Worthington High School's Adam Koller has been named the second recipient of the 2020 MSBA School Board Member Scholarship! Adam will receive $3,000 to use toward his postsecondary education.

Adam joins Chaska High School's Lucy Browning as this year's scholarship winners.

Applications for the next scholarship will be available in January 2021. Visit the MSBA website for more details.
NEW COVID-19 resource from MSBA!
Get the answers to your most frequently asked questions by accessing the MSBA COVID-19 Questions and Answers resource . The questions in this guide were submitted by board members and superintendents throughout the state. Access this document and other valuable resources on the MSBA website homepage and the MSBA COVID-19 webpage .

Other resources:
MSBA eClippings
Minnesota House Education Finance Division advances measure aimed at protecting hourly school employees’ pay
As the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects stretch on, lawmakers are in ongoing discussions about how best to provide greater protections for hourly school workers.

One proposal, HF4415 , was revisited Tuesday during a remote meeting of the House Education Finance Division.

Sponsored by Rep. Jim Davnie (DFL-Mpls), the bill would require school districts and charter schools to pay hourly employees for changes in school employment practices as a result of COVID-19-related school closures and the conversion to distance learning programs.

During the meeting, considerable focus was given to an amendment that would expand the uses of the regional library telecommunications aid.

The amendment was adopted, and the bill approved on a party-line, roll-call vote. The bill now heads to the House Ways and Means Committee. The companion, SF4369 , awaits action by the Senate E-12 Finance and Policy Committee and is sponsored by Sen. Jim Abeler (R-Anoka).

In addition to providing more flexibility for library aid uses, the amended bill would allow existing funds for programs that aren’t being fully utilized — such as school-aged care and childhood screenings — to be used for other purposes.

Session Daily | View article
St. Paul School Board approves new teacher contract
The St. Paul School Board on Tuesday night approved a new two-year contract with teachers and support staff — a deal that had ended a three-day strike in March.

The unanimous vote followed union ratification of the agreement more than a month ago, and sets the stage for personnel moves in the coming weeks. Board members were pleased to get past what had been a divisive chapter for some.

“Let’s put this contract to bed and let’s move on — but let’s move on together,” board member John Brodrick said.

The strike positioned the state’s second-largest district as the latest entrant in a national #RedforEd movement that’s found teachers walking out for higher pay and, in St. Paul’s case, enhanced student supports.

As part of the agreement, the St. Paul Federation of Educators persuaded the district to dedicate an additional $4.7 million to school mental health teams.

Star Tribune | View article | See related story in the Pioneer Press
MSBA Executive Search Service Job Opportunities
Visit the Superintendent Openings webpage for application information.

Pine River-Backus Schools | Superintendent
Application deadline: April 26, 2020

Application deadline: April 27, 2020
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