November 20-26, 2023



Growing Generous Givers Campaign Update

Meredith and Andrew Greene shared their story of coming to MPBC. Andrew said, "We give to this church knowing we are helping address the many programs and needs that exist right here in this city and we know we're ensuring a place like this exists for our girls and all the people we can reach now and into the future." Listen to their full testimony here.

Haven't made a pledge yet? You still can! Please make your pledge for 2024 here.

Staff Announcement

We are pleased to welcome Mary Parrish Coley to MPBC as our Interim Campus Administrator. Mary Parrish is a North Carolina native who moved to Charlotte in 1997, a graduate of UNC Chapel Hill with a degree in Economics who began her career as a Paralegal, and recently concluded a 26-year career at BB&T/Truist Bank where she served as a Governmental Finance Sales Officer. She is also a member and elder of Covenant Presbyterian where she has served in many different volunteer positions, including on the Session. | Read more

Holiday Closings

We wish you and your loved ones a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

The Church Office will be closed for the holiday Thursday, November 23 - Monday, November 27.

The Cornwell Center will close at 3p on Wednesday, November 22 and will be closed all day November 23 and 24.

Through-The-Week School (TTWS) will be closed November 22-24.

Advent and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 

A 3-week course with Rev. Dr. Ben Boswell

Sundays, November 26, December 3 and 10 | 11:15a-12:15p | Library

Join Rev. Dr. Ben Boswell for a conversation on the religious political history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and our response as people of faith and good conscience. We will learn about the 110-year history of the conflict and the involvement of the United States. We will learn the history and appropriate use of terms like Zionism, Islamaphobia, anti-semitism, colonialism, apartheid, Genocide, just war theory, non-violence, and pacifism. | Read more

Spread Joy in a Weary World

Giving Tuesday, November 28

It’s almost time for the largest global giving day of the year – Giving Tuesday! We are excited to be a part of this worldwide event, providing you a chance to help us be a community of love, acceptance, and hospitality for our neighbors. No need to wait until November 28, you can go ahead and make your donation now by clicking on the button below.


"How Does A Weary World Rejoice?" Devotional

Wednesday, November 29 | 6:15-7:15p | Heaton Hall

Christ was born into a weary world. King Herod ruled the land with a legacy of ruthlessness. The Romans treated the people of Israel with contempt, imposing harsh taxes and land seizures that forced many into subsistence farming. Poverty and destitution were pervasive. And yet, Christ was born, bringing good news of great joy for all people.

And so, this Advent, we will hold space for our weariness and our joy. We will seek a “thrill of hope” in our hurting world. We will welcome joy—even if, like the prophet Isaiah, we cry out for comfort (Isaiah 40:1). In this weary world, may we find many ways to rejoice.


Sunday, November 26

Preacher | Rev. Dr. Ben Boswell

Sermon | “A Thrill of Hope”

Scripture | Luke 1:26-38 

Celebrating | Advent 1 | Hope

Name Change Listening Event

Sunday, November 26 | after worship | Parlor

The church Name Change Steering Committee Is moving its November 19 meeting to the following Sunday, November 26 at 11:15a due to a conflict with our Thanksgiving lunch on the 19th. Join us on the 26th after Worship in the Parlor. No reservation is required. Members of the Steering Committee will be there to answer your questions and receive your comments and feedback. | Read the update article on Next Steps


The Season of Advent Worship Services

“How Does A Weary World Rejoice?”


Advent at MPBC will be filled with stories of waiting, traversing through difficulties, and finding our joy in the midst of whatever is happening in life. We will have several special services, and Spiritual Growth opportunities. | Read more

Spiritual Growth

Amidst violence, poverty, political tensions, grief, trauma, and so much more, join us as we explore Luke’s Gospel in hopes of finding joy while having space for grief. Mark these dates on your calendar:

Sunday, November 26 - December 10 | Palestine/Israel Special with Rev. Dr. Ben Boswell | Read more


It's Time to Volunteer for Room In The Inn (RITI)

Every Saturday, December 2, 2023 - March 30, 2024

Room In the Inn is a ministry where our church partners with many others to provide food and a place to sleep for people during the winter. Over a thousand folks are cared for each year through this program. It can be a packed lunch, a made bed, or a car ride to a shelter. Every small act of kindness matters. Because just a night can save a life. | Read more | Please sign up here. Have questions? Please contact Seth Pilz

Pause and Dream About What is Yet To Be

Worship Happens Through Generosity

by J. Kevin Gray

Everything in worship is public. All of us witness how hard our ministry team works to create a meaningful experience, one that reflects a diverse and vibrant congregation. Each Sunday, when you hear a piano, organ, flute, guitar, drum, violin, trumpet, soloist, or choir, you are witnessing the work of God pulsing as a holy rhythm through our congregation. All of this is made possible through the willingness of those who offer their time to sing, play, read, light candles, and greet. | Read the full article



November 22

Happy Thanksgiving

November 29

Adult Advent Spiritual Growth Offering: “How Does A Weary World Rejoice?”

December 6

Final 2023 Tell Me Our Stories Panel

December 13

Community Night

Christmas Party

December 20 - January 10

Happy Holidays!

January 17

Community Night

2024 Mosaic Wednesday Kick-off

Rise Against Hunger

Volunteers Needed to Deliver Poinsettias

December 2 & 3

We need your help with delivering poinsettias to our homebound members and those who are in retirement communities. Volunteers may pick up their assignments and the plants in Berry Hall on Saturday, December 2 from 10a-Noon or Sunday, December 3 from 11a-1:30p. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Carol Cedar at 704.334.7232 or at

Our Children and Youth Have Been Having a Lot of Fun This Fall!

Children's Ministry Newsletter

Read the latest issue here. | Sign up to receive the Children's Ministry newsletter.

Youth Ministry Newsletter

Click here for our latest issue.. Not on the list? Sign up here.

Youth Winter Retreat

January 12-15, 2024 | Myrtle Beach, SC

youth retreat 2024
Register for the Retreat

This is part 2 of our custom built curriculum, Beach Builders, which explores the diversity of human identity to connect and affirm those identities through scripture, experience, and community. Youth will know that however they identify, God loves them, and that they are to love others by embracing their identities, not despite them. In short, this curriculum’s goal is for learners to end with this thought firmly in mind: God affirms our who we are, and we should do the same for one another. View the brochure

Confronting Whiteness Conference 2024

Save the Date February 3

The theme for the 2024 conference is “The Case for Reparations." We are excited to announce that Ashley M. Jones and Dr. Drew G. I. Hart, William Darity, Jr, PhD, and A. Kirsten Mullen will be among our guest speakers. Registration is available now.

Church Office Hours

Mondays - Thursdays | 9a - 5p

Fridays | 9a - 1p

Our office hours have changed for Fridays through the end of the year. The church office will close on Fridays at 1:00p. Meetings outside these hours are available by appointment.

Schedule for This Week

More information about events can be found on our website and by scrolling down in this newsletter.

View the Schedule / Calendar




November 19


"The Foresight

and the Seed"

Music Highlight

"Be Thou My Vision"


Sunday, December 3

Preacher | Rev. Dr. Ben Boswell

Sermon | “The Gospel is Peace”

Scripture | Luke 1:57-79 

Celebrating | Advent 2 - Peace | Deacon Ordination

MOJO - Educational Justice

There Are Several Ways You Can Help

Teacher Needs at Pinewood: 

  • Clerical help (stuffing envelopes, etc.)
  • Headphones - children’s earbuds
  • Sports Equipment - jump ropes, kickballs, basketballs and soccer balls, sidewalk chalk, mesh bag to store outdoor supplies (the school only gets one such bag per grade team)
  • Expo Markers (blue, black, green or red)
  • Toys from Dollar Tree, Chick Fil-A, McDonald’s, etc. for classroom prize box. (Barrettes, Match Box) 
  • Lunch Buddies (third grade team eats from 12:45-1:15)
  • Amazon gift cards for the teacher to use. Many have to buy classroom items out of their own pocket.

In Need of Help?

We are here for you. The Ministry of Congregational Care provides care, support and encouragement to all members in times of joy, bereavement, illness, and crisis. Information about Health and Safety, Grief, as well as helpful resources are available on our website. Just search "In need of help?"

Prayer Requests

You can submit a request by clicking here.

The Alliance of Baptists, which began in 1987 as a prophetic voice in Baptist life, is our primary religious affiliation. Today, they have grown to be a justice movement and community of faith of about 4,500 individual members and 140 congregations knit together by love for one another and God, combining progressive inquiry, contemplative prayer and prophetic action to bring about justice and healing in a changing world.

Volunteer Now to Help Us Host the 2024 Alliance of Baptists Annual Gathering

We are honored and excited to have been chosen to host this event and to have the opportunity to welcome the attendees to our church April 12-14!

We will need a team of volunteers to make this event special. Contact Rev. Carrie Veal to get your name on the list!

OUR STAFF | Who to Contact


Senior Minister


Executive Minister


Associate Minister of Spiritual Growth


Minister of Music & Worship


Campus Administrator


Associate Minister of Pastoral Care & Justice


Director of Children's Ministries

704.334.7232 x129


Operations Assistant

704.334.7232 x100


Communications Director

704.334.7232 x155

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