We need your help to build MORE TRAILS in Conway!
Fellow community leaders,

Last month, the city submitted a grant application requesting funding for the 5-mile Connect Conway Trail Project. BUILD (Better Utilizing Investment to Leverage Development) is a federal program that funded three major bike-ped projects across the country last year.
We have pursued feedback and insight from the Federal Department of Transportation and we're working hard with the city to make this potentially transformational project a reality for Conway.
Sign scan, and return our letter of support
This is what we need from you. First, please print, sign, scan, and return this LETTER OF SUPPORT to:
isaac@conwayarkansas.org .
Spread the word!
Second, as much as you are able, please disseminate this letter of support so we may gather as many signatures as possible. Your employees, friends, business colleagues, and family in the Conway area are all prime candidates. 
It’s our hope to gather more than 500 letters of support indicating the community’s desire to see more bike-ped projects built in Conway.

Thank you for your continued dedication as we work together to make Conway more economically competitive and bike-friendly.


Isaac D. Sims
Director of Community Development and Planning
Conway Area Chamber of Commerce