MPCA has a new President!

As of October, MPCA Board of Directors has voted in a new President and CEO! Want to know who MPCA's directors are? Check out our About us page!


This is your opportunity to voice your opinion on the future of your community directly with Gwinnett County!

Remember the Southern Gwinnett Gateway concept? This is YOUR chance to share what you want the entrance to our awesome community to look like. Every idea is welcome and valued. We have the chance to create something resilient, useful and fun. What do you need? What would you gather for? Now is the time to shape the future of YOUR community!

Join the visioning workshop for the Park Place Master Plan hosted by Gwinnett County

DATE/TIME: November 18th 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

LOCATION: Mountain Park Aquatic Center in the Mountain Park Activity Building.

1063 Rockbridge Rd SW, Stone Mountain, GA 30087


More to the story on the 7 Brew Coffee development...

Collaboration between MPCA, the Gwinnett Planning Commission, and developers brings about better outcomes for the Mountain Park Community! 

The 7 brew rezoning case was complex because it involved a change in conditions (CIC) request rather than a traditional rezoning. The CIC request was to create a fourth outparcel from the shopping center's overflow parking lot. This additional outparcel provided an opportunity to collaborate on a more desirable development for the county, the developer, and the Mountain Park community! Below is a brief timeline of events, and includes additional, more accurate details, showing how working together results in positive change for all!


  • December of last year: The case first appeared on the agenda, and the initial recommendation from the internal Planning Department of Gwinnett County was denial since it was a drive-thru only establishment and did not fit the 2040 Unified Plan. A public hearing was held and the Gwinnett Planning Commission voted to table the case until February to allow for discussions with MPCA and the developer. At this time MPCA sent out the survey to newsletter subscribers to gather feedback from community members on the proposal for 7 Brew. We discovered the community preferred greenspace with seating in addition to the drive-thru option.


  • February: The case was tabled again to March to continue discussions with the developer. During this period, negotiations led to the inclusion of usable greenspace with seating areas and more pedestrian connections. Additionally, 7 Brew agreed to change the facade materials to align with the design requirements of the shopping center.


  • March: Given the positive changes to the site plan and the community's input via the survey, the planning commission approved the change in conditions request.

Ultimately, the Gwinnett Planning Commission recommended approval to the Board of Commissioners based on the changes and the application was approved by the Board.


Do you have neighbors that would like to provide their feedback to affect future development in their community? Please encourage them to sign up for the MPCA newsletter and take time to fill out our surveys!

Go to https://www.MPCA.LIFE

(Survey results are below)

Public art comes to Mountain Park area!

Have you had the opportunity to see the murals on the new Storage Facility on Rockbridge Rd by 78? If not, check them out! These public works of art represent our great Parkview Highschool!

There is to be a third one painted and the artist is hoping to get started in December!

Some of the original members of MPCA had a direct hand in bringing this idea to fruition!

Recent Land Use, Building, and Development items in the Mountain Park area

(INCLUDING requests for Zoning, Re-Zoning, Variance, Waiver, Special Use Permit)

Starbucks is coming to Hwy 78!

Drive-thru Coffee seems to be the new trend!

Starbucks Drive-thru is coming along nicely. Located on Hwy-78 next to iHop .

Would you have preferred a repurpose of the old Krispy Kreme Donuts property just down the street rather than a new greenfield development? Let us know by taking this short survey here: Community Preferences on Property Development

Auto Repair shop on Five Forks Trickum Rd

The Planning Staff recommended Denial to the Planning Commissioners based on the following:

The Unified Plan's Future Development Map indicates "Neighborhood Traditional" for the subject property, which consists primarily of single-family residential. The nonresidential uses for this future development type includes utilities, parks/open space, and conservation, but not auto-oriented commercial uses. The proposal is not in conformity with the policy and intent of the 2045 Unified Plan and Future Development Map.

You can find more details here on the Gwinnett Zip Portal

During the 9/24/2024 Public Hearing session the Board of Commissioners denied without prejudice the special use permit with concurrent variances.

Action: Denied without Prejudice Motion: Ku Second: Carden Vote: 5-0; Hendrickson-Yes; Carden-Yes; Ku-Yes; Watkins-Yes; Holtkamp-Yes

Public hearing details can be found on the BOC meetings page:

Public Meetings - Gwinnett | Gwinnett County

MPCA Community Outreach

MPCA attends the Yellow River Trick or Treatment event!

Thank you to all those who visited the Mountain Park table at the Yellow River Trick or Treatment event! It was a great pleasure to speak with all of you and listen to your concerns and thoughts on the future of the Mountain Park community!

We gained several new subscribers to our newsletter, and many were excited about the opportunity to voice their opinion to the county through our survey feedback!

Mountain Park Round About Sign

You said "Yes!" in our survey for a community welcome sign in the round-about at this location. In addition, we heard your comments about keeping it simple, low maintenance, and not obstructing view of traffic.

Submit your design ideas here!

We now want your design ideas! Submit them via email to and please put Design idea in the subject line! Please submit by 12/31/2024. We will then put out a survey for the community to vote on the best idea!

The winning design wins MPCA SWAG. Once a design is selected by the community, a fundraising drive will happen. The initial goal is between $2500 and $5000. Some volunteer effort will also be needed for installation and maintenance. Interested in volunteering? Fill out our form!

Serb Fest event!

Saints Peter and Paul Serbian Orthodox Church on Hewitt Rd in Lilburn recently hosted a vibrant celebration, Serb Fest. This festival was held to share Serbian culture and heritage with the local community. Check out highlights of the festival below. 

  • Traditional Food: Attendees can enjoy a variety of Serbian dishes such as stuffed cabbage leaves, goulash, roasted lamb and pig, grilled meats, cheese pastries, bean dishes, and delicious desserts.
  • Cultural Exhibits: The festival features traditional folk dances, displays of traditional clothing, musical instruments, and cultural landmarks. Visitors can also learn about Serbian hospitality and faith.
  • Church and Faith: The church grounds are open to visitors, showcasing beautiful icon paintings and the historical significance of Serbian churches, which have remained unchanged for centuries.
  • Community Spirit: One of the most cherished aspects of the festival is the warm and friendly atmosphere. Visitors often feel like they are among friends, thanks to the genuine hospitality of the volunteers.

For more information on future events held check out this site!

Upcoming Events!

This is your opportunity to voice your opinion on the future of your community directly with Gwinnett County!

Join the visioning workshop for the Park Place Master Plan hosted by Gwinnett County

DATE/TIME: November 18th 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

LOCATION: Mountain Park Aquatic Center in the Mountain Park Activity Building.

1063 Rockbridge Rd SW, Stone Mountain, GA 30087

Gwinnett County proposed budget for 2025

Residents and community stakeholders are invited to provide comments on the budget in person on Monday, December 3 at 6:30pm in Conference Room C on the second floor of the Gwinnett Justice and Administration Center, located at 75 Langley Drive in Lawrenceville.

In addition, the proposed budget resolution is available for public review and comments now through the end of the year.

You can find the proposed budget for review here!

You can leave your comments online here if you are unable to attend the public hearing!

DATE/TIME: December 3rd at 6:30 pm

LOCATION: Conference Room C on the second floor of the Gwinnett Justice and Administration Center, located at 75 Langley Drive in Lawrenceville

Gwinnett County Government is seeking your feedback as we embark on the County’s first disparity study

Gwinnett County has partnered with Griffin & Strong P.C. to evaluate potential disparities or barriers in government contracting and purchasing for small and/or underrepresented businesses.

Attend one of the upcoming virtual informational meetings to learn about the study and how you can participate. Then, we invite you to openly share your experiences, feedback, and ideas as part of the public hearing immediately following the information session.

All comments are welcome and encouraged.

The meeting will be held:

Tuesday, November 19 at 6:00pm

Register via Zoom

Advanced registration is encouraged but not required.

The meetings will be recorded for analysis and posted on the study’s website.

For more information, email or visit

Interested in other events in Gwinnett or Lilburn? Check out the calendars below:

 General - Gwinnett | Gwinnett County

There are many upcoming holiday activities throughout the county that are great for families!

Calendar • Lilburn, GA • CivicEngage (

Want to get involved in your community?

Join MPCA - Make your community a better place to live. Check out our committees that need volunteers at the link below: Volunteer positions | Mountain Park GA


Let us know you would like to be included on our volunteer opportunities list, and we will contact you when an opportunity arises!

If interested, please fill out this form for more information!

Too busy to volunteer but still want to contribute?

We are now set up to take donations using Zelle! This method allows 100% of your donation to go to MPCA-led community projects and the overall operational costs, including this newsletter, the website, and survey platforms, and informational and promotional items that we use to gain your feedback and keep you informed! We are a 100% volunteer organization. You can use the QR code below or our office email address

Note: Donations are NOT tax deductible. 

MPCA is a 501c4. Anyone who makes a donation is welcome to ask for a financial summary of expenses. Just send us an email!

www.MPCA.Life - MPCA is a non-profit, non-partisan civic organization that advocates for residents and businesses in the Mountain Park Community

Visit our Website
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