February  2016
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ASSOC. Association News

Is Your MSA Membership Renewed for 2016?
MSA Membership is on a calendar-year basis. That means that all MSA memberships expired on December 31, 2015, unless they were renewed for 2016 prior to that date.  We keep January and February as a renewal "grace period"; however, memberships not renewed before March 1, 2016 will no longer receive MSA Member benefits, including suspension of your subscriptions to Microscopy and Microanalysis journal and Microscopy Today magazine, as well as being ineligible for the Member registration fee at the annual M&M Conference.

To renew now: go online for payment with credit card at https://portal.microscopy.org/Renew/ReviewDues.aspx - using your MSA member login, or for payment by check, send an email to AssociationManagement@microscopy.org to request an invoice. 

An email will be sent next week to all Members who have not yet renewed for 2016. If you receive that email, please act quickly!

The M&M 2016 Paper Submission Deadline has Passed! 
The submission site is now closed for submissions to the regular program.
The M&M meeting does allow for post-deadline poster submissions. Post-deadline posters are not included in the program proceedings and are NOT considered "published".  Please go to http://bit.ly/1T3ZSNw for more information.
Hotel reservations for M&M 2016 
will be available as of Tuesday, February 2nd. Book early for the best availability!

Online Registration
for M&M 2016 meeting will open on Tuesday, March 1st.

Let's make 2016 the year of increased Student engagement!  
Enhance your experience, network, and get involved! For more information visit the MSA website http://www.microscopy.org/about/committees.cfm

Mississippi State University's College of Engineering will be hosting a Research Experience for Undergraduates May 31st-Aug 6th. The students will have the opportunity to work with one of  15 participating faculty members whose research projects include topics such as biomaterials, nanoparticles, composites & polymers, and nanocrystalline materials. 
The program will also include professional and development seminars, industry site visits, and GRE preparation workshops.The REU participants receive a weekly stipend, on-campus housing, and a meal allowance. 
For more information about the program, faculty mentors, research projects, and/or to apply on-line please visit the college of engineering website:  www.bagley.msstate.edu/REU/Deadline for application is March 1st.

SCI. Science News
The  MSA Facebook page  
regularly posts Science News for you to read, like, share and engage in discussion with others. Haven't found us on Facebook yet? 

Researchers Use Gold Substrate to Allow for Electron Cryomicroscopy on Difficult Proteins As the research pair note, up till now it's been difficult to learn more about many proteins using electron cryomicroscopy because they move around under the beam, which results in blurry images and difficulty in making measurements. They further explain that the reason this occurs is because of instabilities in the carbon substrates generally used to support samples under the microscope (which are frozen to increase stability.) Read more here...

Self-Assembling Nano-Insulin Could Mean Fewer Side Effects for Diabetics Medication
New research from the University of Copenhagen points to an entirely new approach for designing insulin-based pharmaceuticals. The approach could open the door for more personalized medications with fewer side effects for Type 1 Diabetes patients. Read more here...
A Single Drop of Seawater, Magnified 25 Times
You know when you're horsing around at the beach and accidentally swallow a nasty gulp of salt water? Well I hate to break it to you but that foul taste wasn't just salt. Photographer  David Littschwager  captured this amazing shot of a single drop of seawater magnified 25 times to reveal an entire ecosystem of crab larva, diatoms , bacteria, fish eggs, zooplankton, and even worms. View image here...

How Light Microscopy Forever Changed Scientific Imaging
Previously, the clarity and focus of optical microscopy was limited by the diffraction limit to features larger than about 250 nanometers (nm), which is about half the wavelength of visible light. While microscopists were trying to image very tiny objects inside a cell or other materials, they would still appear large because of optical diffraction. Read more here...

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LAS. Local Affiliated Societies
Local Affiliated Societies News
by Bev Maleeff, LAS Director

There are more than 25 MSA Local Affiliated Societies providing outreach and networking to the microscopy community.  The list of LAS can be found at  http://microscopy.org/communities/local.cfm.

Support your local affiliated society!  Upcoming meetings are:

March 2                             Microscopy Society of Northeastern Ohio (MSNO)

March 10                           Philadelphia Society for Microscopy (PSM)

March 15                           Minnesota Microscopy Society (MMS)

March 24                           Arizona Imaging and Microanalysis Society (AIMS)

March 25                           Oklahoma Microscopy Society (OMS)

April 14                              Indiana Microscopy Society (IMS)

April 21                              Northern California  Society for Microscopy (NCSM)

April 27                              Microscopy Society of the Ohio River Valley (MSORV)

Check the meeting links for additional details.
Invite students & early career scientists & technologists to your LAS meetings and get them involved!

The Philadelphia Society for Microscopy (PSM) is revitalizing its efforts.The first meeting is being held on Thursday, 10 March at Villanova University, with PSM President Robert Carlton presenting a talk on Pharmaceutical Microscopy.  For details, contact Robert at  carltra@aol.com or check the PSM Facebook page (see above).

Mark your calendars!  The 52nd annual meeting of the Southeastern Microscopy Society (SEMS) will be held May 18-20, 2016, in Pensacola, FL.  Please go to  http://southeasternmicroscopy.org/2016-meeting/ for more information.

T ax Webinar:Thank you to everyone who participated in the tax webinar for Local Affiliated Societies held on 18 February.  Special thanks to MSA legal counsel Paula Cozzi Goedert who addressed the meaning of non-profit and not-for-profit, LAS as separate legal entities, benefits of incorporation, federal tax exemption, contracts and related topics.  

Stay tuned for follow-up information in the coming months and at the LAS breakfast meeting at M&M 2016.

As always, feel free to contact me at  beverly.e.maleeff@gsk.com.

Think Spring!


FIG. Focused Interest Groups
Attention all FIG Participants: 
Two Pre-meeting congresses will be sponsored by the Focused Interest Group's at the upcoming meeting in Columbus Ohio.

Exploiting the Diffractive Properties of Electrons for Solving Materials Problems
Organized by Electron Crystallography and Automated Mapping Methods FIG

Essentials of Atom Probe Tomography
Organized by the Atom Probe FIG

Promote your discipline.

Would you like your LAS, FIG, or other MSA Program or Committee to be highlighted in the MSA Update? Do you have an interesting article you would like to share for Science News?  Submit today!