Thursday Evening, March 7, 2024




“The use of the USMC Eagle Globe and Anchor on

one side of a coin with a highly religious and specific

message on the other to me implies religious endorsement

in violation of the Establishment Clause.

"I have no doubt that were this a coin that had an Islamic Ayah with a U.S. military logo on it, there would be riots. …”

“This is the only location on Camp Foster Marines can

purchase uniform items which means there is no avoiding

this display of implied government endorsement.”

— MRFF U.S. Marine client in Okinawa, Japan

Okinawa crusader coin

MRFF Founder and President Mikey Weinstein’s 

letter to the U.S. Marine Corps Trademark & Licensing Program demanding that they revoke the license approval for “Eagle Crest, Inc.” to continue using the official USMC emblem on any of its religious items

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Image of first page of letter on MRFF letterhead
Click to enlarge and read letter or read below

Thursday, March 7, 2024

U.S. Marine Corps Trademark & Licensing Program

Headquarters United States Marine Corps

Public Affairs, Room 4B548

3000 Marine Corps Pentagon

Washington, DC 20350

RE: Blatant violation of the United States Constitution and DoD and USMC trademark and licensing regulations 


To Whom It May Concern:

It has come to the attention of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF, that a company called “Eagle Crest, Inc.,” which is a USMC-approved licensee for use of the official trademarked USMC emblem on its merchandise, is using the USMC emblem on blatantly sectarian Christian religious challenge coins, in clear violation inter alia of the No Establishment Clause of the United States Constitution as well as of both DoD and USMC trademark and licensing regulations, which strictly prohibit the use of trademarked DoD emblems on items promoting religious beliefs. 

One of these Eagle Crest, Inc. coins, which was brought to MRFF’s attention by U.S. Marines at Camp Foster in Okinawa, Japan, depicts a Christian crusader knight holding a shield with a large, red Christian cross on it along with the words “PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD” and “OKINAWA JAPAN” on the front and the trademarked Marine Corps eagle, globe, and anchor emblem on the back. The other depicts the same Christian crusader and “PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD” with the addition of the New Testament Bible reference “EPHESIANS 6:13-17” on the front and the USMC emblem on the back with “CAMP FOSTER” below it. (See attached photos.)

These blatantly regulation-violating coins are currently being sold at the military clothing store on Camp Foster, and presumably elsewhere on Camp Foster. As one of MRFF’s 25 U.S. Marine clients on Camp Foster wrote in an e-mail to MRFF: “This is the only location on Camp Foster Marines can purchase uniform items which means there is no avoiding this display of implied government endorsement. I have no doubt these are in other bases as well.”

Of MRFF’s 25 Camp Foster active duty U.S. Marine client-complainants, 16 practice the Christian faith. The other nine include four active duty U.S. Marines who are Muslims, for whom the image of a Christian crusader/warrior in combination with the USMC emblem is particularly hurtful, disturbing, and offensive. Of the remaining five MRFF client-complainants on this matter, two practice the Jewish faith and the others follow non-faith traditions such as atheism, agnosticism, secularism and/or humanism.

Clearly, the USMC’s heretofore continued, unfettered allowance of this wretched, Christian nationalistic usage of its official and trademarked emblem by the for-profit private sector company called “Eagle Crest,” as described herein, constitutes an egregious destruction of, and affront to, the good order, morale, discipline and unit cohesion of U.S. Marines, their families and U. S. Military brothers and sisters in arms everywhere. 

It must be stopped! Further, those in the USMC who allowed this illicit, immoral and unethical train wreck to occur in the first place must be publicly and severely punished.

The use of the official, trademarked USMC emblem on these Eagle Crest, Inc. Christian religious products clearly implies an undeniable and incontrovertible endorsement of the Christian religion, in direct violation of the No Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution, well-established caselaw, as well as DoD Instruction 5535.12, “DoD Branding and Trademark Licensing Program Implementation,” Section 2.d. of which states (emphasis added):

“In accordance with subpart 2635.702 of Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations (Reference (h)), DoD marks may not be licensed for use in a manner that creates a perception of DoD endorsement of any non-federal entity or its products and services. DoD marks may not be licensed for any purpose intended to promote ideological movements, sociopolitical change, religious beliefs (including non-belief), specific interpretations of morality, or legislative/statutory change. …”

Additionally, the use of the USMC emblem on these religious dog tags violates the USMC’s own “Trademark Licensing Qualification Standards,” section 8 of which lists “Products that contain political or religious activism” under “Categories of Products Not Licensed by USMC.”

When first informed about these illicit Eagle Crest, Inc. coins, MRFF contacted AAFES, and was told in an e-mail from Edwin “Trey” Llewellyn, Deputy General Counsel, Business Law, Army and Air Force Exchange Service that:

“AAFES merchandise is reviewed to determine compliance with prohibitions regarding the sale of items that are illegal, promote the use of drugs or include lewd, profane or vulgar words or symbols. Additionally, our vendors are required to demonstrate proof of the requisite authority to sell merchandise with third-party trademarks or copyrighted material. A review determined Eagle Crest, Inc. received a license from the Marine Corp [sic] to use the Marine Corp’s [sic] Globe, Anchor and Eagle.”

This response from Mr. Llewellyn is completely unacceptable, banal, vacuous, strains credulity, and flies in the face of DoD and USMC trademark and licensing regulations. Surely, the Deputy General Counsel, Business Law, Army and Air Force Exchange Service should be well aware of and familiar with the DoD and military branch regulations regarding the trademarking and licensing of official trademarked DoD emblems and that the use of these emblems on merchandise promoting religion is strictly prohibited. But apparently, Mr. Llewellyn is either woefully ignorant of these unambiguous regulations or is willfully choosing to disregard them. 

Mr. Llewellyn’s contention that Eagle Crest, Inc. received a license from the Marine Corp [sic]” and can, thus, use the USMC emblem on items solely promoting the Christian religion is completely ludicrous, irrational, and unreasonable. Obviously, the prohibitions of the use of the USMC emblem in DoD Instruction 5535.12 and USMC’s “Trademark Licensing Qualification Standards” are not only applicable to but specifically intended for licensees, since it is only licensees that can use the trademarked emblems! DoD Instruction 5535.12 makes this abundantly clear (emphasis added): “DoD marks MAY NOT BE LICENSED for any purpose intended to promote ideological movements, sociopolitical change, religious beliefs …” 

To say that having a license to use the USMC emblem means a company can violate the DoD and USMC regulations on how it can and can’t be used is like saying that having a license to drive means you don’t have to obey traffic laws!

In 2019, your office swiftly disallowed the use of the USMC emblem on the Bible verse dog tags and other sectarian Christian religious merchandise sold by Christian jewelry company “Shields of Strength,” which was also licensed to use the USMC emblem, after a similar letter to this one from MRFF. The Army also similarly disallowed the use of its emblem on Shields of Strength’s Army-themed Bible verse dog tags and other religious merchandise.

We anticipate that your office will expeditiously do the right thing again, as not doing so would place you along with your licensee Eagle Crest, Inc. in violation of DoD Instruction 5535.12 and USMC’s “Trademark Licensing Qualification Standards.”

Pursuant to the foregoing, the MRFF demands that the USMC (1) immediately revoke and cancel the current license approval for “Eagle Crest, Inc.” to continue using the official USMC emblem on any and/or all of its religious items for sale; and, (2) immediately investigate and aggressively and visibly punish those personnel either directly or indirectly responsible for granting the approval for “Eagle Crest, Inc.” to use the USMC emblem on these products for sale in the first place.

Please advise soonest of the status of your decision regarding MRFF’s demand to cease and desist in this disgraceful matter of USMC-endorsed, fundamentalist Christian supremacy, exceptionalism, and dominion and domination.

**Please note well: Failure to timely conform and comply with MRFF’s demands herein may result in aggressive enforcement actions to compel compliance, including, but not limited to, comprehensive administrative and litigation complaints lodged against the USMC.


Michael L. “Mikey” Weinstein, Esq.

Founder and President

Military Religious Freedom Foundation


CC: General Eric M. Smith, Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps

Lt. General James Glynn, Deputy Commandant, Manpower and Reserve Affairs

Major General Stephen Liszewski, Commanding General, Marine Corps Installations, Pacific

The Honorable Carlos Del Toro, Secretary of the Navy 

The Honorable Kathleen H. Hicks, Deputy Secretary of Defense 

Colonel David M. Banning, Commanding Officer, Headquarters and Support Battalion, Camp Foster, Okinawa, Japan

Okinawa crusader coin
Camp Foster crusader coin

In 2019, the U.S. Marine Corps swiftly disallowed the

use of the USMC emblem on Bible verse dog tags sold by Christian jewelry company “Shields of Strength” after a similar demand from MRFF

7/31/19 – MRFF Victory!!! U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps Agree to MRFF’s Demand to Stop Use of Official Military Emblems on Overtly Christian Dog Tags

Retired USAF Officer and USAFA Grad responds to

Air Force Academy Foundation and the Association of Graduates request to provide feedback about the Academy:

“The Academy is breeding officers who put their

Christian beliefs before service to the country"

From: (Retired USAF Officer and USAFA Grad’s name withheld)

Subject: Re: Greetings from the Air Force Academy Foundation!

Date: March 3, 2024 at 10:31:13 PM MST

To: Air Force Academy Foundation and the Association of Graduates representative’s name withheld)

Hello Mr. (Air Force Academy Foundation and the Association of Graduates representative’s name withheld),

Forgive me for taking so long to respond.

Quite frankly, I have very conflicted feelings about my time at the Academy and what I now see, 45 years later, with my classmates.

Upon graduation, I felt very proud of myself and the institution. After all, I did very well (4th in graduation order of merit) at what I felt was a prestigious institution.

Although, I will say I had a major personal disappointment in that I never got a leadership position in my squadron as a senior which I felt I deserved especially compared to those who did get them. I was relegated to admin roles which contributed in no way to training me as a leader.

Now, in retrospect, I am majorly disappointed with the Academy and my class.

The Academy has become a breeding ground for Christian dominionism which is a cancer in the military and especially the Air/Space Force. The Academy is breeding officers who put their Christian beliefs before service to the country. I blame this on Chapel passes and the proliferation of “Christian” churches in Colorado Springs who actively recruit cadets to become their christian crusaders in the military. USAFA leadership has done NOTHING to prevent this, in fact in some cases has actively encouraged it. Disgraceful.

Also, I’ve found that many of my classmates have become honor hypocrites in that they have forsaken the honor code (specifically the toleration clause) in embracing lying, thieving, crooked politicians – yes, Trump and his sycophantic followers. It’s disgusting and disappointing how they refuse to acknowledge how immoral and what lack of integrity these “leaders” have. A majority of my classmates have become non-thinking lemmings embracing the cult of Trump.

I feel that the Academy has failed to teach cadets the ability to think critically. Personally, I don’t know how to teach that but it is the Academy’s biggest failing presently.

Now, I am ashamed of the Academy for what it has becomes and what it has produced. I take no pride in being an alumnus. It’s an embarrassment to me. Unfortunately, the public has not caught on to what it has become.

I’m currently working as a contractor supporting the Space Force acquisition arm. I don’t see any difference in the officer corps between USAFA and other commissioning sources. Some graduates are excellent, top performers; but not in numbers or percentages that warrant the country’s investment in a service academy.

I served as an Admissions Liaison Officer during my career. From what I’ve seen in the last decade, I would not recommend to any high schooler that they seek an appointment at a service academy. The Christian dominionism brainwashing of cadets and the embracement of Trumpism a are more serious threats to our democracy than any foreign foes.

To justify its existence, the Academy needs to do better. It needs to breed critical thinkers, and officers who embrace morality and integrity (yes, honor) versus Christian crusaders and MAGA enthusiasts.

That a graduate proudly participated in the January 6th insurrection was the worst embarrassment I have ever experienced as a USAFA graduate.

Good luck in returning USAFA to a worthy institution.

(Retired USAF Officer and USAFA Grad’s name withheld)

Class of 19XX

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Hey Human Podcast promo image for episode

Episode description: Mikey Weinstein is the founder and president of (MRFF), dedicated to ensuring that all members of the United States Armed Forces fully receive the Constitutional guarantee of religious freedom. He’s an Air Force veteran, a lawyer, a registered Republican (he served three years in Reagan’s White House), and author of “With God On Our Side: One Man’s War Against an Evangelical Coup in America’s Military,” and “No Snowflake in an Avalanche: The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, its Battle to Defend the Constitution, and One Family’s Courageous War Against Religious Extremism in High Places.” Mikey’s family has a “long and distinguished U.S. military history spanning three consecutive generations of military academy graduates and over 130 years of combined active duty military service in every major combat engagement our country has been in from World War I to the current Global War on Terror.” In 2012 Defense News named him one of the 100 Most Influential People in U.S. Defense, and MRFF has received seven Nobel Peace Prize nominations.

Click to listen to (45 min.) podcast



Military Times survey:

‘Alarming’ percentage accept conspiracies

By: Nikki Wentling

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Military Times and the University of Alabama conducted the survey with Military Veterans in Journalism to discern how readers perceived disinformation and extremist beliefs ahead of the November presidential election.

Excerpts from article (emphasis added):

“While most respondents called out false claims about the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol being a ‘PsyOp,’ or psychological operation carried out by the government, there were still hundreds who answered that the claim was credible, said Scott Parrott, a professor in the journalism department at the University of Alabama who helped put together the questionnaire.”

“However, a ‘disturbing’ number of people still indicated support for the most extreme principles of QAnon and the “Great Replacement” theory — conspiracies that have prompted violence in recent years, researchers said.”

Click to read on Military Times
MRFF's Inbox

“MRFF Demands Investigation of Air War College

Ethics Professor who Signed Shocking

Christian Supremacist Manifesto”

From: (name withheld) A Former US Air Force pilot. MRFF Client and Devout Christian

Date: March 3, 2024 at 2:41:36 PM MST


Subject:Re: MRFF Demands Investigation of Air War College Ethics Professor who Signed Shocking Christian Supremacist Manifesto

I believe these people all miss the point of "discipling". Christians are to bring people to faith in Jesus by the way they live and treat others. People should want to be Christians because they see the love and beauty of the Christian life. They should be influenced by that love to want to join,not because they are forced or coerced or proselytized but because they want the life Christians have. Would I like to see all that they want to do, yes. But not because they have made it law but because people want it for themselves. They will not succeed but only create a theocracy that is strife with sin. Work on Brother and may God Bless what you do.

(name withheld)

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