MP Heyliger-Marten clarifies Decolonization approach
"Understanding the process requires extensive reading and understanding of international law" ~ PHILIPSBURG - In a statement issued on November 9th, the Faction Leader of the UPP and Second Vice-Chair of Parliament, MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten...
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COVID-19 trend on St. Maarten to date
As of November 9th, CPS reports an increase in the 7-day moving average. The average has increased from a short-term trend of 5-per day to 8-per day. While these numbers are still small, it reflects a 60% increase in cases over the last 10 days. The island has also sadly experienced an additional death, while 6 individuals remain hospitalized.
The Editorial Team
PS: Our next quiz
For St. Maarten Day, we will be organizing another quiz with more great prizes. Make sure to read all our published articles between now and November 11, 2020. The answer to the quiz will be in one of these articles.
PPS: November Madness Month further explained
The whole month of November 2020 will be November Madness Month as we have a "November Madness Banner Advertising Sale".
All banners on the Homepage, on the Article Page and on the Archive Page are up for grabs. All banner 35 spots must go for the November Madness. You can bid as low as $10 dollars for a banner spot. Email us your bids and your banners and these will be immediately published once payment is received.
The whole month of November is November Madness Month because we have St. Maarten Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It is going to be one mad, crazy, wacky month with all kinds of banners on the website. It's first come first served. Only 35 banners spots available in total. This special offer last for the whole month of November 2020. Start your bid at $10.
| Feature Articles
Koninkrijk op Eieren: "This Kingdom is a failure"
PHILIPSBURG - "In The Hague you had to use a searchlight to find the few people who were really interested in the islands. You cannot be successful with that dossier," former Minister of Administrative Innovation and Kingdom Relations Alexander...
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What's on the Menu Today?
Whatsapp us via +1-721-588-0800 to get the latest menus from our selection of daily chefs and caterers delivering delicious dishes of food to your door. Here is our pick for today: KREATIVE JUICES CATERING ▪︎*▪︎ Lunch for Delivery Thursday, Oct. 22.
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White Paper: Sint Maarten's First Decade as a Country
10.10.10 - 10.10.20 ~ Sint Maarten's First Decade as a Constituent State of the Kingdom of the Netherlands ~ A Turbulent Constitutional Odyssey by Julio R. Romney [Instructions: Use the viewer below to open and read this white paper on your device.]
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| - Police News
Serial killer Fortune finally sentenced for Chauviré-murder
PHILIPSBURG - The Court in Basse-Terre (Guadeloupe) sentenced Grenada-born Kathron Fortune in October to 30 years of imprisonment for the rape and murder of Angélique Chauviré in 2006. Fortune is currently serving a life sentence in a high...
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Alpha Team made another arrest for drugs smuggling
PHILIPSBURG - The Alpha team has been kept busy with the ongoing investigation into drug smuggling that have taken place earlier this year. On Tuesday November 3rd, 2020, the team arrested a man with the initials E.A.B. (59) for his involvement...
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Sailboat, suspected of human trafficking
PHILIPSBURG - A multi-disciplinary team consisting of Immigration, Customs, Police (KPSM), Coastguard and Department of Maritime and Shipping, carried out a joint inspection on a sailboat that had entered the island on in the evening of November...
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| Political News
Parliament torpedoes its own committee before it even starts
Statements by MP André Bosman have now become our frame of reference ~ PHILIPSBURG - With all the pressing matters before us, such as the financial position of Government, the state of our Government agencies such as SZV, our healthcare and our...
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PFP says: Motion Another Example of Coalition Confusion
PHILIPSBURG - The motion approved by eleven members of Parliament on November 5th is yet another indication of the crossed signals currently bouncing around the governing UP/NA coalition and an unfortunate preview at the lack of cohesion and...
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Parliament hops on the de-colonization bandwagon
PHILIPSBURG - Members of Parliament approved a motion on Thursday that instructs the government to complete the de-colonization process by hiring lawyers that should also pursue reparations for Dutch violations of international law and treaties....
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Parliament establish Decolonization Committee
Motion to finalize decolonization, organize RTC by July 2021 ~ PHILIPSBURG - A joint proposal by MP's Solange Ludmila Duncan (NA) and Grisha HeyligerMarten (UPP) to establish a Permanent Committee for Constitutional Affairs and Decolonization was ...
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| Opinions
A waste of time, energy and money
By Hilbert Haar ~ The spin doctors in Parliament, spearheaded by UP faction leader Grisha Heyliger-Marten are going all out in their attempt to sell their story about the decolonization process. So far, twelve parliamentarians fell for it - not...
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The trouble with reparations
By Hilbert Haar ~ Before anyone wants to hold it against me, let me say this: I support the notion that slavery was wrong for one hundred percent. We may however have different opinions about who was responsible for the slave trade in the past and...
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| Local News
COVID-19 trend on St. Maarten to date
PHILIPSBURG - As of November 9th, CPS reports an increase in the 7-day moving average. The average has increased from a short-term trend of 5-per day to 8-per day. While these numbers are still small, it reflects a 60% increase in cases over the...
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Take the survey: Online Shopping, is St. Maarten ready?
PHILIPSBURG - On behalf of one of our local business partners, we are asking our readers to take the following online survey to determine the interest in 'Online Shopping' on St. Maarten. Survey: The...
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Government holds cost-cutting measures info-session
PHILIPSBURG - On Friday, November 6, 2020, Minister of General Affairs Silveria E. Jacobs held an information session for all civil servants. This virtual meeting was to provide an update concerning government's cost-cutting measures as per the...
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Not all schools abide by corona-measures
PHILIPSBURG - Not all schools are fully adhering to the protocols and safety guidelines from the government's Education Continuity Plan, Minister of Education Drs. Rodolphe Samuel reports in a press release. Inspectors found that in some schools...
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Port St. Maarten welcomes largest CMA CGM Cargo Vessel
PORT ST. MAARTEN - Port St. Maarten made history once again servicing CMA CGM Fort Fleur d'Épée, the largest container ship to ever call at the Dr. A.C. Wathey Cruise & Cargo Facilities. The vessel arrived in port on Friday, November 6, 2020....
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Monitoring committee meeting held between governments
POND ISLAND - On Thursday, November 5, 2020, a monitoring committee meeting was held between the governments of Dutch and French St. Martin and the office of the Préfet of Saint Barths and Saint Martin. Present and giving opening remarks during...
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| News in Dutch
Vragen over juridische hulp dekolonisatie Sint Maarten
Van een onzer verslaggevers Philipsburg - Party For Progress (PFP) vraagt zich af of Sint Maarten de kosten kan betalen die gepaard gaan met het verkrijgen van de diensten van het in Washington DC gevestigde advocatenkantoor Coharis Law Group om...
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Aruba accepteert voorwaarden
Van onze correspondent Oranjestad - ,,De regering van Aruba vindt na de laatste wijzigingen in het voorwaardenpakket, dat de voorwaarden meer gebalanceerd zijn. Daarom is de regering voornemens om de voorwaarden te accepteren." Dat verklaarde...
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Eerste coronavaccins op Aruba gaan naar zorg, ouderen en ...
ORANJESTAD - De eerste mensen die op Aruba een coronavaccin zullen krijgen, zijn degenen die in de zorg werken, mensen met gezondheidsproblemen en ouderen. Dat zegt de Arubaanse premier op vragen van Caribisch Netwerk over het verdeelbeleid nadat ...
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Tickets kerst weer sky high
Eilanden met feestdagen peperduur voor Caribische student in Nederland Van een onzer verslaggevers Willemstad - Reizigers, waaronder Caribische studenten in Nederland, die de kerst op Curaçao of een van de andere eilanden - bij en met hun familie ...
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KONINKRIJK OP EIEREN - Download uw eboek hier
REFLECTIES OP 10 JAAR 10-10-10 Het op 10 oktober 2010 tegelijkertijd opheffen van het land Nederlandse Antillen, het stichten van de nieuwe landen Curaçao en Sint Maarten en Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba tot bijzondere gemeenten van...
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| Bulletin Board Announcements & Notices
Adjusted opening hours at Main Landfill/Irma Landfill
POND ISLAND - The Ministry of VROMI announces that the main landfill as well as the Irma landfill will have adjusted opening hours during the upcoming holidays. These holidays are as follows: St. Maarten's Day on Tuesday, November 11th, 2020....
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November 17 is the deadline for applying for a fireworks
Those who are interested in importing, transporting, selling, or having a firework show at year-end needs to apply at the Fire Department at least six weeks before the activity. Those interested in applying for a Fireworks license for this year's ...
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PM Jacobs reminds the community not to be complacent
PHILIPSBURG - The government of St. Maarten continues to allow for more businesses to open and fully operate in a safe and responsible manner. While St. Maarten continues to get accustomed to our 'new normal', Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs would ...
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| Regional News
Colombia Drops PCR-test Requirement for International Travel
Bogotá- There is good news for international travelers planning to travel to Colombia. The country has decided to eliminate the requirement of a negative PCR test to enter the country. While authorities do require arriving passengers to...
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| now offering shared charters to St. Kitts & Nevis
Shared charter rates from $260 US Dollars per one-way and up for groups of up to seven (7) passengers + one piece of checked luggage and one carry-on each. Submit a reservation request online at
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| Poll
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| Dutch News
'Sprouts not sweets' advice for Sint-Maarten
As if to prove nothing is immune from the curse of 2020, Amsterdam city council is suggesting parents give their children sprouts rather than sweets at this year's Sint-Maarten celebrations. Traditionally the feast day of St Martin of Tours, or...
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Large-scale rapid corona test facility opens in Groningen
The first XL-sized coronavirus test centre is being opened in Groningen at lunchtime on Monday. The facility at Martiniplaza can handle up to 2,500 tests a day and is accessible by car, bike or on foot.
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New coronavirus cases plunge below 5,000
The number of newly registered coronavirus infections in the Netherlands fell by almost 1,000 in the 24 hours to Monday morning, according to new figures published by public health institute RIVM. In total, the RIVM was notified of 4,709 positive ...
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