We would like to welcome several new employees to the organization! Below, our new colleagues share a little bit about themselves and what they like to do. Say hello when you see them, or shoot them a message. Welcome aboard, we are happy to have you!
Q/A with Kristi Gutierrez
Patient Account Representative

Name or nickname you prefer to go by?

Are you from the area? If not, what brought you here?

Yes, from here.

Who do you call family?

Husband, 8 children, 8 siblings, mom and dad, 2 nephews, 3 nieces, and in laws
Hobbies/ Interests/Passions:

Camping, shopping, riding motorcycles, love traveling and helping people

Favorite food and favorite restaurant?

Mexican - Sandy's

Who inspires you and why?

My mother, she has made me into the woman I am today. She is my best friend and has the biggest heart.

Do you have a show or movie everyone should check out?


Who is your favorite artist or musician?

My favorite band is Lynyrd Skynyrd

What is your ideal weekend?

Going to the mountains, rent a cabin and relax.
Visiting my family in Florida.

Other interesting or fun facts?

I enjoy spending time with my family.
Q/A with Veronica Camarillo
Clerical Support

Are you from the area? If not, what brought you here?

I am from Scottsbluff county.

Who do you call family?

I have my parents, one brother, one sister and I have 2 boys (22, 29), 2 girls (12,27), and 2 grandchildren.

Hobbies/ Interests/Passions:

I love listening to music, spending time with my family and friends. I like watching sports including the Broncos and Lakers.
Who inspires you and why?

My children

Favorite food and favorite restaurant?

I'm not picky. I pick a favorite at every restaurant I have eaten at.

Who is your favorite artist or musician?

I like all types.

What is your ideal weekend?

My weekends are set up around my 12 year old daughter's Basketball traveling team.
Q/A with Kayann Haselhuhn
Patient Account Representative

Name or nickname you prefer to go by?


Nickname: Kay Kay

Are you from the area? If not, what brought you here?

Not from here. Born and raised in Rock Springs, WY

Who do you call family?

2 kids, fiance, mom in Rock Springs
Hobbies/ Interests/Passions:

four wheeling, spending time with kids/family, watching football and boxing

Favorite food and favorite restaurant?

Pizza, manicotti and garlic bread

Who is your favorite artist or musician?

Jelly Roll

What is your ideal weekend?

Relaxing, spending time with family and kids, watch football
Q/A with Lakeisha Yellowbird
Patient Account Representative

Name or nickname you prefer to go by?


Are you from the area? If not, what brought you here?

No, from Alliance, NE. Moved in October, 2020 to be with my mom and help take care of her.

Who do you call family?

5 sisters, 4 brothers, 2 nephews (both 3 years old), no kids.

Hobbies/ Interests/Passions:

Working, getting money. Having a good time with family and friends. Trying new things.

Favorite food and favorite restaurant?

Any kind of pastas and tacos. My favorite restaurant is the Flyover.
Who inspires you and why?

Family, myself, always pushing me to do better. Staying motivated, having a positive outlook on all things.

Do you have a favorite show or movie everyone should check out?

The Imperfects on Netflix

Who is your favorite artist or musician?

Fleetwood Mac

What is your ideal weekend?

Having a fun time going out or staying in to watch movies. Going out of town.

Other interesting or fun facts?

I'm very short. I'm a fan of getting tattoos. I have 8 tattoos and all but one are some type of flower. I raise a dog with my bf named Daisy (boston terrier). I also have a bearded dragon named cash.
Q/A with Izaiah Sneed
Patient Account Representative

Name or nickname you prefer to go by?


Are you from the area? If not, what brought you here?

I am from Fort Collins, CO. I came here for cheaper living.

Who do you call family?

Mom, Dad, Step-Dad, 4 brothers, 1 sister, my girlfriend, my pets

Hobbies/ Interests/Passions:

I love anything outdoors. Fishing, camping, etc.
Who inspires you and why?

Any cast members from "The Office" but not as actors

Favorite food and favorite restaurant?

Mexican food, Antonios

What is your ideal weekend?

Relaxing with my girlfriend, movie marathons, fishing if it's nice.

Do you have a show or movie everyone should check out?

The Office

Favorite artist or musician: I don't really have one, I love all music.

Other interesting or fun facts?

I have 3 turtles and I caught a 30 ib catfish this year.

Q/A with Tammy Haverick
Recovery Support Assistant

Name or nickname you prefer to go by?


Are you from the area? If not, what brought you here?

Yes, I have lived in the Scottsbluff/Gering area most of my life.

Who do you call family?

Parents, Aunts, Uncles, Children, Grandchildren, Great-Grandchildren, Sisters, Brother, Nieces, Nephews including all in-laws.

Hobbies/ Interests/Passions:

We enjoy all family events, dinners, birthday parties, etc.
Who inspires you and why?

Authors inspire me. They challenge my thinking.

Favorite food and favorite restaurant?

We patronize every Mexican restaurant in town. We keep them all in business.

Do you have a show or movie everyone should check out?

Good Doctor

Who is your favorite artist or musician?

Thomas Kincade

Other Interesting or Fun Facts?

We have a close-knit family and church family and try our best to support them as much as possible.
Q/A with Meagan Eitzen
Collection Specialist

Name or nickname you prefer to go by?

Either Meagan or Meag

Are you from the area? If not, what brought you here?

Born and raised

Who do you call family?

My moms name is Faye, my dads name is Russell. I have a brother named Cade he is 18 and a sister named Aspen she is 2 years old. I am also dating a guy named Derrick and am helping raise his 12 year old son Cayson.

Hobbies/ Interests/Passions:

Reading, Listening to music, Fishing
Who inspires you and why?

My mom because she was a single parent who still gave me the best life she could. She taught me how to be a strong independent woman that works hard for she has.

What is your ideal weekend?

Spending quality time with my boyfriend and his son.

Favorite food and favorite restaurant?

Pizza is my favorite food although Steel Grille is probably my favorite restaurant

Do you have a show or movie everyone should check out?

Grey’s Anatomy is one of my absolute favorite shows.

Who is your favorite artist or musician?

Really just depends on my mood and what I’m listening to