I wish this message was starting off by excitedly welcoming you to Spring and all of the great things MPI Tennessee had ahead for our chapter. I am glad that the sun is staying up longer, the trees are blooming, and the flowers and coloring up the yards. However, this introduction to Spring is very different this year as it comes with a lot of what ifs, new normals, and some fear. But MPI Tennessee, myself, and the board are committed to being here for you through it all. This is the time where we are committed to just being each other’s village. We are committed to listening to you, guiding you towards resources, providing virtual education, and just being able to virtually be together. If you haven’t joined our private Facebook group yet, please do so. There is a lot of support and positivity to share. If you need help to remain a member of our family during this time, please reach out to me to explore options. If you need a shoulder, to virtually share a glass of wine, to scream and cry a little bit, or anything at all, my cell phone is 615-306-3737... I’m here at all times. Thank you for remaining to be part of my family! This is the best example of how MPI is truly a heart thing.