Middle School Meeting
Hello, Middle School Families!

Welcome to the Middle School Meeting recap. I’ll be sending you an email each time we have a Middle School Meeting to give you an overview of what happened. We hope this gives you an easy conversation starter with your student who answers your question, "how was school today?" with "fine". It will also give you a window into the opportunities offered to Middle School students so you can gently nudge and encourage your child to try new things. Enjoy!

You can check out the slides from the meeting here.
Meeting Recap
Ms. Smith and I welcomed everyone to the first MS Meeting of the 2021-2022 school year. We spoke about what happens in MS Meeting (announcements, celebration of student’s lives, presentations by teachers and students) and what we expect from them as an audience (to listen and participate appropriately). We also introduced the BVR Student, which we will talk about each week at MS Meeting and in advisory.
All the Middle School faculty introduced themselves, including what they do at Beaver, and their favorite Beaver lunch. Click here to see pictures of the MS Faculty. In addition, Head of School Ms. Samson shared some thoughts with the Middle School. She spoke about the gift of a BVR education and encouraged students to give back. (Read more below in our "continuing the conversation" section.)
The music section leaders had a meeting today to get ready for the first day of music class—which is next Tuesday! New students will find out about their music ensemble placement over the weekend.
We talked about how phones are often a distraction for students. Our phone policy is:
  • Phones can be used before or after school and in class with explicit teacher instruction.
  • Phones need to be kept in bags (out of sight) on silent with no vibration/notifications. 
On-campus before or after school
  • Students who arrive on campus before 7:55 a.m. (8:55 a.m. on Mondays) will gather on the Bloomberg Plaza. The Dining Hall is open for breakfast; students can get food and bring it outside to eat. In inclement weather, we will move the gathering into Gym A.
  • Students who are on campus after 4 p.m. must be in room 205 doing school work.
Lastly, we spoke about lunch. We hope to eat outside as much as possible! When we eat inside, all of us will refrain from talking while our masks are off.
Ms. Smith and I ran today’s meeting, but usually, a student leads. I asked any MS student who was interested in running a meeting to let me know!
Continuing the Conversation
New this year, our "Continuing the Conversation" section will be an occasional callout in our MS Meeting Meeting Minutes to help foster an inclusive community. This feature will include a prompt for you and your student to reflect on, discuss, and share.
What do you think about the following three statements Ms. Samson shared at Meeting:

  • Changing and growing throughout our lives is central to being human
  • To those who have been given much, much is expected
  • Beaver is the current 'home' of many leaders of tomorrow
Associate Director of Middle School