We would like to welcome 8 new employees to the Magnet Solutions team! Below, our new colleagues share a little bit about themselves and what they like to do. Say hello when you see them, or shoot them a message. Welcome aboard, we are happy to have you!
Q/A with Autumn Jacobucci
Patient Account Representative

Name or nickname you prefer to go by?

My nickname is Autie.

Where are you from?

Yes and no. I have lived here off and on over the years since I was young but I am from Las Vegas, NV. I have family in the area, I decided to move back because of Covid affecting my income and housing and wanted to be closer to my family.

Who do you call family?

My Mother is Glenda Jacobucci, I am the 7th child of 13….So I have a BIG family and absolutely love it! I have 6 sisters, 6 brothers.

I have the most beautiful 6 year old named Vivienne and we have recently added to our family a puppy named Ophelia, she is a Frenchie!

Hobbies/ Interests/Passions:

I paint, and sell my paintings online through my shop, I am very passionate about it and feel very blessed. I have always loved music, I sing, and play the Guitar, piano, Uke, Violin, some trumpet and flute. I am going to start offering lessons again!

I am in school for my personal trainers Lic. So I am very passionate about health, providing knowledge, & helping people accomplish their goals!

I do Bartend on the weekends, I love mixology, learning new recipes and tricks!

I love to travel, I’d like to think I have done quite a bit of it but haven’t left the states…YET!

Favorite food and favorite restaurant?

I love such a variety of food, my favorite as of late is Japanese Miso Ramen, I also love clams/muscles if prepared correctly! Dessert would be Tiramisu!

My favorite restaurant is Buca di Beppo, an AMAZING traditional Italian restaurant!

Who inspires you and why?

I am always inspired by those around me, however my biggest inspirations would be my family, specifically my mother and my daughter.

What do you view as a few of your biggest strengths? 

I think my biggest strength is that I can be competitive (in a good way!) I like to challenge myself, test limits, and I want do a great job at anything I invest in! 

What is your ideal weekend?

My ideal weekend would be taking a day trip with my daughter, enjoying nature and grabbing lunch, seeing my family, and cuddles and movies in the evening with my baby girl.

Who is your favorite artist or musician?
As a musician and singer I have a great appreciation for so many artists!
I really admire Louis Armstrong, Etta James, and few others, for their beautiful voices and talent and making a name for themselves in such a time of discrimination and adversity.

Do you have a favorite show or movie everyone should check out?
I don’t have a favorite movie but I do have favorite Directors! I am obsessed with Guillermo Del Torro, Neil Gaiman, Tim Burton, Hitchcock…. Clearly the theme is spooky/Scary! I love the Psychological/Horror Genre.

Other Interesting or Fun Facts?
In my lifetime I just want to laugh, have a good time, make amazing memories, cherish my loved ones and let them feel that love. I want to always strive to be a good & kind person. I love new friends & experiences!
Q/A with Elizabeth Hazen
Patient Account Representative

Name or nickname you prefer to go by?


Are you from the area? If not, what brought you here?

From Denver, grew up here

Who do you call family?

My mom and son, Jaxon

Hobbies/ Interests/Passions:

My son, music, food, hiking
Who inspires you and why?

My mom inspires me to be a great single mom, she inspires me to go above and beyond for my son.

Favorite food and favorite restaurant?

Mexican, Italian, and Chinese. Sushi is the best

What do you view as a few of your biggest strengths?

Being a people person, enjoy talking to others

Who is your favorite artist or musician?

Mac Miller, Suicideboys, Rap.

Do you have a favorite show or movie everyone should check out?

The Gatsby, The Office

What is your ideal weekend?

In the mountains, or at the lake. Summertime

Q/A with Genesis Alcocer
Patient Account Representative

Name or nickname you prefer to go by?

I usually go by Gen or Geni whatever the other person is most comfortable with.

Are you from the area? If not, what brought you here?

I am from McAllen, Texas, which is as South Texas as you can possibly get! I moved to Scottsbluff at the beginning of November to get married.

Who do you call family?

I have one sister and two stepbrothers. My sister moved out here with me so in our house we have 2 pups named Trystan the Loud (Trys for short) and Theodoric the Brave (Theo for short), as well as two cats named Kiwi and Eleven.

Hobbies/ Interests/Passions:

My biggest hobby right now is playing Dungeons & Dragons, I am indeed a nerd. I also love reading mystery books and playing video games although I am not great at them yet.
Who inspires you and why?

I think that inspiration comes from different places depending on the season of life that you are in. I most recently have found inspiration from my stepmom. She is a woman who has gone through so much and yet she continues to move forward. She sets her mind to a goal and works for what she wants. She has the biggest capacity for love, and I aspire to be like her when it comes to living life in a meaningful and intentional manner.

Favorite food and favorite restaurant?

My favorite food is Chinese, I will never say no to Chinese food! Currently here in Scottsbluff, I am a big fan of Wonderful House, but I am taking suggestions that I must try.

What do you view as a few of your biggest strengths?

I am a people person. I love to interact with others and be approachable. I think that this is something that is important since this world is full of people that we interact with every day.

Who is your favorite artist or musician?

I am always listening to new and different artists; it depends entirely on what mood I am in or kind of day I am having. If you ask my Spotify my top artist right now is Vicente Garcia, who plays a bit of like Dominican bachata and boleros with some notes of funk and indie pop.

Do you have a favorite show or movie everyone should check out?

If you have never watched Doctor Who you really should give it a try!

What is your ideal weekend?

Going on an adventure! Just taking a ride and driving to a new place, discovering something cool or a new place to hang out. Just spending the day with family or friends and enjoying the company.

Other Interesting or Fun Facts?

Something that not everyone knows about me is that I am trilingual! I am fluent in English, Spanish, and ASL. I majored as an American Sign Language Interpreter and for a while worked as an interpreter in Texas.
Q/A with Josiah Hagen
Patient Account Representative

Name or nickname you prefer to go by?


Are you from the area? If not, what brought you here?


Who do you call family?


Hobbies/ Interests/Passions:

D&D, fishing, video games, hunting

Who inspires you and why?

My dad. Why he is hard working kind and a notable example of what a man should be.
Favorite food and favorite restaurant?

Chilly cheese burrito/Hercules 

What do you view as a few of your biggest strengths?

Listening, organizing, learning quickly, being focused 

Who is your favorite artist or musician?


Do you have a favorite show or movie everyone should check out?


What is your ideal weekend?

Hanging at home with kids
Q/A with Kailah Luna
Patient Account Representative

Name or nickname you prefer to go by?


Are you from the area? If not, what brought you here?

Yes, I was born and raised in Gering.  

Who do you call family?

My mom and dad are Scott & Marcia Moore. My brother is Ryan Moore. They all live in Gering together. My eldest sister, Sherree Polk, lives in Texas with her 4 kids and my closest sister, Kirstee Moore, lives in Gering with her husband and son.  

Hobbies/ Interests/Passions:

I enjoy cooking, baking, hiking, and playing the guitar when I have time.  
Who inspires you and why?

Not to sound self-centered, but I think I inspire myself. I have been through some unfortunate things throughout my life and I’ve never given up. I have persevered and I still continue to have hope that things will get better as long as I put the work in on myself.  

Favorite food and favorite restaurant?

My favorite type of food is Mexican food, but specifically I love enmoladas.  

What do you view as a few of your biggest strengths?

I am a fast learner and I work well in fast paced environments, but I also enjoy slowing down on occasion. 

Who is your favorite artist or musician?

If I had to pick a favorite, I think at the moment I would pick Natalie Lafourcade or Angela Aguilar. I have been listening to both a lot lately and trying to learn some of their songs on the guitar.  

Do you have a favorite show or movie everyone should check out?

Nothing comes to mind with these. Usually for me, my kids are watching TV. I typically listen to random podcasts while I’m cleaning.  

What is your ideal weekend?

Ideally I would like to get out of my house for a while. I love to go for a hike in the Wildcats or on a bike ride with someone, but now that its too cold, I generally stay in and cook, bake, or clean.  

Other Interesting or Fun Facts?

I have played the guitar for 17 years. When I was taking lessons I had the opportunity to preform with and orchestra a few times.  
Q/A with Kalee Young
Patient Account Representative

Name or nickname you prefer to go by?

My friends call me B!

Are you from the area? If not, what brought you here?

My family moved here when I was nine, for my dad’s work.

Who do you call family?

My beautiful daughter, mother, father, sisters, brothers, my three year old nephew, and my baby niece

Hobbies/ Interests/Passions:

My hobbies include music, driving around, spending time with my niece and nephew, and hanging out with friends.
Who inspires you and why?

I inspire myself. I come from a bad background and a rough childhood. Statistically I should not be where I am. But here I sit. Proud of who I am and the woman I’m becoming!

Favorite food and favorite restaurant?

I love Mexican food, and I’d have to go with Ole as my favorite restaurant!

What do you view as a few of your biggest strengths?

Something I think is a good strength for me is my ability to be bold. It took me a long time to learn how to speak up for myself, but I’m so glad I did. I am a kindhearted person. I can talk to just about anybody.

Who is your favorite artist or musician?

I love music, so there’s too many for me to pick a favorite. However, I listen to almost all genres except Jazz, I’ve tried so hard but I just can’t get into it! Zach Bryan has been a huge artist for me this year for sure.

Do you have a favorite show or movie everyone should check out?

I think everybody should watch The Green Mile and I’m also a huge Friends fan!

What is your ideal weekend?

Relaxing! I love going to the lake and cooking out. My love language is food. Feeding people I love and playing games for the night would be a perfect weekend!

Other Interesting or Fun Facts?

Random fact about me, I hate jello and whipped cream. My favorite color is any shade of purple! I love dogs and I’m literally obsessed with my seven month old baby girl.
Q/A with Sarai Walton
Patient Account Representative

Name or nickname you prefer to go by?

I’m good with whatever

Are you from the area? If not, what brought you here?

I’m from the area

Who do you call family?

Depends on the day

Who inspires you and why?

Different people for very different reasons

Favorite food and favorite restaurant?

Depends on how my taste buds feel
What do you view as a few of your biggest strengths?

I like to learn about new things

Do you have a favorite show or movie everyone should check out?

You should check out the movie: “The Amazing Bulk”

What is your ideal weekend?

Staying home, food, watching videos I like

Other Interesting or Fun Facts?

Fun Fact: The chainsaw was originally made for something else…… :]
Q/A with Tiana Specht
Patient Account Representative

Name or nickname you prefer to go by?


Are you from the area? If not, what brought you here?

Yes, I am

Who do you call family?

My parents, daughter, my boyfriend’s family, my grandparents, my siblings

Hobbies/ Interests/Passions:

Reading is my hobby, baking is my passion
Who inspires you and why?

My mom, because she pushes me to do my best, and keeps me motivated

Favorite food and favorite restaurant?

I don’t really have a favorite food because I like it all, but my favorite restaurant is Olive Garden or Texas Roadhouse.

What do you view as a few of your biggest strengths?

Getting along with everyone, staying positive, and multitasking

Who is your favorite artist or musician?

I don’t really have a favorite artist, but I do like my oldies.

Do you have a favorite show or movie everyone should check out?

My favorite show is Friends, and my favorite movie is Someone Great.

What is your ideal weekend?

Staying home with my daughter and my family.

Other Interesting or Fun Facts?

An interesting fact is I have six brothers and four sisters, so I am the fourth youngest.