
April 2024

www.MPCA.Life - MPCA is a non-profit, non-partisan civic organization that advocates for residents and businesses in the Mountain Park Community

Safe Access Study of Five Forks Trickum Commercial Nodes

(At the Publix & Kroger shopping centers and intersections)

One last chance to be heard! Do you want a more vibrant and walkable community? More Sidewalks, Bike paths, Park Amenities, Pocket Parks, etc?

Date, Time & Location - still TBD (probably mid-May), we'll let you know!

Oleander Road - Reapplication *DENIED*

This is a great example of how local activism and advocacy groups work! Using MPCA (website, newsletters, FB & emails) as a sounding board, local residents rallied to have discussions with the developers, consolidate their opinion, organize turnout and articulate their opposition at the Planning and Commissioner meetings. The changes in conditions being requested were denied.

However, the original 2015 application (see RZR2015-00021 ) is still approved and the neighborhood could be built to that original set of conditions.

Service Request Portal -

One of our County Government’s Hidden Gems is this portal where any resident can report almost anything that needs fixing. You don’t have to know whose responsibility it is, or finding the right Department, they will figure it out.

"I have used it a number of times over the years to report all manner of roadway or infrastructure issues. In the past month alone I’ve reported (1.) a badly broken sidewalk, (2.) a leaking water main, and (3.) an eroded sinkhole next to a storm drain. In ALL 3 cases the County responded quickly and Fixed two of the three within a 2-week time period. (the sinkhole is a bigger problem to schedule, but I have a ticket # and I know it’s on the list). Seriously, use this tool ! . . . Be the first person to start the process to fix something in your community."

Round-A-Bout Sign - ** Design Contest **

You said "Yes!" in our survey for a community welcome sign at this location. And, we heard your good comments about keeping it simple and not obstructing view of traffic. We now want your design ideas! Submit them via email to The winning design wins a MPCA T-Shirt and other gifts. Once a design is selected (by a Survey), a fundraising drive will happen. The initial goal is between $2500 and $5000. Some volunteer effort will also needed. Stay tuned!!

Mountain Park Community - Five Forks Trickum Road Clean-Up

Sunday, April 28, 1:00PM, meet at the Lipson Dental parking lot (map).

After meeting at Lipson Dental, we'll split into 3 groups and divide up along along Five Forks Trickum Road from Killian Hill to Pounds Road to pick up trash and debris. Minimum age: 14 years old. MPCA will provide safety vests, sunscreen, water, trash bags and enthusiasm! Help keep our community looking great! More details here...

You can easily recycle all your Aluminum Cans at the curb.

But. . . If you want to take a little more effort, and sort out your Aluminum Cans, and take them to your local Fire Station #3 on Five Forks Trickum, you can make an important Difference. Support the Georgia Firefighters Burn Foundation charity

More Housing is coming on Rockbridge Road near Hwy 78! Check out this new development. It seems like a good place for this development and includes affordable housing. Let us know your thoughts via email.

7Brew Drive-Through Coffee

Here's another example of how activism and advocacy works! The Property owner and the new 7Brew owners have agreed to enhance this drive-through to mirror our community. They will add outdoor seating and a landscaped greenspace. They have also made architectural changes and extended the sidewalk up to Five-Forks. Be sure to go buy a coffee, welcome them and thank them for being here!!

Join MPCA Leadership or Committees - Or just come and participate! Make your community a better place to live. Send us an email and join our monthly Core Team meetings. These are open to the public. Usually on the 3rd Thursdays, 630pm at the Country Inn & Suites, 1852 Rockbridge Rd SW, Stone Mountain, GA 30087. Please email us so we know you are coming (and to confirm no changes in meeting time/dates).

www.MPCA.Life - MPCA is a non-profit, non-partisan civic organization that advocates for residents and businesses in the Mountain Park Community

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