MPTs: Articles
from the Field

Issue #51 - 16 July 2018


The field of multipurpose prevention technologies (MPTs) is steadily evolving and expanding. Below are links to recent publications, media articles, and other resources relevant to MPTs in order to keep you informed. Note that contents are neither endorsed by nor necessarily represent the views of the IMPT, and that due to publication copyright and permissions restrictions, full-text versions of resources may not be publicly available.
If you have a resource to include in our next issue, please send to Kathreen Daria . Previous issues are available in our archives and other MPT-related materials are accessible in our resource center

Secretariat Staff

The IMPT is organizing an interactive workshop entitled " Critical actions to achieve the value potential of MPTs for prevention of HIV, other STIs, and unintended pregnancies among young women " at AIDS 2018  on Friday, 27 July at 11:00 a.m. CEST in the Emerald Room. Discussants will include global experts working in sexual and reproductive health from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kenya Medical Research Institute, NIH, Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator, UK Department for International Development, UNAIDS UNDP , and USAID . Join us!
Journal Articles

Technoeconomic modeling of plant-based Griffithsin manufacturing . Alam et al. (2018, 2 July). Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2018.00102
Understanding the family planning and HIV prevention needs of South African adolescent girls: A cultural consensus modeling approach . Brown et al. (2018). Journal of Adolescent Health.
Media Articles
In the Blogosphere
Press Releases
Funding Opportunities
RFA-HD-19-015   Development of Novel Nonsteroidal Contraceptive Methods (R61/R33 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)  - NICHD is accepting applications to support and facilitate multidisciplinary research approaches for the development of novel nonsteroidal contraceptive products for women and men that act prior to fertilization, which could potentially include MPTs with contraceptive and infection prevention properties. This FOA aims to position innovative and validated methods for future clinical development.  View the link above for more detailed information. Letters of Intent due 6 October 2018.
Career Opportunities
Matchboxology is seeking an interviewer for a 3-month project to assist in a human centred design research around HIV testing & treatment for men. Applicants must have basic knowledge of the healthcare system as well as experience in HIV awareness-raising, working with men, and an understanding of human behavior. A KZN and Mpumalanga speaker is a plus. Contact Paris Pitsillides  for more information.
The Desmond Tutu HIV Foundation is seeking applicants for several positions. The Foundation strives to develop a diverse, enthusiastic team to achieve its goal of promoting the health and wellness of vulnerable individuals and communities, especially those at risk of HIV and TB. See the link for details.
The Public Health Institute is seeking an Institutional Learning Manager for the Sustaining Technical and Analytics Resources (STAR) project  to refine the Academic Partnerships Learning Strategy, provide technical support to project partners, and lead community engagement - all with the goal to make innovative contributions to global health. See link for more details.
Upcoming Events

Alongside CTI Exchange, the IMPT is co-hosting the #NextGenContraception Twitter campaign the week of 16 July. Join the conversation and share your thoughts about the importance of developing new contraceptive methods, including MPTs that can address multiple SRH risks.

The IMPT is presenting in a workshop at IPSF 2018 entitled " MPTs: contraception, STI prevention and/or HIV prevention (PrEP) throughout the world! " This workshop will be held in Mendoza, Argentina on 6 August and is organized by Clement Haeck , PhD student at Queen's University Belfast.
Planning to attend ICFP 2018? Early-bird registration ends 31 August. Register now to save!
Contact us if you and/or your colleagues are attending any upcoming meetings and conferences. We would be happy to provide you with materials to help enhance your presentations as related to MPTs and the MPT field.
Visit and , or click below
for more resources on MPTs.

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IMPT Secretariat

1825 Bell Street, Suite 102 
Sacramento, CA 95825