Metro Cities Tree Removal Permit Requirements

Are the trees on your property yours or are they a "community resource"?  It's a good question as the expanding tree removal and pruning regulation (shown above) in most cities treat trees like a community resource that need protection and approval before a property owner can prune or remove. 

Most trees increase property value but some can actually reduce property value or damage other assets on a property. 

We know most property owners want trees on their property but want them to not negatively affect the property or its value. What happens when a tree blocks your tenant's signage, lifts your sidewalks or parking lots, or shade and damages the landscape below?  

Don't misunderstand us. As you likely do, we love trees, when in the correct place, appropriate variety, and appropriate quantity. The reality is that when most properties were developed, small trees were planted and due to their size, too many were planted if all are allowed to grow to maturity. 

We doubt that there are many property owners who hate trees and want to maliciously cut down all the trees on their property, but the regulations are becoming quite restrictive. The good news is that we monitor the ever changing regulations and can assist you in understanding the process of pruning or removing trees on your property.
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