Sheep Sense    

Manitoba Sheep Association Newsletter
  September 2013
    As some of you may have heard I have decided to step down from
Corie_Arbuckle the MSA effective October 15th and concentrate fully on my other business activities namely communications, website building / management and event management. That being said I will be updating the website for the new MSA representative as requested.
 It's been a pleasure meeting so many of you at our events, and over the phone and I hope there will be opportunities to see many of you again within the agricultural industry. 
See advertisement for Secretary Position below.
Any classified ads can be e-mailed directly to me at




Corie Arbuckle
Manager / Communications

Alison Greaves - MSA Scholarship Recipient
  The MSA was very pleased to present Alison Greaves with a $500 scholarship towards her Agricultural degree. Alison was selected based on her extensive involvement in farming, academic excellence, community involvement, and future career expectations.
Herman Bouw, MSA Chair presented Alison with the award at the dinner the night before the Show & Sale.
August Show & Sale a Success - Rivers, MB

Once again the MSA hosted the Annual Show & Sale at Rivers Rec Centre in Rivers, MB. Over 100 attended the judged show and the Auction where 34 lots were offered for sale.
The night preceding attendants were treated to delicious lamb burgers and enlightened by speaker Gord Schroeder, Canadian Lamb Producers Cooperative and Brian Greaves who spoke on the National Farm Animal Care Council Draft Code of Practice Regulations being proposed. 
Thanks to Directors: Sarah Lewis, Colin Hunter, Herman Bouw and families for their huge part in running this event to help producers improve their breeding stock.
Average prices were:
$310 Ram Lambs
$192.50 Ewe Lambs
$160 Market Lamb
$167.50 Pen of 2
$145 Pen of 5

Prize Winners Winner Name Prize Category 
Youth Mature Ewe Bethan Lewis First 
Youth Mature Ewe 



Youth Mature Ewe 



Youth Ewe Lamb Bethan Lewis First 
Youth Ewe Lamb Billy Goudy Second 
Youth Ewe Lamb Sara Hunter Third 
Youth Yearling Sara Hunter First 
Youth Yearling Bethan Lewis Second 
Youth Yearling Billy Goudy Third 
Youth Showmanship Bethan Lewis First 
Youth Showmanship Billy Goudy Second 
Youth Showmanship Sara Hunter Third 
Pen of two yearling ewes McDonald Farms First 
Pen of two lambs John Sarah, Bethan Lewis First 
Pen of 5 ewe lambs Jo Walker - Furze Farms First 






Ewe Lambs  

Bethan Lewis First 
Yearling Ram Neil Versavel First 
Ram Lamb Suffolk Linda Westman First 
Ram Lamb other Jo Walker First 
Champion Ewe Bethan Lewis First 
Champion Ram Lois Trowell First 
Youth Market Lamb Bethan Lewis First 
Youth Market Lamb Sara Hunter Second 
Youth Market Lamb 



Jackpot Ewe Lamb Lois Trowell First 
Jackpot Ewe Lamb Bethan Lewis Second 
Jackpot Ewe Lamb Tyler Scheirlinck Third 
Jackpot Market Lamb Jo Walker First 
Jackpot Market Lamb Tyler Scheirlinck Second 
Jackpot Market Lamb Lois Trowell Third
MSA Seeking Part-time Secretary

Manitoba Sheep Association is searching for a part time Secretary.
This position will be on an 'as needed basis' at an estimated 4-5 hours per week.


Successful applicant will:

-maintain ledger
-attend board meetings and take minutes -schedule and set-up meetings
- receive mail and distribute it to required persons

- do bank deposits and pay monthly bills
-be proficient with computer
-familiar with excel / word / power point
- familiar with social media twitter and face book - be able to work unsupervised

- receive phone calls and emails on behalf of the organization
- have access to hi speed internet
- be able to accommodate a dedicated phone line for the organization


The ideal candidate will be a self starter that has an office to conduct business from and deal with the day to day running of the MB Sheep Association. You will be some one who is confident dealing with government agencies, the public, the board, and other provincial organizations.


Please email resume with references and expected salary to Mitch Millar, Vice Chair MSA

Only those being considered will be contacted.  

Please reply by: Friday, October 4th, 2013. 



7th Annual Mountainview Show & Sale - Oct 5, 2013


Dauphin Fairgrounds, Dauphin, MB


Once again the Mountainview Sheep Association is planning their annual Fall Sheep Sale along with the Betty Wallace Junior Show. This year it will be held on October 5th with animals to come in on October 4th to go through the culling committee and be properly penned for viewing by potential buyers.


A new addition to this sale will be a feeder pre-sort.  Producers are reminded to have all the animals tagged with official CANADIAN SHEEP IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM TAGS. We cannot accept any animal that is not properly tagged.


Potential buyers can call the sales committee for information about the animals on offer for sale.


Please provide accurate information regarding the breed of animal and the registered name on the entry form. 


Feeder lambs will all be weighed and sorted into appropriate selling packages before the sale. Please contact the sales committee with this information ahead of time, so that the committee can do the best possible job of informing the buyers what we will have on hand.


There will also be fat lambs on offer at this sale and it is imperative that if they are entered in the market lamb jackpot, they be entered properly with the proper fee sent in with the entry form.   Fat lambs entered along with feeders, will not be eligible to enter the market lamb jackpot show, but will be eligible to sell through the regular feeder sale as fats.


Jackpot market lambs will be sold individually, Fat lambs entered as feeders will be presorted and sold in groups.  


Anyone needing to order CSIP tags can do so by calling Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers at 1-800-567-3693 and they will get tags out to you right away. 


Product for offer as of Sept 27, 2013:


      9 Suffolk ram lambs
      1 yrlg Suffolk ram
      1 yrlg Southdown ram
      4 Dorset ram lambs
      1 yrlg Dorset ram
      1 Hampshire ram lamb


      40 commercial ewe lambs, including Dorset, Suffolk, Dorper, Blue Faced Leister, Arcott
        4 purebred Dorset ewe lambs


       8 market lamb entries


       53 feeders

Please contact Virginia Fox for more info: (204) 638-8103 or



Shearing School Sold out - Very Successful
Brian Greaves demos how to fold fleece to CBC Reporter with Brian Shaw, CCWG looking on.

With the demand for shearers high in the province it was exciting to see a sold out school.

Brian Greaves hosted the 2 day hands on seminar at Tony Atkinson's farm just west of Brandon. The MSA has spent the past year investigating options to increase the number of shearers in the province and fully supported 
Hands on Training for Students
Brian in this endeavour. 

Many thanks to Brian and Tony for this successful initiative.
In This Issue
Manager's Report
Scholarship Recipient
Show & Sale Successful
MSA Seeking Part time Secretary
7th Annual Show & Sale Oct 5th
Shearing School Sold out
Coming Events
Livestock Predation Meetings
Mountainview Show & Sale
Our Advertisers

3 in 1 Feeders by Advantage Feeders

 Controlled Feeding limits waste and  controls intake for sheep and lambs as well as cattle, easy to set up and portable.

View our website www.

Contact us: (403) 575-1977

Lakeland Group 
Lakeland Group Logo

 Lakeland Group is the market leader in premium but affordable sheep handling equipment & supplies. 

Whether you need a simple scale to weigh your lambs or a whole crowding tub & working chute, or maybe a nutritional supplement, Lakeland has it all right here in Manitoba ready to deliver direct to your door. Visit our website to find out more or call toll free (866) 443-7444 to talk to one of our knowledgeable experts!

Zubot Welding & Manufacturing
Zubot logo

Zubot Welding and Manufacturing is a family run business that provides people with well built equipment that will last you for years.  

Richard at (306) 682-3252.   

Sarto Sheep Farm

"Our Ewes Grow Your Profit"
We have been raising sheep near Sarto for over 40 years consistently selecting our replacement ewes for productivity and ease of management.  We have over 2000 unregistered straight Rideau and 300 50% Rideau/Ile De France ewes bred to our own Rideau Rams.  Our flock is on a year round breeding cycle and highly prolific, dropping 261% lambs over the last 12 months with very low flock mortality.

If you are interested please email or call 204-434-6456.  We sold out last year so if you are interested please book early.

Find us on

Twin Valley Co-op
Co-op Logo

 Contact: Chris Iverson 

(204) 842-3389 or    

Federated Co-operatives Limited
FCL logo

Federated Co-operatives Limited  - Your source for Feed and Animal Supplies   

Contact Dennis Lonsdale, Feed Plant Manager, Moosomin, SK


 Ph: (306) 435-3331 or  

East-Man Feeds
East-Man Feeds logo
Proud to be a Canadian Family Owned and Operated Business 
Breaking New Ground Since The 1960's 
For over 40 years we have been providing customers of all sizes with Quality Products, Quality Service and Reliability. We are here to help you build your future in the livestock industry and supply all of your needs.

Eastman Feeds provides comprehensive services, including on-farm consulting, animal nutritional information, genetics and breeding advice, and feed equipment calibration.

Tyler LaFreniere
Nutrition Consultant
East-Man Feeds

Tony Atkinson
sheep and goats
Tony Atkinson
Buying Agent for Sheep & Goats

MJ Millar Ranch
MJ Millar Ranch
Suffolk, Dorset, Rambouillet, Texel, Commercial  
Contact: Mitch at MJ Millar Ranch Inc., Lundar, MB (204) 280-0822,,
Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited
Catering to Sheep Producers 
Agricultural Supplies & Tags
Western Wool Depots
(PDF Download)
 1- 800-567-3693
Lethbridge, Alberta

SheepBytes Ration Balancer
Now Available

Forty percent of the cost of bringing a lamb to market comes from feed. SheepBytes is an online tool that helps adjust feeding rations not only to make them cost-effective, but also to provide optimal flock nutrition for sheep in every stage of production.

SheepBytes has been developed and tested by nutritionists, software developers, industry advisors and end users. The program uses the latest nutrition requirement research to help improve the productivity of a flock.

Visit for a free demonstration and to subscribe.


Join Our Mailing List!


Livestock Predation Protection Meetings

Register today for the Livestock Predation Protection Workshop.

If you are a livestock producer, trapper, hunter or landowner, register today to attend a livestock predation protection workshop. They are taking place across the province at the following locations: 


Swan River, Manitoba

Location: Super 8
Date: October 2, 2013 Pre-register Swan River District: 204-734-3429


Ste. Rose du Lac, Manitoba

Location: Ste. Rose Jolly Club Date: October 3, 2013 Pre-register Dauphin District: 204-622-2106 



Mountainview Show & Sale

October 5th, Dauphin Fairgrounds, Dauphin, MB 
Check out the details in the newsletter article to the left.


Advertise Here
Want your business featured on our website and e-newsletter?
$250 per year gives you to top placement on our website, in our newsletter and enables you to promote your business at our Show & Sale and AGM.

Selling Lamb?

If you sell provincially inspected lamb and can provide a certificate to prove this please send us your details. The $250 posted above will provide you with a direct link to our customers. The MSA is regularly contacted by consumers who want to know where they can purchase lamb. Contact MSA. 

Contact Us
Manitoba Sheep Association
63 Clearwater Road
Winnipeg, MB
R2J 2T4
p: (204) 421-9434