of all the men, women and children on the Island that December 7, 1941 morning. What plans and hopes were they thinking of for the coming day, month or year? For approximately 2400 people, we will never know their hopes and dreams. Survivors of Pearl Harbor still remember that Sunday morning, was it a practice drill, maneuvers or an invasion of the Hawaiian Islands? As the planes approached, red circles of the Rising Sun on their wingtips were seen, in disbelief, everyone sprang into action and began to open fire.

The wreckage of the USS Arizona remains as a monument to the events of World War II and to the legacy of those who sacrificed their lives to preserve our most cherished values. As I walked closer to the “Remembrance Circle”, a chill came over me and I looked up to the sky and wondered how the chills came over everyone on that Sunday morning that were looking up to the sky, wondering what was happening and to the sailors still in their bunks after hearing the sounds of gunfire and bombs.

I am thrilled, honored, humbled, privileged and thankful to have been the Military Order of the Purple Heart Auxiliary representative at Pearl Harbor Day in Hawaii this year.

Later in the afternoon, around 4 PM, a ceremony was held at the start of the Pearl Harbor Day Parade. On stage, three attending Pearl Harbor survivors, along with MOPH Commander Fergusen and other dignitaries were honored. The streets were lined with many children, men and women to celebrate and remember the sacrifice of the Veterans on December 7, 1941.  Participants came to participate from all over the United States to show their pride and honor the Pearl Harbor 82nd Remembrance Commemoration. What a wonderful way to end a special day and celebrate those who gave so much to help keep this great country free from oppression. 


A more detailed account of Fran's experience will be in the Christmas Day Bunny Hop Newsletter.

National Junior Vice President

Teviah Gilliard

Jr. Vice President Gilliard had the honor of attending the National WWII Museums Pearl Harbor Remembrance Ceremony on December 7, 2023. It was a wonderful experience where she learned about the events that took place that fateful morning. The guest speaker was Mr. “Rocky” Gillette of the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, which works to locate and identify missing military personnel lost in past conflicts. Learning of Mr. Gillette being the son of a Purple Heart recipient, Teviah bestowed a "Purple Heart Family" pin to Mr. Giillete who said he will cherish it always.




Do you want to showcase your activities and events? Reach out to your Region President and they will be happy to share.

For social media photos to share, contact Amanda Flener, PNP at

The deadline to send in photos or articles for the Christmas Day "Bunny Hop" Newsletter is the Purple Heart Magazine is Friday December 22nd. Send in your submissions to

Mourning our Fellow Members

Shirley Kent from Wisconsin's Unit 164

on November 23, 2023. Please keep her family in your prayers during this time of grief.

Deaths can be reported to Chaplain Gilliard by filling out the online death report. Please help us keep our members informed about our fellow members passing. This report is used to honor each of our loved ones during the national memorial service. This year, the memorial service will be held in July during our 91st annual Convention in Orlando.


Leonora Woodard-Swank CA Unit 49

Caren Nash MN Unit 8

Sally Waller CA Unit 49

Valinda Bricker CA Unit 49

Rayne Bricker CA Unit 49

Valerie Rodriguez CA Unit 49

Irene Jose CA Unit 49

Joseph Ciokon III CA Unit 49

Judah Lepore Armbrust CA Unit 49

Emilia Lepore CA Unit 49

Anthony Lepore CA Unit 49

Joseph Lepore CA Unit 49

2022-2023 Officers




Examples may be a passed down family recipe for home-made pie, or as simple as the Hero's signature sandwich.

Every Gold Star Family has a story to tell. We want to share their story through recipes! Gold Star Families can may send in the recipe for their Hero's favorite dish. It is requested that a photo of your Hero, as well as a story why they enjoyed that particular recipe so much, accompany the recipe. We wish to honor our fallen Heroes by remembering their life, not the loss.

Categories will be appetizers, entrees, soups & salads, desserts, and more.

CLICK HERE to submit a recipe. Please share with family and friends.

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