Mississippi FCA
February Impact Report


"We don't want another graduating class in Mississippi to finish without being challenged by the Gospel."  - Bill Buckner


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This pep rally for our FCA staff and spouses happens every three years.  This year's event was in San Antonio. 

Some of our Mississippi FCA Staff at Realtime.
FCA Vision Events
  • 1st Annual Desoto County FCA Breakfast with Bobby Bowden was held on 2/12/15. Over 600 in attendance.
  • 2nd Ole Miss FCA Breakfast with Hugh and Jill Freeze was held on 2/14/15 reaching over 700.
The Bill Buckner FCA Luncheon -
May 1, 2015

This will be the 28th year that FCA has hosted a luncheon in Jackson.  Our board has changed the name of the event to honor the life and legacy of Bill Buckner, our former FCA State Director.  Bill Buckner invested his life in others and used his influence to impact our state for Christ.  Make plans to attend the luncheon and celebrate the work of Christ through FCA in Mississippi.  

Our special guest speaker this year will be Bill Curry
February 2015 

The Mississippi FCA staff desire to see spiritual transformation take place in the lives of coaches and athletes in Mississippi.  We know that spiritual transformation often occurs in environments like Coaches Bible Studies, Team Chapels, and Camps. That is why our staff is committed to both creating these environments themselves and to equipping students and coaches to do the same. For the month of March would you pray specifically for our staff, all our student leaders, and our coaches who are leading in environments where spiritual transformation often occurs?  Pray John 7:38, "Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, 'Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.'"  May living water flow throughout our state!

Here are a few ways that our Lord is working through Mississippi FCA to make an impact in the month of February.  Thank you for your partnership.  Your prayers, support, and service are making an eternal difference in our state.  

God Bless,

Josh Gilreath
State Director
Mississippi FCA

Campus Impact

FCA is all about seeing the gospel impact athletes and coaches.  Gulf Port High School is seeing how a little faith can make for a great impact. 

  • 1 Multisport Huddle reaching an average of 150-175
  • 1 Coaches Huddle reaching 16
  • 5 Team Huddles reaching Football, Boy's Soccer, Girl's Soccer, Baseball, and Girls Softball
  • 7 Small Huddles that are grade and gender specific   

Ministry Highlights
Baseball and Softball Rallies
Baseball & softbal coaches being commissioned.


Across the Southeastern quadrant of our state Mitchell Williams and his team hosted a series of pre-season baseball and softball rallies.  They partnered with churches to host these events. 

  • 7 Rallies
  • 68 first time professions of faith in Christ
  • 41 rededications to the Lord
Students commit their lives to Christ.
College Getaway


On January 30th - Feb 1st we hosted our college getaway.  There were 394 in attendance with 16 schools represented.  While the event itself was powerful it is awesome to see the ongoing ministry that is coming out of the retreat.  Two examples of that are:

Coaches Ministry

Billy Graham said, "A coach will influence more

3-D Coaching

people in one year that the average person will in a lifetime."  Research validates that the coach is the single-most influential and authoritative figure in the life of today's adolescent.  Our Mississippi FCA staff is committed to ministry "to" and "through" coaches.  One part of our coaches ministry strategy is to equip coaches around the state to coach in 3 Dimensions by utilizing a free online curriculum in 3-D Coaching.  Research shows that only about 15% of coaches intentionally coach beyond the 1st Dimension. 



One example of a coaches huddle that is going through the 3-D curriculum is Jackson Prep where 16 coaches have been meeting for the last 6 weeks.  

Mississippi FCA | 601-856-3224 | csoloveichik@fca.org | http://www.mississippifca.org
PO Box 449
Ridgeland, MS 39158